Dueling Debt Deceptions

I B Hankering's Avatar
You realize that the fiscal year runs from oct to oct so the last bush budget ended 9-30-2009. I get about 6 trillion for bush and Obama. The chart doesn't include this years debt which will be another 450 Billion or so. The debt chart doesn't include the fact that bush left us with a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit and massive unemployment. Any reasonable person would expect to run a deficit during a major recession. bush squandered the money on an ill advised war, giving the people very little value for their increased debt load. . Moreover, the chart doesn't show that bush turned $250 surpluses in a $1.2 trillion deficit. Obama will leave the next president with a much better economy than he inherited. Originally Posted by drluv1
You'd be a lying dim-retard. The dim-retard Congress did not finalize the 2009 budget until AFTER Odumbo took office and AFTER Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress tacked on billions of dollars in debt. And those "surpluses" you are lying about are equally bogus in that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator postponed payments on government obligations to fall due after W took office -- just like Odumbo is doing with Odumbo care.
You'd be a lying dim-retard. The dim-retard Congress did not finalize the 2009 budget until AFTER Odumbo took office and AFTER Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress tacked on billions of dollars in debt. And those "surpluses" you are lying about are equally bogus in that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator postponed payments on government obligations to fall due after W took office -- just like Odumbo is doing with Odumbo care.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lots of heat (and some light) on Obama's spending | PolitiFact

The article clearly states that " most of the major spending decisions in the 2009 fiscal year were made by bush and the previous congress".

Could delineate the government obligations that were postponed by Clinton. Remember those would have to be after 10-1-2001, the end of Clinton's last budget.

Listen, you stupid CUNT, you should accuse someone of lying when it's obvious you have no clue what you're about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lots of heat (and some light) on Obama's spending | PolitiFact

The article clearly states that " most of the major spending decisions in the 2009 fiscal year were made by bush and the previous congress".

Could delineate the government obligations that were postponed by Clinton. Remember those would have to be after 10-1-2001, the end of Clinton's last budget.

Listen, you stupid CUNT, you should accuse someone of lying when it's obvious you have no clue what you're about.
Originally Posted by drluv1
Did you acknowledge that Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress padded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office? No, your lying-ass didn't.

Did Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator subtract the funds he had obligated from government funds available accounts? No, he didn't. Did your lying-ass acknowledge that he hadn't subtracted those funds in your lying post? No, your lying ass didn't. You're a liar!
Did you acknowledge that Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress padded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office? No, your lying-ass didn't.

Did Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator subtract the funds he had obligated from government funds available accounts? No, he didn't. Did your lying-ass acknowledge that he hadn't subtracted those funds in your lying post? No, your lying ass didn't. You're a liar!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Mark drluv1 as another one in the " I ride with EKIM and assup and love shriLIARy " column. New DOTY candidate ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. Instead of arguing about who increased the debt more, why not work together to to see who can DECREASE it the most?
lustylad's Avatar
This will prove that the Fact and Myth website is not biased. Obama created almost as much debt as President Bush, and this graph proves it. However, he did not create more debt than President Bush. People erroneously imply Obama created more debt than any other President (Reagan created more); however Bush actually created a little bit more than Obama.... Originally Posted by SassySue
Seriously, you need to stop embarrassing yourself by starting so many ignorant threads. I don't have the time or patience to correct them all. But anyone can look up the debt numbers and show you are completely wrong.

National debt increase under Reagan: $1.764 trillion.
National debt increase under Bush2: $4.899 trillion.

National debt increase under Obama through yesterday (7/21/16): $8.730 trillion.

Here are the facts:

Our national debt has already swelled by $8.73 trillion since Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009. That's 78% more than it grew under 8 years of George W. Bush... and we still have 6 months to go! It's also FIVE TIMES (5X) as much as the national debt increased under 8 years of Reagan.


Did you acknowledge that Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress padded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office? No, your lying-ass didn't.

Did Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator subtract the funds he had obligated from government funds available accounts? No, he didn't. Did your lying-ass acknowledge that he hadn't subtracted those funds in your lying post? No, your lying ass didn't. You're a liar!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And how much did Obama congress add to the debt in the winter of 2009? The biggest share of the deficit was still made by bush. Given the dire economic situatution, any president would have had to increase the debt from the bush's wreckless level.
Do you just make stuff up? what are " government funds available accounts".The bush tax cuts of 2001 actually reduced the Clinton SURPLUS. So by you own definition, YOU ARE A LYING ASS CUNT
Seriously, you need to stop embarrassing yourself by starting so many ignorant threads. I don't have the time or patience to correct them all. But anyone can look up the debt numbers and show you are completely wrong.

National debt increase under Reagan: $1.764 trillion.
National debt increase under Bush2: $4.899 trillion.

National debt increase under Obama through yesterday (7/21/16): $8.730 trillion.

Here are the facts:

Our national debt has already swelled by $8.73 trillion since Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009. That's 78% more than it grew under 8 years of George W. Bush... and we still have 6 months to go! It's also FIVE TIMES (5X) as much as the national debt increased under 8 years of Reagan.


http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Originally Posted by lustylad
Wrong! Debt is different than deficit. The percentage of debt that each President added to the deficit is shown in this article. I do my research and a lot of it. You simply look at the current deficit and blame Obama for all of it. Read this article carefully and click on the links within it. You will understand what I am trying to say (if you want to listen).


Percentage of debt by each President:



While Bush's rate of rise was slower, he nearly doubled the US debt ( 86% ) compared to Obama ( 49% ).

By the way, stock are sure doing great under his term right now, are they not?
Seriously, you need to stop embarrassing yourself by starting so many ignorant threads. I don't have the time or patience to correct them all. But anyone can look up the debt numbers and show you are completely wrong.

National debt increase under Reagan: $1.764 trillion.
National debt increase under Bush2: $4.899 trillion.

National debt increase under Obama through yesterday (7/21/16): $8.730 trillion.

Here are the facts:

Our national debt has already swelled by $8.73 trillion since Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009. That's 78% more than it grew under 8 years of George W. Bush... and we still have 6 months to go! It's also FIVE TIMES (5X) as much as the national debt increased under 8 years of Reagan.


http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Originally Posted by lustylad
Here is the big picture. Both presidents added a lot of debt. Bush actually added more debt percentage wise than Obama if you take into account the full picture and not just the current numbers. Take a look at this article. It shows the percentage of debt that each President added. I do a lot of research and please do not call me stupid. You are just looking at a few pieces of information.



Supply-side economics is outrageously dishonest. The supply-siders didn’t even mind conning their own man Reagan. The tax-cut “theory” only actually applied to the rich. So the plan was to cut tax rates for the rich in half, which they did. To get this through they had to cut taxes for the middle class some too, but they counted on inflation pushing the middle class back into higher tax brackets. But cutting the top bracket had a permanent effect because there is no higher bracket to get pushed into.

So not only was cutting taxes to raise money crazy, it was just a deception to cut taxes for the richest and then use the deficits to force cuts in services for the middle class and the poor. The Republicans have almost all gone over to the supply side now, and many, like Reagan, have been brainwashed into believing it. G.W. Bush claimed he would “retire nearly $1 trillion in debt over the next four years. This will be the largest debt reduction ever achieved by any nation at any time.” I think he actually believed that.

When the Voodoo started, that’s exactly when the debt went out of control. And 20 out of 20 budgets can’t be an accident. Especially when you consider that Clinton was handed a Voodoo budget headed in the wrong direction, stopped that, turned it around and ended up with the debt reduced from 66% to 58% of GDP.

Notice how the debt accelerated during Bush’s last two budget years. Obama’s debt is a continuation of that trend and neither Bush nor Obama are directly responsible for that acceleration. It happened because of the recession. (Bush was responsible for the turn-around from surplus to deficit soon after he took office, but not for the impact of the recession on the budget.) Nonetheless, Bush set the all-time record by increasing the debt by $1.1 trillion in 100 days between July 30 and Nov 9, 2008—but that had little to do with his choices.

Recessions cut tax revenues—in this case, dramatically. That accounts for nearly half of the deficit. So blaming Obama for the full deficit is like blaming him for not raising the tax rate to keep tax revenues up. Most of the increased spending is automatic increases in unemployment benefits, food stamps, and social security payments for early retirement. Very little of it is from stimulus spending, and that’s over.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And how much did Obama congress add to the debt in the winter of 2009? The biggest share of the deficit was still made by bush. Given the dire economic situatution, any president would have had to increase the debt from the bush's wreckless level.
Do you just make stuff up? what are " government funds available accounts".The bush tax cuts of 2001 actually reduced the Clinton SURPLUS. So by you own definition, YOU ARE A LYING ASS CUNT
Originally Posted by drluv1
You'd be the "lying ass cunt" that misrepresented the fact, jackass. Odumo and the dim-retard Congress larded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator obligated federal dollars that he didn't subtract from the balance sheet, you lying POS.

Wrong! Debt is different than deficit. But you'd be the ditsy bitch that entitled this thread "Dueling Debt Deceptions" The percentage of debt that each President added to the deficit is shown in this article. I do my research and a lot of it. You simply look at the current deficit and blame Obama for all of it. Read this article carefully and click on the links within it. You will understand what I am trying to say (if you want to listen).


Percentage of debt by each President:



While Bush's rate of rise was slower, he nearly doubled the US debt ( 86% ) compared to Obama ( 49% ). You can deflect and misrepresent all you want, but when you're comparing W to Odumbo, it's obvious Odumbo's debt increase is nearly twice that of W's.

By the way, stock are sure doing great under his term right now, are they not?
Originally Posted by SassySue
You'd be the "lying ass cunt" that misrepresented the fact, jackass. Odumo and the dim-retard Congress larded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator obligated federal dollars that he didn't subtract from the balance sheet, you lying POS. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
One more reason you cannot blame Obama for all of today's deficit. Who signed the bank bailouts into law? George W. Bush. It didn't really take effect until Obama took office and it's still ongoing. Two articles below prove this. If you are willing to read. The articles below indicate that Bush passed TARP into law before Obama took office and that TARP is still ongoing in one form or another, and still adding to the deficit.

Was TARP Passed Under Bush or Obama?


The Total Cost of the Bank Bailout


So, in essence, this part of the deficit belongs to Bush, since he signed TARP into law during his administration. Get my drift?

Yet, because the bank bailouts were implemented during the Obama administration, Obama gets blamed for that part of the deficit! Very few Americans are aware that Obama did not sign the bank bailouts into law, Bush did.

If you cannot understand this fact, then you are the one being stupid, not me. Anyone that believes Obama created the huge debt problem we have now all by himself is crazy or stupid. Bush has a lot to do with it, and I mean a lot! You cannot possibly think Obama did it all by himself. As I said before, they both added to the deficit, and many of the policies that Bush signed into law were already in place when Obama took office. The deficit actually shrunk for a while, but I read recently it has gone up again. You are the one not looking at all the facts. You only take pieces of information to suit what you want to believe. I even agree that Obama has added a lot to the deficit. I do not agree that he should take the entire blame for all of it. You are going to believe what you want to regardless of what I have to say, so I am done here.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It doesn't help to try to place blame on Bush or Obama. They are both guilty. They are both corrupt. We need to spend our energy figuring out how to reduce the debt, rather than complaining about who increased it. One thing about Trump, he has spent his life in an industry where coming in early and under budget is rewarded. That's the exact opposite of the environment Hillary comes from. There's a chance, albeit small, that Trump will demand more value from the taxpayer dollar spent than Hillary.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One more reason you cannot blame Obama for all of today's deficit. Who signed the bank bailouts into law? George W. Bush. It didn't really take effect until Obama took office and it's still ongoing. Two articles below prove this. If you are willing to read. The articles below indicate that Bush passed TARP into law before Obama took office and that TARP is still ongoing in one form or another, and still adding to the deficit.

Was TARP Passed Under Bush or Obama?


The Total Cost of the Bank Bailout


So, in essence, this part of the deficit belongs to Bush, since he signed TARP into law during his administration. Get my drift?

Yet, because the bank bailouts were implemented during the Obama administration, Obama gets blamed for that part of the deficit! Very few Americans are aware that Obama did not sign the bank bailouts into law, Bush did.

If you cannot understand this fact, then you are the one being stupid, not me. Anyone that believes Obama created the huge debt problem we have now all by himself is crazy or stupid. Bush has a lot to do with it, and I mean a lot! You cannot possibly think Obama did it all by himself. As I said before, they both added to the deficit, and many of the policies that Bush signed into law were already in place when Obama took office. The deficit actually shrunk for a while, but I read recently it has gone up again. You are the one not looking at all the facts. You only take pieces of information to suit what you want to believe. I even agree that Obama has added a lot to the deficit. I do not agree that he should take the entire blame for all of it. You are going to believe what you want to regardless of what I have to say, so I am done here.
Originally Posted by SassySue
Try again, Suzy Simpleton, because it's you and your ilk who are trying lie about what part of the debt is attributable to Odumbo and absolve him of all responsibility by claiming the 2009 budget was wholly W's, when in fact it wasn't finalized until Odumbo larded it with pork after he took office. Plus, your ilk also lyingly claims that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator left a large surplus while ignoring how Slick Willie had already obligated that money and did not subtract that sum from the on-hand cash ledger before he left office.
You'd be the "lying ass cunt" that misrepresented the fact, jackass. Odumo and the dim-retard Congress larded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator obligated federal dollars that he didn't subtract from the balance sheet, you lying POS. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I find it funny you calling clinton a sexual predator on a HOOKER BOARD!
You were clearly wrong when you originally pegged bush's portion of the debt at 4.5 trillion. In order for that to happen you would have had to count from 9-30-2008 when OBAMA WASN"T EVEN ELECTED yet! By your own definition, That makes you a lying CUNT! You then said that the Clinton surpluses, clearly the CBO disagrees with you. That makes you a STUPID LYING CUNT! Then you make up somethng called " the government funds available account". A google search of that term reveals no exact matches. That makes you a STUPID DISHONEST LYING CUNT!

It's clear you are deranged, Have you tried a mental health professional?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I find it funny you calling clinton a sexual predator on a HOOKER BOARD!
You were clearly wrong when you originally pegged bush's portion of the debt at 4.5 trillion. In order for that to happen you would have had to count from 9-30-2008 when OBAMA WASN"T EVEN ELECTED yet! By your own definition, That makes you a lying CUNT! You then said that the Clinton surpluses, clearly the CBO disagrees with you. That makes you a STUPID LYING CUNT! Then you make up somethng called " the government funds available account". A google search of that term reveals no exact matches. That makes you a STUPID DISHONEST LYING CUNT!

It's clear you are deranged, Have you tried a mental health professional?
Originally Posted by drluv1
You are clearly the deranged, lying fucking cunt when you didn't acknowledge how Odumbo and the dim-retard Congress larded the 2009 budget AFTER Odumbo took office, and it's truly pathetic how you think a predatory workplace harasser and accused rapist is anything like the typical hobbyist.

Furthermore, you Kool Aid sucking prick, the U.S. Treasury department reports that the national debt stood at $5,735,197,779,458.19 just one week before W took office, and it's well known that those CBO estimates were based on the data they were given by the administration, and everyone knows that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was disbarred for perjury, you Kool Aid sucking prick.