A message to the group of hookers that constantly bitch and complain about screening.

Agent220's Avatar
Ironic as it sounds being an African American male with both ancestors who were slaves off the boat and a Freeman with his own business during late slavery and Reconstruction, Tree's position doesn't bother me. I'm in a place of mind where at least Klan, bigots and etc let me know where they stand at the table. It those that claim to "not see color" or the issues in America that disturb me more for those people are more likely to be in charge of industries such as banking, housing, Human Resources, board of education, jury pools, law enforcement and beyond.

To humor Tree briefly, the privilege of saying white power was taken away when those before chose to use Christianity for evil, wear white hoods and terrorize my people from using disenfranchisement to the drawing of blood and taking life of those with melanin in their pigment. The notion of using your skin color as a sense of superiority is just ignorant.

Tying This all back into the original thread screening as well deposits, no AA policies, etc etc etc, simply vote NO with your wallet and keep it moving to the next.

Thank you Tree, you gave me a good read in my downtime after work.
Thank you, Miss V. I was about to come out of the woodwork on this one and go all "woke black woman" on this thread, but you literally took the words off my fingertips.

PS, I might be secretly crushing on you. Maybe just a little bit 😉
squiretuck's Avatar
Hell I always crush on Ms. Valentina! Beauty and smarts! I wish I was young enough to fuck her brains as well as that sweet bod, too!! What an awesome woman!
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar

You are correct screening is not complicated. Things are made complicating when a guy contacts a lady who cleary has her screening process laid out and refuses to follow it or he simply trys to bypass it all together. That is the guy making things difficult. Send me a pm with your references and shit all in the first email and quit making things a big deal. You dont want to screen cool go elsewhere. Otherwise leave my time to the serious clients who follow directions and book properly. I will agree some ladies do have crazy screening processes but its none of my damn business nor does it affect me. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Just to chime in, and not trying to throw gasoline on any fires, but I'd point out that some of us do indeed read the ads and if we're not comfortable with screening, bypass it...so, to that point, there are really three subsets of interested clients:
1) People who realize what's needed and provide it.
2) People who are trying to pull one over on you (as you mentioned above)
3) People who read the ad, realize what is being asked, and move on without contacting - I happen to fall into that group myself.

So, if you find yourself getting frustrated sometimes, just realize that there are more of us reading and respecting the boundaries than you may realize, even through you may be flooded with #2 (pun intended).
HunterGrace's Avatar
On one hand, I agree with the poster, on another hand, the lady who skips screening doesn't get a second chance to learn her lesson if she gets killed by a psychopath. Then again, if someone really wants to kill you, screening won't stop them, they will just have to spend a little bread with at provider who sees newbies and gives references, then he can schedule with the girl he wants to kill and voila, screening didn't save her.

Screening should be like quality control. I screen those who give me pause and raise my dander.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Just to chime in, and not trying to throw gasoline on any fires, but I'd point out that some of us do indeed read the ads and if we're not comfortable with screening, bypass it...so, to that point, there are really three subsets of interested clients:
1) People who realize what's needed and provide it.
2) People who are trying to pull one over on you (as you mentioned above)
3) People who read the ad, realize what is being asked, and move on without contacting - I happen to fall into that group myself.

So, if you find yourself getting frustrated sometimes, just realize that there are more of us reading and respecting the boundaries than you may realize, even through you may be flooded with #2 (pun intended). Originally Posted by Luvdatpuddy

You as a hobbyist get to pick and choose who you want to see and you also dont have to send info you dont want to.

The frustrations are coming from these guys who know what we require but do not provide it after contacting us. If a lady has her screening requirements listed and you dont want to send them that's ok...you just do not contact her. Do not send a PM to a lady and say I see what you need for screening but 1. I dont have what you need 2. I have it but I wont provide it or 3. I'm a good guy you can trust me, see me anyways, I'll pay extra etc. Also do not send the same lady a message a few days later bothering her again after you've been told what to provide. This is shitty.

We are mad at the guys that write us.. the ones we have to stop what we are doing to open a message from a dipshit who isnt following directions. The ones that have to have their hand held and walked through the process, the one that waits til the 3rd messages to play dumb or to then tell you he doesnt have what's required or will not send anything else in place of.

The message we are trying to get out is to not contact someone period who requires something that A. You wont provide or B. That you dont have. It's really that simple. Those are the ones that are the problem.

The #1 guys are perfect, they make booking quick and painless and get rewarded greatly bcd.

The #2 guys are screwing shit up for everyone.

The #3 guys are fine. You dont want to screen which is your right yet you dont bother us by sending a PM when you know you wont give us what we need. You clearly respect our boundaries and arent being an asshole by trying to get around them. Respect and a huge thank you for actually reading and not being bothersome.
Dev Null's Avatar
Gals, please continue to "bitch and complain about screening" whenever you feel like it.

For a lot of us, the joy of hobbying is that it's consensual, which means that we have a participant with a certain amount of enthusiasm, depending on how we play our hand.

When we are willing to meet the lady at her comfort zone, the payback can be astounding.

If we're not, then payback is a bitch. Besides, who wants to see someone that doesn't have standards? It sends the message that anything goes, and most of us don't want just anything.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I'm excited with the female interest in this thread so let me make this promise. I will help you help yourselves so let's get started.

An example BL listed was potential client #1. You need to ask yourselves why you don't always attract this type of man. Desirable men just like me.

What are the other ladies who don't get mad and doing what you are not doing? Is it the 24/7 365 negativity?

You also need to find out why you can't attract more repeat customers. This would really be a huge game changer. Ask yourself why not?

Then there are #2 and #3. You need to ask yourselves why you get so angry at these groups. You can't control everything that happens to you but you can control your reaction.

Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale like you are blowing out birthday candles. Do this several times and then respond and you won't be so angry.

You also need to consider that #2 and #3 have money too and they might turn to a #1. I suggest giving these guys a chance. Nothing bad is probably not going to happen. Take a chance!

Lastly, if you don't want to take my business advice then perhaps your screening method is absolutely terrible. Talk to some of the hookers that are happy and find out what they do differently.

I need to go right now but when I do return I want to share with you a story. A story of hope.

Remember. I'm on your side.
winn dixie's Avatar
delusional as usual.. BL has been successful for a very long time. Has a stellar rep. and is friends with many providers on this board.
Now on the other hand you stalk rub and tugs in your parents station wagon while eating half price donuts. You have no friends here and post nothing but spam.
I do not think there is a bigger difference in 2 peoples reps than the difference between you and BL..
CryptKicker's Avatar
Please keep the comments civil without the insults and the rude remarks.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Mr. Dixie Have you ever even seen a provider from the looks of it you’re reviews don’t look like it
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Crypt everything that comes out of Dixie’s mouth is rude and uncalled for
Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm excited with the female interest in this thread so let me make this promise. I will help you help yourselves so let's get started.

An example BL listed was potential client #1. You need to ask yourselves why you don't always attract this type of man. Desirable men just like me.

What are the other ladies who don't get mad and doing what you are not doing? Is it the 24/7 365 negativity?

You also need to find out why you can't attract more repeat customers. This would really be a huge game changer. Ask yourself why not?

Then there are #2 and #3. You need to ask yourselves why you get so angry at these groups. You can't control everything that happens to you but you can control your reaction.

Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale like you are blowing out birthday candles. Do this several times and then respond and you won't be so angry.

You also need to consider that #2 and #3 have money too and they might turn to a #1. I suggest giving these guys a chance. Nothing bad is probably not going to happen. Take a chance!

Lastly, if you don't want to take my business advice then perhaps your screening method is absolutely terrible. Talk to some of the hookers that are happy and find out what they do differently.

I need to go right now but when I do return I want to share with you a story. A story of hope.

Remember. I'm on your side. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Well for starters unless you are the one booking my appointments, screening my clients or the one sucking their dicks your bullshit theories are just that. The ramblings of a dude who has no idea what so ever about the day to day workings of being a hooker.

Since you again seem to know so much about my clientele let me school you real quick. First off a large part of my clients are utr. They dont get their rocks off like some of you guys do here with the typical dick swinging contest. They dont post because they are here for one thing. A specific service that I provide and that's it. They want to bust a nut and go back to life. They dont live for eccie! They dont care to post reviews or feel the need to get all up into the drama like some of you have the hunger for.

I attract great clients with that comes a handful of dipshits. There is not one single provider that this doesnt happen to. I'm just not to scared to post about it and dont give two shits what you or anyone thinks about me. I'm not scared of speaking up against trolls like you. I'm not scared nor fear intimidation because I spoke up about something that others won't. My reputation has already been earned years ago I'm not worried about opening my mouth. I'm not going to lose it because I spoke up against you who is the last person that most would actually take seriously.

As for repeats clients that's my bread and butter. These arent the guys that fuck up. They follow directions and get rewarded greatly. Many get great incentives for their loyalty. Again shit you dont know about.

Oh trust me the other ladies are plenty mad they just choose not to post out of fear that trolls like you who will try to start some shit. That some of the keyboard warriors around here will go on q crusade to stir up shit. You just dont hear about it in coed, those things are kept behind the scenes because of threads just like this that you felt the need to create. You know to tare down a group of loud mouth hookers who dont care one bit what you say about them.

I dont need the business of the #2 or #3 clients. If you dont follow my rules I dont have the desire to spend a second with you. I turn down money all day long. Thats the great thing because I'm the one in control of my business. You arent paying my bills or keeping me safe so you have no say what so ever about how I do business.

This is not my main source of income anyone who knows me personally knows I have my own business. That allows me the flexibility and comfort I need. I do this because I really enjoy what I do and it's bonus money for me (free money I bought my car with, shop with, spend on stupid things). So you need not worry about my finances.

As I've already said before I dont want or need your business. My screening also works perfect. I have never been shorted or ripped off, I've never been raped or assaulted, it has stopped guys who have been blacklisted from getting through after creating new alias, it has stopped sexual predators from getting through and keeping dangerous guys out of my home. The rest I can take care of my self, I'm a big girl and this is Texas after all protect yourself and your home. I do very well and if my business wasnt working I would not still be around. I've been successful since back in the aspd days and I'm still putting lots of money in the bank. So maybe save your advice for a hooker that doesnt have her shit together because I'm sure as hell not slipping up anywhere.
Crypt everything that comes out of Dixie’s mouth is rude and uncalled for Originally Posted by Ambree Austin

I disagree.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Well go look at the post he left on my reviews never even met the man and he makes up lies about me so to me whatever comes out of his mouth is well crap