Obama supporters renew vows to murder Mitt Romney

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-21-2012, 11:58 AM
"most conservatives focus on hysteria and non-existent issues"

Painting with a pretty broad brush, Anne. Just saying...

Originally Posted by davidsmith0123
Just painting by the numbers you so called conservatives spit out.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Wow. 'Anne,' you appear to have changed your identity....

Seriously, I have met Anne and was just making a comment for her. She seemed quite reasonable -- while clearly partisan -- and I wondered about her post, as it seemed to me rather extreme. Personally I have no problem with anyone's political position if it is well reasoned. Anyway, my post probably should have been a pm to Annef. My bad.

But ... Mr WTF, I would like to meet you in person some day. Probably will never happen, but if so we could discuss so many things. Manners, for instance. You seem to have missed out on some "home training," as the Texians say. Maybe I could help?

I was hoping for a public conversation with Anne. Maybe some others might join in. But absent that, I'm out of here. You all have a good day.... doing whatever you do for fun. I trust you do lighten up and have fun at times? Talk to your fellow Americans? Or maybe when you all get together you practice preaching to the choir?
  • Annef
  • 10-22-2012, 07:31 AM
"most conservatives focus on hysteria and non-existent issues"

Painting with a pretty broad brush, Anne. Just saying...

Originally Posted by davidsmith0123
Okay, I qualiffy the statement, most on this board.
  • Annef
  • 10-22-2012, 07:54 AM
Actually, I don't qualify that. I give you, the birther movement, the is obama a muslim movement, uhh, this thread and any thread started by ACP (I'm sorry, we've met and you seem like a nice guy, but on this board, you really seem like you're off your rocker). Uhh, oh yeah, and all the gnashing of teeth among tea partiers and the like about the new health care plan, which was based off of Romney care and an almost similar health care plan was put forth by a republican in 1989. Remember all the hysteria over that one? Yeah, me neither. I mean, the numbers crunch, insurance companies love it, it will stop people from getting medical care without paying for it. It actually will create less waste (from what I have heard and read), but it has somehow become this partisan, grandstanding issue with "I'm gonna pay for you, blah, blah, blah. Well, guess what? You already are. Health care is not market driven. If you can't afford a porsche, you're not buyign one. If you have a heart attack, your ass is getting health care, bottome line. And when your ass walks out ofthat hospital with no way to pay, that hospital foots the bill and in turn gives that expense right back to the consumer. That's just one huge example of something, I think, is a non-issue,, should be anyway. I'm rambling. It's early. I hate to use a Jon Stewart term, but when he nails it, he nails it. There is just a lot of cognitive dissonance around the ideas and culture of the Republican party because the party itself panders to the lowest common denominator and refuses to grow.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-22-2012, 08:01 AM

But ... Mr WTF, I would like to meet you in person some day. Probably will never happen, but if so we could discuss so many things. Manners, for instance. You seem to have missed out on some "home training," as the Texians say. Maybe I could help?
Originally Posted by davidsmith0123
''Probably will never happen..''?

You know it will not happen, that is why you are talking shit about trying to teach me manners. But you can see how that training might have gone for you if you bend over and have one of my fellow Texans fron austin kick a boot off in your ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Most, if not all, presidential assassinations or attempts have been perpetrated by left wingers or nut jobs. Check the history.