You make an appointment... Who's suppose to follow up?

If set in advance the day before. Morning of and an hour b4. If the 1st two get no answer ill assume its a no go

Same day just an hour b4.
micktoz's Avatar
Because I travel a lot, I make some appointments weeks even sometimes a couple of months in advance. I always check in to reconfirm at least a couple of times at different amounts of time out, the day before and the day of.
My time is important to me and I take my time as my responsibility regardless of what the providers methods are.
I've never had a NCNS, which is a testament to the quality of the ladies I see and taking responsibility for myself.
I have had the day of call saying that medical issues have happened or other personal problems but never radio silence.
  • anita
  • 03-22-2016, 04:29 PM
Pre-book, then send her a friendly text/email/pm the day of the meeting. I always follow up, I appreciate when the gent does as well.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-22-2016, 06:27 PM
I would have to say that if you made the appointment then you should be confirming it
Lots of good info in this thread. I'm usually a short notice kind of guy. This makes it difficult to see some of the ladies here. I did a next day schedule on Monday for Tuesday morning. Got a PM late Monday requesting I text my number so she could save. Didn't get it until the following morning. Sent as soon as I saw the PM. Nothing but crickets. Still haven't heard back from my texts or additional PM's from prior to scheduled time. Still debating on posting a ncns.
tornado82's Avatar
The worst NCNS's are when I'm right slap in the hotel parking lot, and the provider doesn't call or text back with the room number.
Lauren Lane's Avatar
I like to confirm the night before or the morning of. When the appointment is initially set, I let my friend know when he can expect confirmation from me.

If she didn't confirm, then you should have a few hours before the meeting was scheduled. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn

I use the same protocol as Laura!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The worst NCNS's are when I'm right slap in the hotel parking lot, and the provider doesn't call or text back with the room number. Originally Posted by tornado82
You know what is a bit worse than that?

Is when you've PAID for a hotel room, the guy has confirmed and confirmed a second time, you're there. Ready. And spent your last few bucks on the room.

And he doesn't show up. Nothing. Not an apology. Nada.

That is the worst. And it happened a few times to me when I was newer in this game.

Well, there is WORSE, I suppose. But that is a really sucky situation. So is yours.

pmdelites's Avatar
I always ask the gent to confirm a couple of hours before our appt. If he's a new friend, thats when I will send my address/directions. If I don't hear from him I assume it's a no go. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
great answer Kendall !!

imho, it's both parties' responsibility !!!

the client should find out what the confirmation protocol is. and then follow it.
the provider should state what the confirmation protocol is. and then follow it.

i've been canceled on cos i didnt reply back when she wanted me to. sometimes cos i forgot, sometimes cos she didnt tell me & i didnt ask.

communication (both ways) is key.
that's why they call this "intercourse" :^}
Laura Lynn's Avatar
My time is important to me and I take my time as my responsibility regardless of what the providers methods are. Originally Posted by micktoz
Well said sir
micktoz's Avatar
Well said sir Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Thank you dear Lady.
LovingKayla's Avatar
From a business perspective in the real world, it is the providers responsibility to confirm just like a doc office would. Technically it is simply being considerate of your clients. However, there are many situations where the client must be the one to confirm if there is restriction on providers calling their phones.

The statement that the time is the clients is only half the equation. It is also the providers. Truly business minded providers will always confirm in one way or another or request a call at certain time to confirm. If contact can not be made then cancellation is assumed and the provider or client moves on.

This is simple courtesy folks not rocket science.
Gnostalgia's Avatar
My appointment confirmation etiquette is clearly spelled out in my p411 profile. When the appointment is agreed on i reiterate that procedure saying if i do not hear back within 30 minutes thete is no appointment. It's clear to both parties.
In my experience it depends on who is hornier, first. I usually follow up the night before or morning of, but sometimes I have a message waiting for me to make sure we're still on
GingerKatt's Avatar
I can very rarely accommodate short notice appointments, so I prefer booking at least a day in advance, even several days or weeks. I even have a few out of town gents that prebook a couple months in advance, when they know they'll be here for business.

For all the appts that are more than 4-5 days in advance, I ask them to email me every few days, or I email them, just to keep in touch. And it's fun to flirt, and talk about all the HOT things we're going to do!
And I always remind them to confirm their appointment a couple hrs in advance.

For EVERY appt, I ask that they text or call me, 1-2 hrs prior to our date, to confirm that they are still able to make it. If for some reason they don't, (it's very rare), then I attempt to contact them. If I can't reach them I will then call or text and say, "I'm so sorry you didn't confirm, you must have gotten too busy for today so I had to cancel your time. You're welcome to try one more time if you like". I do give 2 chances, no more.