Big bills or small bills???

berkleigh's Avatar
I prefer small bills.
I can't tell you how many times Starbucks WILL NOT take a $100 bill in the morning and I am not very nice if I don't get my coffee.

Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
The only problem I find when you break a hundred the next thing you know it like I knew I had a hundred?? Lol then it's oh ya I got gas had dinner and bought a shirt and bam it gone...?? Lol.. Isn't that life? But as I said it all goes and blows away like the rest..I like a mixture because I'm the stashing type... So I love the days one does big and the other small.. I guess it's don't bit the hand that feeds u.. (Spoken to not be taken literally)
GingerKatt's Avatar
I prefer small bills.
I can't tell you how many times Starbucks WILL NOT take a $100 bill in the morning and I am not very nice if I don't get my coffee.

Originally Posted by berkleigh
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You are SO RIGHT Berkleigh! After an active day, I frequently want to order out Chinese or pizza. Very few can break a hundred. So I guess some small bills are necessary, like half the donation. But all hundos occasionally is ok too, helps me save for the next months rent better.
CG2014's Avatar
Speaking of small bills, I go to strip clubs and I always get $100 bundle of brand new $1.

Then the next day or so I am using the remainder, usually 85% of it to pay for groceries or pizza delivery and people will look at me the same way when I hand them a $100 billl.

Or the many times I use self check outs and stand there and pay the entire amount with $1, feeding them in one at a time and people in line behind me look like they want to be my best friends.

Or sometimes I will have a bunch of $2 bills from going to Baby Dolls. You should see people's facial expressions when they get those.
Randall Creed's Avatar
People look at them ($2 bills) as if they aren't real. I remember seeing them as a kid, and even now, they still don't 'look right'.

There was a SC I went to that only dealt out $2 bills, basically forcing the guys to tip them out, or bring in their own $1's.

I'd rather pay in big(ger) bills, because of ease of handling, and less bulk.

Before one appointment, I went to one ATM that only gave me $10 bills.
I prefer small bills.
I can't tell you how many times Starbucks WILL NOT take a $100 bill in the morning and I am not very nice if I don't get my coffee.

Originally Posted by berkleigh
This was my concern...100's spend but many won't break them...20's work everywhere
Someone said that a mix is a good fix...I like that idea..
We need to meet up again
Papacorn's Avatar
All those singles in my wallet make my ass look too big .
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
Lol popacorn that to funny.. Barkley then there's the being a waitress you get lots of ones.. When I origin ally said that I was in my feisty mood..