Would it Really Be so Wrong?

Yes there are other sites, but this sites seem to be more co-ed forum active then the others so i think it would cut down on complaints or just searching through endless forums which only allow to give only the limited detail about the actual person.

I think it would be a good idea for the ladies to know how gentlemen treat their partners when in private before they meet for the first time. But, you can already find much of that with a little research. Read our reviews and posts. See who we have seen in the past on P411 other boards. And, Date-Check gives you the ability to give us a little rating scale with "highly recommended", "recommended", etc.

BTW, I really like it when a lady has read my reviews and has some idea of what I like before we meet for the first time. Just like I have done before I even contact her to set up an appointment. Originally Posted by Woodford
I'm not talking about rating the client on how he was in bed or what he did or likes sexually. Just more so giving a simple yes or no recommendation and maybe a side note of pros and or cons. (Was he On time, Did he not show, does he have smokers breath, his initial demeanors, is he shy, is he more outgoing, was he oto agressive for your cup of tea, etc)*

It would seem to cut down on providers contacting other providers when screening, and waiting however long for the provider to get back with you just to give you a yes or no,or just cut back on wasting time on trying to jog the providers memory on weather she remembers him or not.


Some of us guys are polite, clean, gentle, and generous.

But we're not much to look at, and probably not very exciting in bed.

This group......the bulk of potential good paying clients out there....would be doomed forever to mediocre ratings. And, Ironically, these are the guys who are going to care the most about your opinion of them, and try the hardest to do things right. A long string of "mediocre" ratings would be far more disheartening to me than an occasional bad review, because no matter how hard I tried I would have this constant reminder that I'm just "meh".

I would probably just quit. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
But p411 has it and date check, so are those sites bad as well?

Sure pay to see me then you can write a review.

Otherwise provders writing reviews are merely just a way to suck up to already regular clients......so the review wouldn't be needed anyway.

I wouldn't see a lady who regularly reviews clients. Not everyones business whether. Have seen you or not or my service tendencies. Its useless. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I'm guessing there are more immature ladies you guys are worried about. But im saying it would be more organized to just click on the hobbyists profile and see how many yes's and no's he has verses trying to scroll through the alerts to see if you can find the hobbyist your looking for.


and not only that, half the alerts are bullshit, from both sides.. if a lady wants to say something about a guy, there's avenues for that. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If that's the case then every provider should not screen, correct?

It wouldn't bother me at all but I think the thing that prevents it is hobbyist purchase your time and you don't. Thus the review. Originally Posted by burkalini
In that sense, yes it is weird, but as far as this particular business providers screen. Grocery stores and resturants do not screen. Anyone can walk into a grocery store not attended to buy anything or just steal. And with a restaurant anyone can walk in and be a pain in the ass to the server, always trying to get a free meal, and never attended to tip the waitor. Which can happen with providers. Which is why some screen, and I think screening would be more efficient if hobbyist can be reviewed on here.

Not reviewing anything sexual. Just a simple yes or no and any pros and cons( was he on time, Did he have smokers breath, was he too agressive, did he try to haggle you once met, etc. )

Or will this merely be a double standard issue?

I think the easiest way to put it. When you go to a store/restaurant see a movie or anything that someone reviews for say other customer/clients. The store/restaurant doesn't review the customer/client that would be weird. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
I thought getting an OK on preferred411 was a green light for a client. If you are a bad client you would not get an OK. Also when a lady looks up your references would they not call them or text them
As well for more information. I thought the ladies just used a word of mouth system.
I dont know, im old fat and bald, just how many no reviews would i get just on that basis, sometimes we hobby just to be with the type of girls that eould never go out with us in the first place, you know, the fantasy. So, if our looks, ( except hygiene) and performance is left out and your just reviewing on politeness etc. Then ok
awl4knot's Avatar
I'm not talking about rating the client on how he was in bed or what he did or likes sexually. Just more so giving a simple yes or no recommendation and maybe a side note of pros and or cons. (Was he On time, Did he not show, does he have smokers breath, his initial demeanors, is he shy, is he more outgoing, was he oto agressive for your cup of tea, etc)

It would seem to cut down on providers contacting other providers when screening, and waiting however long for the provider to get back with you just to give you a yes or no,or just cut back on wasting time on trying to jog the providers memory on weather she remembers him or not. Originally Posted by Seductiveaddiction
I've seen provider references that gave some of this information, but I understand "OK" generally means he's (1) safe, (2) clean, (3) respectful of boundaries, (4) does not haggle, (5) leaves of time and (6) not morbidly obese. Every once in awhile you'll get a heads up if the guy is a super client but mostly you get the basics and you can fill in the dots later.

A review implies a much more detailed and qualitative analysis of a person. Providers don't have the time or inclination for this.
James1588's Avatar
There is a California board that allows providers to verify clients' reviews. I suppose this might lend more credibility to clients whose reviews are verified. But I have a feeling that there is no capacity or desire to set things up so that providers can review hobbyists on this site. Either way, a few hobbyists on here are rather transparent about their crude personalities. For me, when thinking about compatibility and potential for mutual pleasure, communication style can mean as much or more than physicality and notions of "good" or "bad" performance. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
I think this is very much on-point. One ugly thing about ECCIE is that it's very much by and for the client, not the provider. So I'm pretty sure that clients aren't ever going to be reviewed here.

Myself, I would have no problem with being reviewed. Not because of my stellar sexual performance, either, since it is in fact rather pathetic; but because I know that what the provider community is interested in is clients who pay without issues, and who are safe, respectful, cheerful, don't try to overstay, don't try to test boundaries, and are grateful; and I actually do well in all those areas.

Finally, yes, I agree that numerous jerk clients who enjoy posting here are constantly reviewing themselves by what they write. So there's that.
In that sense, yes it is weird, but as far as this particular business providers screen. Grocery stores and resturants do not screen. Anyone can walk into a grocery store not attended to buy anything or just steal. And with a restaurant anyone can walk in and be a pain in the ass to the server, always trying to get a free meal, and never attended to tip the waitor. Which can happen with providers. Which is why some screen, and I think screening would be more efficient if hobbyist can be reviewed on here.

Not reviewing anything sexual. Just a simple yes or no and any pros and cons( was he on time, Did he have smokers breath, was he too agressive, did he try to haggle you once met, etc. ) Originally Posted by Seductiveaddiction
What your referring to at he end is something ladies should be doing with their clients screening them. That is done with either verification sites P411 etc. or thru references. I used to believe at one time that provider should be able to comment on reviews but since then I have seen the error in that.
gimme_that's Avatar
The extra stuff that these ladies feel they need to know is why some provders only strickly provide refs info through email only?
1. How does he tip?

2. Does he take a long time to cum? Does he cum quick.


The providers are too afraid to ask the client himself based on perception........so they feel they can ask 21 questions to his reference. She doesn't need to give you sex tips.....figure some of this stuff out on your own.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Wouldn't work. Providers have less rights than clients. Money over pussy. Cash is king. Providers...well we're just suppose to show up, suck a dick, and leave. Complaints are not welcomed.
I think, as I said before I believe, that it is a double sided sword.

On one end it is appealing to be able to check certain detailed information.
Was he late? If so how late?
Did he cancel before? If so how many times?
Did he push the boundaries of that providers comforter levels?
Was he polite and clean?
Did he go above and beyond?

All of these bullets go beyond “is he okay” For most ladies “okay” simply entails that he did not become violent and he was not a legal complication. He fallowed the basic “rules” However the “okays” do not detail if he made them feel comfortable. If he was rude. What one provider is okay with during a session (or would tolerate) another may not feel comfortable doing so. It could help match up the right provider with the right client. For every type of client there is a provider out there for him, and vise versa.

On the other side of this hot topic debate. One or two jilted ladies irritated they did not receive the above and beyond or whom are simply irritated the client wanted to see other ladies could easily falsify information. Unlike a lady who can usually bounce back from an unpleasant review a gentleman is less likely to find a quality provider with one or two negative situations. This can cut into the income of not only the provider posting the review but the future providers declining the gentleman because of it. Too many ladies will hesitate for fear of their reputation. Further more, if a gentleman is inclined to bring a gift for one, he may feel beholden to bring for another. Worse, a lady may become irate he didn't do as much for her as he did for the last lady. The gentlemen would feel pressure to preform better than the last “reviewed” client of hers. This causes a whole slew of issues in itself. If he is stressed about performance he is less likely to preform. OR he may overcompensate and “over” preform leaving the lady raw and displeased with the experience in all. It might perpetuate all the things we ladies dislike about reviews to a whole new level. Imagine gentlemen B determined to be your “longest running” performer? Your wallet might prosper but your health will suffer. Instead of a relaxing experience for the pair of you it fast becomes a competition. Some gentlemen may even fear contacting a lady they like because that lady does reviews and he fears what he offers may not quite make the mark. Even if what he offers is enticing in it's own right. Unique to him and ultimately a wonderful experience the lady loses out on.

The point is. No matter how you twist the coin, reviews on either side has it's benefits and drawbacks.
I agree that ECCIE is client centered. I don't even think it's an ugly thing. It's rather obvious. I somewhat understand why providers reviewing clients may be helpful. I just think it would be an uphill battle and not the most strategic to depend on this site for those purposes.

Personally, I don't have any desire to share verbose commentary on clients I've seen. Also, providers' reviewing clients wouldn't serve as a short cut for thorough screening. P411 already has a relevant system set up. And I learned a tough lesson about solely depending on P411's system after seeing a client who had several dozen Okays, and then learning he had alerts elsewhere.

An age-old tactic, intuition, coupled with making the most out of modern technology works for helping me discern who I should or shouldn't see.

I think this is very much on-point. One ugly thing about ECCIE is that it's very much by and for the client, not the provider. So I'm pretty sure that clients aren't ever going to be reviewed here.

Myself, I would have no problem with being reviewed. Not because of my stellar sexual performance, either, since it is in fact rather pathetic; but because I know that what the provider community is interested in is clients who pay without issues, and who are safe, respectful, cheerful, don't try to overstay, don't try to test boundaries, and are grateful; and I actually do well in all those areas.

Finally, yes, I agree that numerous jerk clients who enjoy posting here are constantly reviewing themselves by what they write. So there's that. Originally Posted by James1588