African American Democrats

actually only 3 politicians switched parties after the civil rights bill was passed.

Strom Thurmond, September 16, 1964, 88th Congress.

Albert Watson, February–June 1965, 90th Congress.
he was noted as the last known segregationist to run for office. Watson resigned his seat as a Democrat on February 1, 1965, and then won a special election as a Republican on June 15, 1965.
Harry F. Byrd, Jr., 1970, 91 Congress - as Independent.

this one changed party later in life.
Phil Gramm, January/February 1983, 98th Congress
Gramm resigned his seat as a Democrat on January 5, 1983, and then won a special election as a Republican on February 12, 1983

the following changed party before entering congress.
Thad Cochran, 1967, ran 1st office as republican not as democrat.
Jesse Helms, 1970, ran for senate as republican in 1972. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
My quote was Southern Dems who switched after 1964, not in 1964, not in office at the time of their switch. I used officeholders because of their name recognition, but included the non-recognized too.