This is the latest right wing conspiracy by Trump

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 10:10 AM
Some Democrats hope this will tank the economy, kill a bunch of people, and cost Trump the election.

. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Don't forget Libertarian's!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Some Democrats hope this will tank the economy, kill a bunch of people, and cost Trump the election.

It actually has a shot at being the cause of his demise - no one can say just yet.

They will not be happy unless Trump is removed no matter the cost. Originally Posted by friendly fred
His demise has been in play since his first day and he brought it all on himself.

This country is not going to give that incompetent lying bastard another term. Who ever wins the Dem scrum will win 2020. So you want Bernie?

Then you crossover and vote in operation chaos.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The loyalist aren’t concerned, the fat lying bastard insinuated there’s a miracle coming.

Fuck that! I’m taking precautions Originally Posted by Jaxson66

No, he insinuated that warmer weather is coming and I don't think that qualifies as a miracle.

Will it recede like the flu does come warmer weather? I have no idea.

Add it the list of things probably better left unsaid but that isn't why people vote for Trump. It's because of the people you saw on stage at the last debate as to why people vote for Trump.
lustylad's Avatar
The latest "theory" is the OP of this thread is a cuck.

And that's no hoax!!
Why is everything a conspiracy to some people?
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Because... they are cock sucking liberal faggots!
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 01:04 PM
In response - it is possible that warmer weather will reduce the coronavirus spread and effects. It is a family of viruses that includes the common cold - and may behave in some similar fashion.

Of course, the Fascist DPST's will always pervert every statement Trump makes to their own ends, regardless.

And cannot see how foolish they are in doing so.

j666- I am qualified to make that statement. I have more than a 2 week educational training program in my fields of endeavor.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
His demise has been in play since his first day and he brought it all on himself.

This country is not going to give that incompetent lying bastard another term. Who ever wins the Dem scrum will win 2020. So you want Bernie?

Then you crossover and vote in operation chaos. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

for once you are right just not in the way you think. his demise was in play by the leftanistas the day after he won. they would have started the day before but they were convinced HildyTard would win.

the leftanistas immediately began rambling about various crimes to impeach Trump. before he was even sworn in. how do you commit a "crime" before you've committed a crime? though crime? " i thought about committing a crime". okay. bahaaa

and i find your constant rantings that "this country" is not going to re-elect Trump. i'm quite sure you thought "this country" wouldn't elect him in the first place. how'd that turn out for ya sparky?

best of all is your fervent belief that "anyone can defeat Trump". is that like throwing a hail mary blindfold and facing the wrong way on the field? lol.

Trump can lose re-election. butt to contend "anyone can defeat him" is beyond stupid. it's blind faith at it's worst.