What happens when you show weakness?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Explain what the fuck that comment means, Ignorant fuck?

Is POTUS a bastard?

Are you calling him "boy?"

What are you tying to say? You keep repeating the same racist mantra over and over.

Heneforth, you shall be known by your gay porn name ... The Great Cornholio!

Originally Posted by rioseco
Thats why the "Bastard Boy King" has busied himself emptying Gitmo for over six years. Nothing is a coincidence with the Emperor. He is constantly giving everything away. He wants us to have no pride, no influence and no credibility around the globe.

Where have you been these past six years Yssup ?
Has your head been up his rear the whole time that your Daddy spewed shit from his mouth ? As for "Boy", that is what he is. A child filled with contempt for all things America. Riddled with selfishness and egotistical designs. Angry and vane in his acts.He only wants to play(golf and campaign) or throw temper tantrums. Its his way or he will stop play and take the ball home. What a tired ass half-white pussy !

"America is not exceptional, Islam is one of the worlds great religions, America is not a christian country. Let me apoligize to the world for all the wrongs we have committed. We are not at war with islam" On and on and on..............

It has been a nonstop act of kissing ass with leftweird nut jobs, dictators and special interest groups. Geeez,you cant be that ignorant. Pull your head out of his ass and watch the last two seasons of the Obama Show.

If we must continue to suffer thru it, and you are going to swallow it by the trough full, then either pay attention or stop the lying and denying Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
AssupIdiot, you just got another bitch slapping. Well done, Rioseco.
Well....let's see. How much do you want to bet Gitmo is not in the hands of Cuba in the next year?

Annnnnnd wtf is the problem with us eventually giving it to them? Originally Posted by WTF
What's the problem with us keeping it for the "eventual" future? Seems that it's come in handy. It's a war prize and the rent is cheap.

Exactly what position of strength do they have over us? They need us more than we need them. Originally Posted by cowboyinjungle
I believe JD's point is that Obama is a lousy negotiator. Other than tropical land (location), there's nothing Cuba has that we can't get anywhere else: cigars, rum, LBFMs. Obama shouldn't entertain insulting counteroffers or premises...but he is...and his lackeys unconditionally back him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you want to get technical I guess Obama is a bastard as his parents were not legally married when he was born or afterwards. Seems that dear old dad was still married to his wife in Africa which would have rendered any marriage in this country to be invalid. So, yes, Obama is a bastard.
rioseco's Avatar
If you want to get technical I guess Obama is a bastard as his parents were not legally married when he was born or afterwards. Seems that dear old dad was still married to his wife in Africa which would have rendered any marriage in this country to be invalid. So, yes, Obama is a bastard. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I am damn certain that anyone who read my earlier post is certain that, yes I am calling Odoofus a bastard. Why would this be puzzling or hard to understand for Yssup ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We interrupt this RWWipe reach around to revisit the incredibly thoughtful and well presented points presented by the Great Cornholio:

OK, so you said the President was an illigitimate child. Backed up by JDIdiot and "Omeyned" by IBHomo. I'm sure that's exactly what you meant, Cornholio.

You're also saying that he's acting juvenile. And because he's half-white (your words, dildo), you're not callin' him BOY, as in Boy, fetch me my mint julep! Right, Cornholio? Nooope. Swing and a miss, asshat.

Then you strung together bumper sticker sound bites, the ones you generally find in RWWipe squawking points (most of them out of context) to try and prove your point. Quite delicate, Cornholio. Strike two!

However, please explain to us all -- and I'm sure some of you fellas can help him out on this -- how America is a Christian nation.

Is that what Jesus said when he appeared to the founding fathers and gave them the fucking constutition?

You sound like someone stuck an entire Tea Party Patriot right up your BUNGHOLE.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you want to get technical I guess Obama is a bastard as his parents were not legally married when he was born or afterwards. Seems that dear old dad was still married to his wife in Africa which would have rendered any marriage in this country to be invalid. So, yes, Obama is a bastard. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Prove it. This crazy birther bullshit isn't any more true today than when you first started spewing it on the board, JDIdiot.

The only thing Democrats can agree on is that you and your ilk are fucking nuts!

Ding, ding, ding! You win the prize for figuring out what Obama hasn't....Cuba has no position of strength other than what Obama gives them. As a negoiator Obama is just as bad as being a president. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ding, ding, ding!! You win the prize for posting the stupidest things. Just as I thought, you have nothing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We interrupt this RWWipe reach around to revisit the incredibly thoughtful and well presented points presented by the Great Cornholio:

OK, so you said the President was an illigitimate child. Backed up by JDIdiot and "Omeyned" by IBHomo. I'm sure that's exactly what you meant, Cornholio.

You're also saying that he's acting juvenile. And because he's half-white (your words, dildo), you're not callin' him BOY, as in Boy, fetch me my mint julep! Right, Cornholio? Nooope. Swing and a miss, asshat.

Then you strung together bumper sticker sound bites, the ones you generally find in RWWipe squawking points (most of them out of context) to try and prove your point. Quite delicate, Cornholio. Strike two!

However, please explain to us all -- and I'm sure some of you fellas can help him out on this -- how America is a Christian nation.

Is that what Jesus said when he appeared to the founding fathers and gave them the fucking constutition?

You sound like someone stuck an entire Tea Party Patriot right up your BUNGHOLE.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Odumbo Sr. was a bigamist, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM; thus, making his marriage to Stanely Ann Dunham invalid, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Hence, Odumbo Jr. is a 'bastard' in every sense of the word, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
Explain what the fuck that comment means, Ignorant fuck?

Is POTUS a bastard?

Are you calling him "boy?"

What are you tying to say? You keep repeating the same racist mantra over and over.

Heneforth, you shall be known by your gay porn name ... The Great Cornholio!

BTW -- if you're new here, enjoy the landscape. it's littered with bullshit and its streets are paved with hatred and hypocrisy.

As you will quickly find out, this is a tea party reach around forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you need help asswipe I know a good shrink
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you need help asswipe I know a good shrink Originally Posted by gary5912
I am sure you know several. Which one is the electrician?
rioseco's Avatar
We interrupt this RWWipe reach around to revisit the incredibly thoughtful and well presented points presented by the Great Cornholio:

OK, so you said the President was an illigitimate child. Backed up by JDIdiot and "Omeyned" by IBHomo. I'm sure that's exactly what you meant, Cornholio.

You're also saying that he's acting juvenile. And because he's half-white (your words, dildo), you're not callin' him BOY, as in Boy, fetch me my mint julep! Right, Cornholio? Nooope. Swing and a miss, asshat.

Then you strung together bumper sticker sound bites, the ones you generally find in RWWipe squawking points (most of them out of context) to try and prove your point. Quite delicate, Cornholio. Strike two!

However, please explain to us all -- and I'm sure some of you fellas can help him out on this -- how America is a Christian nation.

Is that what Jesus said when he appeared to the founding fathers and gave them the fucking constutition?

You sound like someone stuck an entire Tea Party Patriot right up your BUNGHOLE.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup, I swear I am truly LMFAO !
You truly are a mental midget, but a very funny one at that. The humor is in your irony and in the audacity of your post. Symantics my dear BOY, simply symantics !
Let us assume that you are either totally stupid or totally ignorant, I prefer the first.

The founding fathers of this nation built it on a foundation of belief in GOD. That is correct, GOD ! Kind of erks you doesn't it ? Not a belief in Buddah, not a belief in Allah or Zeuss or any other paganistic fixation but GOD. Now God being a "CHRISTIAN" deity would obviously denote a chrisitian foundation for this nation. As much as your queer "Bastard Boy Queen" would enjoy it, you cannot rewrite history to your own liking. Well atleast not without the help of your beloved Hollyweird and Commie Media. So there it is, in words that even a simpleton such as you can understand or DENY !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So there it is, in a words that even a simpleton such as you can understand or DENY ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Never underestimate Assup's lack of ability to comprehend.
rioseco's Avatar
Never underestimate Assup's lack of ability to comprehend. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Y tu Brute' ?
No really you are correct, he is who he is !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup, I swear I am truly LMFAO !
You truly are a mental midget, but a very funny one at that. The humor is in your irony and in the audacity of your post. Symantics my dear BOY, simply symantics !
Let us assume that you are either totally stupid or totally ignorant, I prefer the first.

The founding fathers of this nation built it on a foundation of belief in GOD. That is correct, GOD ! Kind of erks you doesn't it ? Not a belief in Buddah, not a belief in Allah or Zeuss or any other paganistic fixation but GOD. Now God being a "CHRISTIAN" deity would obviously denote a chrisitian foundation for this nation. As much as your queer "Bastard Boy Queen" would enjoy it, you cannot rewrite history to your own liking. Well atleast not without the help of your beloved Hollyweird and Commie Media. So there it is, in words that even a simpleton such as you can understand or DENY ! Originally Posted by rioseco
You total idiot. GOD was Jewish concept long before the time of Josh Josephson.

Same Guy. Same book.

You expose your dangerous hillbilly mentality with every racially, ethnicity and religion-base statement you make.

You give ignorant fucks a bad name.

And, once again, it's tedious pounding you day in and day out, Cornholio. Can't fix stupid. so maybe you just ought to go back to the shortbus forum.

You are the least interesting man in the world...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Y tu Brute' ?
No really you are correct, he is who he is ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Another misused cliche.

You are truly a water head.

But are you "half-white?"
