While I agree with everyone here that huskerman23 is a waste of oxygen and bandwidth, I find it interesting that Blue has appointed himself the moral authority with how to treat one another on this board........
12blue4u's Avatar
Obviously I have misjudged you all. Kay I am sorry but ignoring does not prevent someone from spewing abhorrent posts.

"If we banned everyone on this board that was a troll or posted something you think is unacceptable then there would be a lot of folks banned on this site."

Ummm I think it is more than me who consider violence against women is not acceptable on here. Oh yea. Pretty much most of America. Well other than trailer parks. My apologies to the trailer park lobby.
There are these things called laws around here. You may have heard of them. They say we are supposed to not hit people, call for their death, or engage in general mayhem or destruction of other people. Exception:certain government related endeavors.
Silly me.

If being the appointed moral authority to stand up to the " we have rules and a point system" to what is unacceptable....damn right I am standing up.

So keep on hiding behind those "rules" mods that no one knows who or where they came from.

Here is one more thing and I will not even charge you a consulting fee.
You can get their IP address and shut that off. They do it all the time on other sites. Yea I know they can get around that. Posters please spare me your dribble on "well you know they can use their phones, ipads etc".

Off to Farmers Only got to find that bar and talking dog.
I find it odd that someone criticized Blue for "appointing himself the moral authority on this board". I've read his posts for years and if I was going to judge his politics, I would have thought him Libertarian. He is always telling people to handle things themselves, watch out for their own interests, etc. So, if Blue, who always expects us to take care of ourselves is calling for us to watch out for someone else, it must be WAY past the time when the rest of us should have asked for the same thing.

I also think that calling Huskerman a troll elevates him. His actions here single him out into a category, perhaps unnamed, but certainly below, 'troll'.

And, the comment about freedom of speech was inaccurate as well. Inciting to riot is not protected speech. Yelling, 'Fire', in a crowded movie house (when there isn't a fire) is not protected speech. The protection of any right ends when the exercise of that right interferes with another person's rights. This certainly qualifies.

When I try to evaluate situations like this, I imagine what the fallout would be if the worst happened. What if someone, incited by Huskerman's comments, committed an act of violence against a woman? What if it resulted in that woman's death? And then, what if all of America found out about this forum and how we had listened to the threat and done nothing? Granted we don't have the power to remove Huskerman, but I think it's important that we voice our feelings as Blue has done. How would someone who was silent or spoke up for Huskerman feel then? And wouldn't the excuses by the mod about why he couldn't do anything look ridiculous then? The mod would sound like the Nazi's of WWII, "I was just following orders."

Blue, after reading your intelligent handling of this situation, I'm surprised that you didn't quote this:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

Although it is quoted often enough to seem almost cliche, despite it's concise summation of reality, and does repeat the same idea that your other quotes did.

Blue, I salute your courage for standing up for what (I believe) was the right action in this circumstance. And I hope you consider all that has been said against you as a feather in your cap for having, "done the right thing".
Totally by chance, I had joined another website this morning and was going through the help figuring out how to use the site properly. As I was perusing the help I came across this:
Under what circumstances will an account get deleted?

We reserve the right to delete accounts if, in our sole discretion, deletion is in the best interests of our site, our community, or our users.

I just thought it was interesting given this discussion.
I find it odd that someone criticized Blue for "appointing himself the moral authority on this board". I've read his posts for years and if I was going to judge his politics, I would have thought him Libertarian. Originally Posted by scarletp
Re-read my post. "moral authority on how to treat one another on this board." I said nothing of his politics. Blue is regularly insulting new users of this board, and even seems to think that he has the right to tell people when to post NCNS information. Irony indeed.
Bacon Lover....I guess you never heard of Chaplinsky v New Hampshire(US Supreme Court 1942)
So a case about a person starting a riot, cursing at police, who was then arrested, and had the Supreme Court rule "...has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.." that roughly translated means you dont have the right to say crap that has zero value and is only stated to flame tempers while in public, somehow supports your idea he can post anything he wants in a private forum?
I understand why youre upset blue. I think huskerman has rubbed every single person on this board wrong at 1 time or another . But hes like that old racist grandpa that hates everyone and hes GOING to say something really fucked up and piss everybody off. And u know this going in so u cant take anything he says too seriously LOL.
until he actually does something to get banned or acrue enough points to get banned.. theres really not much the mods can do .. thats opening pandoras box and would create a vaccum clusterfuck that would create a bigger problem than huskerman himself. If we start banning people we dont like .. all of us would be banned by someone else.
Just ignore him babe... getting a rise out of people is exactlywhat he wants.. im pretty sure hes not here to make friends ya know what i mean?

That is one of the most mature and well thought out posts in this thread. You are wise beyond your years.

That is one of the most mature and well thought out posts in this thread. You are wise beyond your years. Originally Posted by GullyFoyle
Ty gully i have my moments lol
So a case about a person starting a riot, cursing at police, who was then arrested, and had the Supreme Court rule "...has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.." that roughly translated means you dont have the right to say crap that has zero value and is only stated to flame tempers while in public, somehow supports your idea he can post anything he wants in a private forum? Originally Posted by Baconlover surely refutes your statements that the first Amendment only applies to governmental issues and the establishment clause...blah blah blah...same thing with NYTImes v Sullivan...not government regulated at all, but First amendment based.
12blue4u's Avatar
Kay and all sorry for my late response but I got diverted back into the hospital Yes I can hear some of you clapping. The problem is dear old grandpa's shit was only heard in grandmas house. And grandpa did not get to spew his vile crap on here. Should ISIS be allowed on here????
So what is so hard for anyone on here to take a stand against violence against women???
Mods included.
Scarlet I thank you and be prepared to take it for standing with me. Sorry this is going to be short as they put me back on some meds that really are not fun. Fun meds I know all about.
Maybe there should be a rule no mention of violence against women. But it's a grey area.. if we have that rule and somebody goes to post an alert about a guy that pulled a gun or robbed them... technically that would be forbidden bc it mentions violence against women.

Personally... I'd rather have the assholes run off at the mouth and show me what type of person they are so the ladies that do their homework know not to book with them. And yes it has been useful in the past looking at a potential clients post history.... if they seem like a mysogenistic asshole... I know not to waste my time.

Hope you are doing okay blue. Don't let the trolls get to u when there's more important things to worry about. He's really not worth the energy or emotion it takes to hate someone.
DallasRain's Avatar
Blue is right.....Violence against women is NEVER a good topic to be made light of.....

we all just need to get along and do what we are on here have fun and find somebody to fuck!

Huskerman go get ya sum babe and have fun!!!
I'd rather have the assholes run off at the mouth and show me what type of person they are...

Right you are Kay. I've decided against seeing some providers because of the personality they show on forums. It's a good screening tool for all of us. How we personally interact is as important and the menu on offer.