I think one of the hardest things, at least for me, is to allow someone to have a bad opinion of me. I want to defend myself. I want to explain why they’re wrong. I want to convince them that I’m a good person and I’m worth liking.
I don’t want my reputation left in their hands.
But the truth is. The very, very hard-to-swallow truth is that I’m not in control of their opinions about me. I’m not in control of the view they have of me, the light they choose to see me through and unfortunately, even what they say about me to others.
Peace is letting go.
Peace is accepting that they’re entitled to their feelings about me, whatever that may be.
They have every right to not like me. They have every right to not choose me, or to label me as the villain. They don’t have to forgive me or give me grace.
My reputation is who they think I am. My character is who I actually am, so I’m going to apologize when I’m wrong. I’m going to get back up when I fall down and I’m going to learn as I grow through this very messy life as a very messy person. I’m going to do everything I possibly can to keep my heart pure because I believe that’s the whole point of it all so they can have their opinions, but peace is mine.