Michael Avenatti for President?

TexTushHog's Avatar
Democrats are way too smart to elect an ass like him as their nominee. Plus, electing Trump should scare anybody off electing anybody else with zero qualifications. And Avannati is am;ost as unqualified as Trump.
HobbyLobbist's Avatar
Democrats are way too smart to elect an ass like him as their nominee. Plus, electing Trump should scare anybody off electing anybody else with zero qualifications. And Avannati is am;ost as unqualified as Trump. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
If the dims are as smart as yorself, i wouldn't bet on it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Top prospects, ranked by their chances, are probably 1. Elizabeth Warren; 2. Kamala Harris; 3. Amy Klobuchar; and 4. Corey Booker. Avennatti isn’t in the top ten. His ods are lower than Mark Cuban and Tim Steyer’s odds. A lot lower.
TexTushHog's Avatar
If the dims are as smart as yorself, i wouldn't bet on it. Originally Posted by HobbyLobbist
Your boy arrested for domestic violence today.

It would be entertaining should a Beto and Warren ticket run against Trump. Can you imagine Trump debating 2 white people pretending to be Mexican and Indian.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It would be entertaining should a Beto and Warren ticket run against Trump. Can you imagine Trump debating 2 white people pretending to be Mexican and Indian. Originally Posted by bill sins
I'm glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this.. I'm already choking on my laughter!
mtabsw's Avatar
Looks like we'll be seeing more of Stormy Daniels dancing for dollars in the local SCs.
  • grean
  • 11-15-2018, 02:05 PM
Top prospects, ranked by their chances, are probably 1. Elizabeth Warren; 2. Kamala Harris; 3. Amy Klobuchar; and 4. Corey Booker. Avennatti isn’t in the top ten. His ods are lower than Mark Cuban and Tim Steyer’s odds. A lot lower. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You don't think Beto's senate run was a DNC trial run for 2020?
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 11-15-2018, 06:19 PM
You Beto believe it ! Running mate ? Maxine or Ocasio?
Chung Tran's Avatar
You Beto believe it ! Running mate ? Maxine or Ocasio? Originally Posted by Ashi
Kamalla Harris at the top of the ticket, Beto will be her running mate. I'm telling you that's a winning strategy. a strong legal mind, mixed Black/Indian Woman, paired with a young RFK apparition? how can that fail?

Biden, Clinton, Sanders? yawn.. yesterday's news. Warren? please.. Hillary's little sister. NO.
billw1032's Avatar
Of course I wrote the OP somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I never really expected that Avenatti would be a serious candidate. Regarding the others that have been listed, I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe democrats should listen to Michael Moore. He finally said something that I actually agree with:
Democrats are way too smart to elect an ass like him as their nominee. Plus, electing Trump should scare anybody off electing anybody else with zero qualifications. And Avannati is am;ost as unqualified as Trump. Originally Posted by TexTushHog


The first five words of that sentence just might be the funniest ever strewn together on this board perhaps EVER.

What else ya got?
TexTushHog's Avatar
You don't think Beto's senate run was a DNC trial run for 2020? Originally Posted by grean
It certainly wasn’t originally. And he was deadly serious about winning, though he fucked up tactically about eight to six weeks out, IMHO.

He raised his profile, obviously, and became, quite surprisingly, a huge fund raiser. I was present at a couple of early fundraisers and they were planning to raise money online, but not that kind of money.

I think he keeps his powder dry; doesn’t endorse, or endorses late; and sees what the future holds. I think he’d make an excellent VP candidate to someone who already has a lot of government experience and doesn’t need someone at the bottom of the ticket to add gravitas. But other than Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, or Uncle Joe, I think the nominee is going o be someone younger who WILL need gravitas.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 11-16-2018, 12:37 PM
Kamalla Harris at the top of the ticket, Beto will be her running mate. I'm telling you that's a winning strategy. a strong legal mind, mixed Black/Indian Woman, paired with a young RFK apparition? how can that fail? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I've been saying the EXACT same thing for days now.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I've been saying the EXACT same thing for days now. Originally Posted by Crock
Nope. If Harris (four years in the Senate) is at the top, you want someone with more DC experience in the number two spot to balance the ticket. Think Sharrod Brown or Warren. Or someone who has held a governor’s job, Maybe Duval Patrick.