FBI shuts down myredbook

Even if all adults, its easy to prosecute for criminal enterprise (or called racketeering in some states). And anyone associated even if no other crime alledged individually, is a felony for "association". Then ever time money traced is another money laundering charge. All felonies. Very serious prison time, in one case in AZ up to 70 years for some of the Temple Tantra folks raid and 36 arrests 3 years ago in Phoenix and still in the Court.

I posted a much more details of this at
Post 69 to a direct question about money laundering
Solitaire's Avatar
@Majesty, thanks Love, for sharing this!

And who knew that underage girls = undeclared taxes?

Followed a trail of links and found an article that stated the FBI shut the site down on suspicion that they were laundering money from illegal activities related to prostitution.
That's the probable cause they are going to use to try to convince a judge to shut it down for good.
I support investigations in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves... but am thoroughly disgusted when resources for one are surreptitiously used for another.
@Majesty, thanks Love, for sharing this!

And who knew that underage girls = undeclared taxes?

I support investigations in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves... but am thoroughly disgusted when resources for one are surreptitiously used for another.
Originally Posted by Solitaire

No problem!! I came across that news article on facebook today and I was like WTF?!! Like seriously I'm thinking of retiring now or just disabling my account temporarily.

Be safe out there everyone!

Here is a great link and if you scroll down you can read the indictments that was files and all the legalize,,
Cpalmson's Avatar
This line of discussion isn't going to last long, please work your comments around the clearly stated rules on THIS site.

http://www.eccie.net/announcement.php?f=5 Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Chica has a valid point about the rules. I think, though, in this case the spirit of what is being posted does not violate the intent of the rule even though it may violate the letter of the law (no pun intended). Tread lightly, but I think we can continue the discussion as it was intended.

Be careful; LE is active-- regardless of their motivation.
If society was serious about putting an end to sex trafficking they would

1. Legalize and regulate prostitution to separate the chaff from the wheat. Make women get a 90 day sex worker's permit. Set an age requirement, require proof of citizenship, throw a clean drug and STD screening in for good measure. Those of us who can meet those criteria can go about our business. Those who can't are the ones that LE should be focusing on anyways, and requiring permits makes it easier to identify them.

2. Patrol truck stops and conduct frequent stings there.

3. Bust AMP's early and often. If all the women have a sex worker's permit, that is fine and dandy. If even one woman on the premises is undocumented, shut the place down and charge the proprietor with human sex trafficking.

If LE wanted to focus on underage women, they should spend more time looking where they are most likely to uncover such activity. But its not really about that. That is just the buzz word used to garner support from a public that has become largely indifferent to grown ups doing what grown ups have been doing since we were living in caves.

I have the indictment Dated 6/24/2014

The indictment was filed underseal but I have it legally, but don't want to give too much detail.

Nothing whatsoever to do with under aged.
Owner and a well known Phoenix escort named

Mann Act
Plus 24 counts of money laundering with details of 24 money transfers each just under $100,000.

Forfeiture of about $5.2 million of identified assets mostly cash in various banks and credit unions.

From following Phoenix State cases, often there will be superseding indictments to come from all the records collected at the original place of arrest or where ever search warrants have been issued. This might add many more defendants or more counts to original.

I'm from Sacramento this is the only review board for our region that was popular at all

If your here using eccie or p411 just keep screening your fine.

California is notorious for lack of screening , low rates, pimps etc.

Make no mistake the takedown of rb is more associated with the owners lifestyle than really caring about prostitution arrests. Surprised it took them this long I've personally been reviewed there since 2005.

I've even had clients ask me what backpage is. Northern California hobbyist are heartbroken lol
Re: Redbook Indictment
Correction NOT the Mann Act but
Interstate Travel in Aid of Racketeering Enterprise ("The Travel Act" similar to Mann Act but not the same)
The Mann Act was first passed in 1910 and was "The White-Slave Traffic Act" It is named for Congressman James Robert Mann.

Originally it was limited to the "transport" of any women or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery or immoral purpose. Since immoral was vague, that was changed to prostitution or illegal sexual acts and include males. Historically it has been used to combat forced prostitution especially children.

In 1952, The Travel Act was passed similar to the Mann Act but does not require compelled prostitution and adds to "carry on" so not limited to a person that arranges travel but to the prostitute herself or a website owner to "carry on" business. It also includes the use of the telephone or the Internet to carry on the prostitution business.

I wrote about it on the Phoenix Private List in 2007 and 2009 when there were cases based on it. However, I have not seen any cases more recent cases.
ElumEno's Avatar
Re: Redbook Indictment
Correction NOT the Mann Act* but
Interstate Travel in Aid of Racketeering Enterprise ("The Travel Act*" similar to Mann Act but not the same) Originally Posted by davephx
And here I though it was the RICO Act... and if not now then I am sure there will be charges later under that act.

*Edited original quote by adding links.
Folks, just because the FBI shut down Myredbook does not mean they had underage women on their site. The buzz phrase "child sex trafficking" is popular now, and LE uses it as their excuse, but the truth is, they could be looking at an ad for a gray haired toothless grandma, and bust her anyways, and say they did it in the name of putting an end to underage girls.

The FBI carried out operations with local law enforcement agencies coast to coast and everywhere in between. After all those arrests, thousands of them, they "rescued" (allegedly), 168 juveniles. That is like going mouse hunting with a bazooka. But hey, they gotta have something to show for all that massive manpower and tax dollars wasted. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
20 something underage girls found in northern California thru myredbook over the weekend yes they certainly did. Which happens on any site that isn't checking ids.
children sex trafficking is definitely a problem but at the same time if all sites had proof of age then there would not be a issue but sadly I'm sure the feds would find a new excuse
Folks, just because the FBI shut down Myredbook does not mean they had underage women on their site. The buzz phrase "child sex trafficking" is popular now, and LE uses it as their excuse, but the truth is, they could be looking at an ad for a gray haired toothless grandma, and bust her anyways, and say they did it in the name of putting an end to underage girls.

The FBI carried out operations with local law enforcement agencies coast to coast and everywhere in between. After all those arrests, thousands of them, they "rescued" (allegedly), 168 juveniles. That is like going mouse hunting with a bazooka. But hey, they gotta have something to show for all that massive manpower and tax dollars wasted. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Good points (finally) I'm watching this all unfold and have to say that the "underage" drama is being played up in the media. Were there "those" on the site? YES. If they were identified (by forum members) they were deleted/banned shortly there after.

However, the pimps will always be faster. "the other site" may be gone, but the pimps will simply find another way to go about there business. Pass a fricken law that would severely penalize the profession of pimping, and enforce it already!..

Speaking to the justification for the bust... If I read the indictment correct. they have $5.2 of Reds money... Decent Return on their investment I'd think...
20 something underage girls found in northern California thru myredbook over the weekend yes they certainly did. Which happens on any site that isn't checking ids. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
Source? You may be confusing it with the earlier operation cross country? Or are you saying ages in 20's but then would not be under aged. For all of North Calf sounds like Operation Cross Country not just Bay area with hundreds of adults arrested - typically 90% adults and as far as I have read nothing to do with Redbook. However obviously some could slip in since don't have to prove age.

I am following the news closely and have not heard this.

KPIX reports they think MAYBE pimps maybe could have used Redbook to traffic underaged girls.

They arrested Johns and adult prostitutes because maybe they MIGHT know of under aged "victims".

Bay area arrests in the prior week's FBI operation:
60 consenting adults for prostitution.
54 adult "Johns"
13 on "suspicion of pimping" (could just be boyfriends helping a gal answering phones or driving for security). Maybe a few were real bad guy pimps we have no idea. And probably from the streets having nothing to do with Redbook.

In the FBI sweep the FBI "rescued" six (teenagers). KPIX TV video shows they went with one operation on the STREETS in the Red light district of San Jose. No one under aged was found but arrests of adults might provide information where any kids might be.