Obamacare has over 540,000 signups in the first week

LexusLover's Avatar
The only thing you have "taught" me (and I actually already knew it .. hate to burst your delusional bubble) is how NOT to get accepted as a guest of a provider.

Enjoy your delusional state. It's got to improve your self-image, if not your real one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That has nothing to do with you confusing audio recordings with video. Originally Posted by WTF
Like I said: Enjoy your delusional state of mind.

How's recording your sessions with hookers working out for you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2015, 09:29 AM
Like I said: Enjoy your delusional state of mind.

How's recording your sessions with hookers working out for you? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Like i said...I'm glad to have helped you out on understanding the legal differences between audio recording and video
LexusLover's Avatar
Like i said...I'm glad to have helped you out on understanding the legal differences between audio recording and video Originally Posted by WTF
How's recording your sessions with hookers working out for you?
Frighter... http://www.twincities.com/columnists...cost-explosion

John Tyler: The Obamacare cost explosion
By John Tyler
POSTED: 11/14/2015 12:01:00 AM CST | UPDATED: ABOUT 6 HOURS AGO

It is time to come to grips with the inevitable health insurance price increases being caused by the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) known as "Obamacare."

Obamacare's short-term sweeteners and phase-ins are behind us, and the fundamentally flawed structure of Obamacare and its true costs are exposed. The result: substantially increasing individual and small-group health insurance prices.

Given the mandates required by the ACA law, these are not likely to recede any time soon.

In Minnesota, small-group prices skyrocketed by up to 94 percent in 2014. Individual plans are up by an average 31 percent, and up to 60 percent in 2016, according to the Commerce Department. Minnesota insurance companies providing individual policies have already lost over $394 million since the implementation of Obamacare. They have no choice but to increase premiums to cover increased costs of care.

Why is this happening?

Think about it. If someone asked you to pay for all their future health care in exchange for a fixed monthly price, wouldn't you want to know what you would be liable for so you could set the appropriate price? What if you were required to pay their claims, but they were not responsible to continue paying you once you had paid out your part of the deal? You would lose big, just as the nation's insurance carriers have.

Obamacare tells health insurers it is illegal to ask health questions before providing insurance and illegal to deny claims for those who apply for insurance after the conditions occur, including for all future claims as well. Incentives for healthier behavior and better consumer decision-making are eliminated.

Jonathan Gruber, the economist who is the architect behind the ACA, also designed "RomneyCare" in Massachusetts a decade ago. The same results have happened there: insurers losing money and premium increases each year beyond the affordability of most. If this was anything, it should have been predictable.

Previously in Minnesota, people with high-risk and pre-existing conditions were guaranteed coverage by the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA), and their higher cost of insurance was subsidized through remunerations paid by the insurance companies and federal grants. Under Obamacare, MCHA was eliminated, along with its cost-reducing features. We are now paying for those conditions via regular insurance premium increases.

Minnesota did not need "reforming." Add it all up and Obamacare is a prescription for increasing, not reducing, future insurance costs.

The politicians were crafty. Through 2015, thinking they could soften the price hikes, Obamacare promised a huge $20 billion fund to cover insurers' losses. It ended up covering just 13 percent of those losses to date. In 2016 it's gone entirely, and the full extent of Obamacare's cost increases is no longer masked by federal (deficit) spending. People have to pay. So we are having premium increases that really hurt real people. This is likely just the beginning, as Obamacare's rising costs result in a vicious cycle of shrinking risk pools of increasingly sicker people causing costs to rise again.

It appears the critics who warned of this "death spiral" are being proven correct. Nationally, the number of people on Obamacare is far from its original 2016 projection of 20 million people, at 10 million.

While President Obama will never sign a much-needed repeal of Obamacare, we should begin re-making what worked in Minnesota before Obamacare destroyed it. Our Republican Health Care Task Force, made up of insurance practitioners, physicians, attorneys, legislators and third-party administrators, proposes such legislation.

-- First, we propose that Minnesota replace MNsure with the federal exchange (HF1664). Minnesota wasted $300 million for a still-broken system that could readily be replaced with what the federal government has also built.

-- Second, to control premium costs, Minnesota should re-activate MCHA as a re-insurer (SF1707), and provide a state tax deduction for individual insurance premiums (HF378). Insurers must be allowed to screen risk prior to guaranteeing coverage. To circumvent those who jump on coverage until their expensive services are completed, then cancel coverage (jumpers and dumpers syndrome), a pre-existing condition limitation needs to be reinstated on all new policies for a limited period of time.

-- Third, the state should explore a limited year-round enrollment expansion (HF1696) and allow group coverage that is convertible to individual coverage to mitigate the limited annual open enrollment period.

-- To establish all this, the state commerce department needs to request a federal "Innovation Waiver" to re-build the Minnesota model that had worked well since 1976. Texas had its waiver request granted in two weeks.

While our proposed reforms will not undo the price hikes caused by Obamacare, they would mitigate much of its future negative effects in Minnesota.

John Tyler, a principal with the Boys and Tyler Financial Group in Eden Prairie, is chair of the Republican Health Care Task Force. He has been involved in financial planning with individuals and small businesses, including insurance coverage, since 1983.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Go back and read the last paragraph of your spam post, SLOBBRIN.

LMAO @ Illiterate Idiot of the Year!
flghtr65's Avatar

However, we have a decent hybrid system now. No one is denied critical car for lack of ability to pay. Originally Posted by DSK
The second sentence would be a true statement for the states that accepted the expanded Medicaid from the Federal government. It is not a true statement for the states that rejected the expanded Medicaid. Most of the southern states rejected the expanded Medicaid( Kentucky and Arkansas are the only two southern states than accepted the expanded Medicaid). For the states that don't have the expanded Medicaid, you have to make less than $16,000 (poverty level) to qualify for the original Medicaid.
LexusLover's Avatar
The second sentence would be a true statement for the states that accepted the expanded Medicaid from the Federal government. It is not a true statement for the states that rejected the expanded Medicaid. Most of the southern states rejected the expanded Medicaid( Kentucky and Arkansas are the only two southern states than accepted the expanded Medicaid). For the states that don't have the expanded Medicaid, you have to make less than $16,000 (poverty level) to qualify for the original Medicaid. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Your assumption is based on a failure of a state to make available "state" funds and enforcement of state regulations on coverage and premiums. Texas had insurance information and programs (premium and coverage screening) available long before Obaminable arrived at the White House, which included low cost insurance for (not to be mentioned class of young people).... and "low cost" means dirt cheap. Coverage is available ... Texas was at one time advertising the available coverage on TV and handouts (before Obaminable took office) because so many people were not taking advantage of it (the legislature made it mandatory for (not to be mentioned class of young people)to be covered when the (not to be mentioned class of young people) entered the legal system in divorces or (not to be mentioned class of young people) matters (non deliquency).

It should not be forgotten that "ObamaCare" was OFFICIALLY intended to cover about 11 million people who were involuntarily without INSURANCE coverage......Pelosi's motivation was to bailout California from the retirement and illegal immigration perfect storm created by "HER STATE." Illegals are now being covered in California.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I challenge you, LLephantMan, to explain how any self-employed business person with pre-existing conditions buys a health insurance policy in Texas. Stupid fuck.

So now it's your turn, you scaly, pustule. Let's see your Medicare ID card, or do I have go bring up all your posts about how old and wise you say you were, and how you lorded over the streets of Austin when the rest of us were in Buster Browns, or before we were born.

You're done, LLephantMan!

I hope Speedy kicks your ass real goooood.
LexusLover's Avatar
I challenge you, LLephantMan, to explain how any self-employed business person with pre-existing conditions buys a health insurance policy in Texas. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's simple. But I can understand how you would be challenged by the minimal effort to figure it out.

Life is a challenge for you isn't? Too bad they don't have coverage for that!
It's simple. But I can understand how you would be challenged by the minimal effort to figure it out.

Life is a challenge for you isn't? Too bad they don't have coverage for that! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Guess there is NO cure for people like him that are mouth breathers !
LexusLover's Avatar
Guess there is NO cure for people like him that are mouth breathers ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That's the "attraction" and success of the scam called "Obamacare" ....

... he's the poster-child for ignorance and losing. Millions of people, like him, actually believed that was the only way they could get insurance is with the government subsidizing their coverage and premiums. Rather than seek employment where they could acquire group coverage they opted for "free" money only to find out later on they have to pay it back when their premiums were hitting the sealing. But it got Obaminable re-elected and that's all he gave a shit about!

My fraud scams are built on the premise of easy money and fast returns.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, your ignorance shines through LLephantMan!

For a change, you're talking out of that well used asshole of yours.

At least you've got an attentive audience in Gey Rey.

LMAO @ LLephantMan!

No speculation ... simple fact!
LexusLover's Avatar

... YouRongIdiot's ... the poster-child for ignorance and losing. Millions of people, like him, actually believed that was the only way they could get insurance is with the government subsidizing their coverage and premiums. Rather than seek employment where they could acquire group coverage they opted for "free" money only to find out later on they have to pay it back when their premiums were hitting the sealing. But it got Obaminable re-elected and that's all he gave a shit about! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just to make sure the correct person is identified.

And he proved it be whining that "self-employed" can't get coverage with a pre-existing condition .... the only two possible explanations for that are #1 he's too fucking dumb to figure out how to do it or #2 he is insufficiently "self-employed" to be SELF-INSURED!!!!

There is a #3: Both #1 and #2!!!!

Perhaps, YouRongIdiot should spend less time cheerleading Fantasy Ass Kickings and spewing stink on a hooker board and more time trying to resolve his health coverage dilemma ... rather than sucking off the government nipple.
Just to make sure the correct person is identified.

And he proved it be whining that "self-employed" can't get coverage with a pre-existing condition .... the only two possible explanations for that are #1 he's too fucking dumb to figure out how to do it or #2 he is insufficiently "self-employed" to be SELF-INSURED!!!!

There is a #3: Both #1 and #2!!!!

Perhaps, YouRongIdiot should spend less time cheerleading Fantasy Ass Kickings and spewing stink on a hooker board and more time trying to resolve his health coverage dilemma ... rather than sucking off the government nipple. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you sure that it's a "government nipple " and not the poop chute he's nuzzling,sucking and licking ? His protégé woomby sure has a love for dingle berry's, so maybe it's something that the DOTY Emeritus " passed along " in his grooming of his protégé.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you sure that it's a "government nipple " and not the poop chute he's nuzzling,sucking and licking ? His protégé woomby sure has a love for dingle berry's, so maybe it's something that the DOTY Emeritus " passed along " in his grooming of his protégé. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Whatever they both share ...

.. between the truckers and the Nau's Drug Store patrons to sustain themselves.