Yes. Carlson was fired.

Precious_b's Avatar
... uh... We already KNEW that Tucker was fired.
Where you been?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Fired with exteme prejudice.

... ANNNND... FOX-News STILL Number One in the cable news ratings.
At least until Tucker comes back to the airways full time.

... (Me comment was NOT scripted... but how many o' you lads
surely expected me to say it?! )

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
are they? we'll see how that holds up over time. i like Jesse Watters and he was the best replacement for Tucker .. but he's no Tucker Carlson. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We've been here. foxy ain't news. That came straight from the top at foxy from the kangeroo kicker rupert. He admitted their existance wasn't for unbiased, well balanced source of news at all. Not by a long shot.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fired with exteme prejudice.

We've been here. foxy ain't news. That came straight from the top at foxy from the kangeroo kicker rupert. He admitted their existance wasn't for unbiased, well balanced source of news at all. Not by a long shot. Originally Posted by Precious_b

and what do the exec's at CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and NSDNC er MCNBC tell their hosts to do? what propaganda do they spew on behalf of their corporate overlords?

don't be so naive .. you know better.

FOX and Carlson are no different than MSNBC and the Madcow, yes??
Precious_b's Avatar
and what do the exec's at CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and NSDNC er MCNBC tell their hosts to do? ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't know. Please post links to news guidelines for each. I only watch one of them.

I can say that derogatory adjectives to describe item they are reporting are an order of magnatude greater on the cheapskate OAN station than one of the big three. *THAT* shows a bias that is not part of the journalistic creed.


FOX and Carlson are no different than MSNBC and the Madcow, yes?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't know. I don't watch them. What I do know is that for court deposition, rupert said ratings were the driving factor at foxy. Not journalistic integrity.

But that falls into your narrative since you believe the station with the highest ratings == highest truth.

Sorry rupert busted that balloon of yours.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't know. Please post links to news guidelines for each. I only watch one of them.

I can say that derogatory adjectives to describe item they are reporting are an order of magnatude greater on the cheapskate OAN station than one of the big three. *THAT* shows a bias that is not part of the journalistic creed.

I don't know. I don't watch them. What I do know is that for court deposition, rupert said ratings were the driving factor at foxy. Not journalistic integrity.

But that falls into your narrative since you believe the station with the highest ratings == highest truth.

Sorry rupert busted that balloon of yours. Originally Posted by Precious_b

you've said I don't know twice in the same post. seems you simply don't know.

OAN. don't watch them. do you? what do they have to say?

FOX and Carlson are no different than MSNBC and Madcow. or Joe shitbag Scarborough.

but you knew that, right??

the left's Tucker Carlson. prove me wrong


instead of fixating on who the right has fired, perhaps we need a thread on who the left has fired?

the list is long and distinguished .. like Slider's Johnson

Precious_b's Avatar
you've said I don't know twice in the same post. seems you simply don't know.
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

True. As i have told you countless times, I don't watch pay attention to those outlets. So why would I lie and make a comment about them?

OAN. don't watch them. do you? what do they have to say?
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You wouldn't want to watch those deadbeats at OAN. You would cry seeing how they make watching foxy look like you are a child watching My Little Pony. Just shows what a teletubby you are for paying so much attention to them.

FOX and Carlson are no different than MSNBC and Madcow. or Joe shitbag Scarborough.
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If you say so.

I don't watch them. But you already knew that from me saying it ad infinitum.

but you knew that, right?? ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Read my above comments and previous post about news I watch on the tele.

the left's Tucker Carlson. prove me wrong ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'll leave that to someone who watches him.
Say....didn't donny use to watch him?

instead of fixating on who the right has fired, perhaps we need a thread on who the left has fired?
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Uh....because the topic of this thread is about tuckypad being fired, with extreme prejudice as I have noted.

Prove me wrong.
Fired with exteme prejudice.

We've been here. foxy ain't news. That came straight from the top at foxy from the kangeroo kicker rupert. He admitted their existance wasn't for unbiased, well balanced source of news at all. Not by a long shot. Originally Posted by Precious_b
... Your comment "kangaroo kicker" is a racial slight
to me-own Australian heritage.

But because I happen to be a fair-minded fellow with things,
I'll give YOU a chance to apologise before I report your post.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
You saying Caucasoid people are offended being called this?
Don't see any racial tones to it on a search.

Stop trying to get another thread closed and keep to the subject of that peaking tom pervert shit canning tuckpad. At least twk was nice enough to show that he took up my advice and joined with billy no spin.