Spikebabys top five hobby "Events"

You seem to drive men wild, Spikebaby. With your beauty and skill, I'm sure I would end up acting like a fool trying to impress you. But if I do something stupid I hope you don't make fun of me on the boards. It would really hurt my feelings.
Sleepy363's Avatar
What a great thread! If I had been drinking anything, you would owe me a new keyboard Thanks for the great laugh!
That was really funny Jenna.....I couldn't stop laughing.....Keep these types of threads coming....
tsrv4me's Avatar
Your post brought back old memories .LOL Years ago my family (wife and 3 kids) and I were camping ...We had a large tent and aluminum folding cots with coil springs to sleep on ...one afternoon we decided to all go swimming ...Wife and I went into the tent to change .....I was nude and sat on edge of cot to pull my swimming suit on ...as I sat down ,unbeknownst to me ..A coil spring was between my legs ..it of course expanded with my weight .....and as I stood to pull my swim trunks up it closed very rapidly and painfully.and clamped onto my ball sack ...I jerked upright very quickly and it hit the back of my legs and pulled loose .....and as it did it took a large of hunk of skin with it ...I hollered quite loudly and applied a handkerchief to stem the bleeding...my wife was almost hysterical as she laughed at me hopping on one foot holding my balls ..and said "go jump in the lake that should stop the bleeding" .......My reply was ....What about Sharks (trying to joke) ......she said Dont worry about Sharks we are in the middle of Nebraska .......It wasnt funny at the time but 35 years later it is still funny .....dont let your Monkey get eaten by Sharks .....Tom
Thanks for the laughs, Spikebaby.
You made my day