Where Do You All Go?????

I agree the lake comment was funny. Glad to see that you are on the boards now Avery! It is always slow during the summer. My advice is stay on the boards. You don't have to necessarily run a special, in my opinion, but just being here you should generate some new clients.

" im working alot of ot, im very hot and sweaty and I just cant show up at a girls place hot and stinky and just jump in the shower..... I wouldn't want the lady to see me when i walked in the door so yeah summer is a slow time for me and it sucks."

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I would rather have you come in stinky and take a shower!!! I am never offended when someone comes in during the summer and asks to shower before the session. I appreciate it and I never think less of them!

Thanks Brooke! You are the best!!!!
shooter6.5's Avatar
there has been a tremendous influx of ladies to the adventure. Many who are very attractive and are priced to compete. Those of us who look at the board and other sites see this as I am sure many of you ladies do, as a number of you pricing yourself to compete also. Dallas has one of the busiest sections of this board in the country, as well as any other board.

One of the other reasons, and this comment is not directed at anyone in particular. The way a person markets themselves. Use ALL your options. Here you have many options. Welcome wagon, provider adds, weekend specials and general comments in the co-ed discussions area. Marketing and follow through is the toll. I can name five ladies who very seldom post any adds, or for that matter comments, and are as busy as they choose and on a regular basis turn folks away as they are totally occupied. Answer your emails, texts and PM's. In many cases how a person responds will determine a persons desire to visit with you. Looks are important-but not everything!!

It has to do with marketing, communication, service, reliability and pricing. Deal with all that and everyone will do good. Some will do great. Get out to the various functions that take place now and then. Meet folks and let them meet you. Again it is marketing!!!!!

There is no real down turn in clients. I have a lot of friends who are seeing as many folks as ever. They simply do not post and talk about it except among themselves, myself included.

And ladies, do not get carried away with comments on your reviews. Your reputation will mean more than a comment by someone who has never seen you.
I might add, after this thread I have added 2 more ladies to my need to meet list. Brooke, Avery, hope to contact you soon. Dannie,your already on that list!

So many woman, so little time, not nearly enough money :-) Well, I guess I can only keep plugging away, one pussy at a time. :-)