Men, Do You Have Confidence In Yourself?

CenterLock's Avatar
Well, I have another term for you "IDIOT". No one here cares about you and your body, except your next appointment. I am sure that someone is better than you and could take a woman from you... These guys are laying it out about their lack of confidence, and you feel the need to tell everyone how great you are??? Originally Posted by RoundPound
Exactly my thoughts.
Well, I have another term for you "IDIOT". No one here cares about you and your body, except your next appointment. I am sure that someone is better than you and could take a woman from you... These guys are laying it out about their lack of confidence, and you feel the need to tell everyone how great you are??? Originally Posted by RoundPound
To be fair to rex4998, the original question was "Men, Do You Have Confidence In Yourself?" and I think he was just trying to be funny, but what do you expect from a guy that uses a BMW logo as his avatar? Nevertheless, his comment was pretty crude and callous.

In reference to the OP, in my opinion you can only gain confidence by experience and learning from your experience and your mistakes or shortcomings. I once knew a guy who really got into golf. He bought all the best equipment and read all of the golf mags and talked about it all the time. The problem was, he never actually played a round of golf in his life. He just went to the driving range, trying to perfect his game so he wouldn't look like a fool on the course.

Anyone who's ever played golf knows you have to actually play the game to really experience it. You will make mistakes but that's the only way to really learn. Besides, one of the thrills of playing is when you hit that perfect shot or make that impossible putt or scramble for par when you're in trouble.

My golf analogy may not be the best way to compare your friend's problem, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, the true joy of experiencing something is actually doing it and not worrying about what bad thing might happen. Most of the time, the things people worry about the most are never as bad when they happen as they think they will be.
Lana Warren's Avatar
no confidence issues here. I've heard the term "conceited", "arrogant", and "brash" thrown around.

Meh, fuck those haters. What would those fat ass, short dicked clowns know anyways?!?!?

LOLZzzzz Originally Posted by rex4998

Honey, you just showed everyone your "confidence"! Too bad that it's not your best feature! Good luck to you, sweetheart!
no confidence issues here. I've heard the term "conceited", "arrogant", and "brash" thrown around.

Meh, fuck those haters. What would those fat ass, short dicked clowns know anyways?!?!?

LOLZzzzz Originally Posted by rex4998
Based on your self description, "asshole" would seem to sum it up?
oldmarine's Avatar
I am always nervous when seeing a lady for the first time. But it passes pretty quickly if she senses that and makes an effort to put me at ease.
CenterLock's Avatar
I don't have confidence issues especially in this area (hobbying). I approach it like this: good chance I'm not the largest a provider has had (odds decrease with age of provider usually). And? I am who I am and what I've got is all I've got. I aim to please but if I pop "too early" she can try to revive me. Am I losing anything here? I don't think so. I've gotten to the point where I can keep going for hours without a pop if I choose but I didn't get here by fretting early pops in the beginning. But I must admit I'm with all the guys that say there's more in FS than "make me pop" - give me an hour with a woman's body and I can stay clothed most of that time and still feel I received "FS" and having a blast doing it.

It's all in what you're wanting out of it. Want MPCFS? Choose a provider that's been doing her job really well for a while and let her know up front. I'd bet they'd be happy to try. If it doesn't work out the first time - repeat. It's supposed to be fun. Enjoy. What do you have to lose? (And don't say money. That's spent - not lost)
Practice makes perfect!
rex4998's Avatar
LOL. I guess none of you understand sarcasm. Bunch of damn first level thinkers.
rex4998's Avatar
but what do you expect from a guy that uses a BMW logo as his avatar?
maybe I should use a painting of a guy with an enormous schlong!
Lana Warren's Avatar
I'm all for humor and fun sarcasm when a thread gets too serious, but do me a huge favor......think of those you are not as fortunate as you! I know that you really didn't mean to come across as insensitive, so how about we start over.......after all, I think at all levels!

LOL. I guess none of you understand sarcasm. Bunch of damn first level thinkers. Originally Posted by rex4998
maybe I should use a painting of a guy with an enormous schlong! Originally Posted by rex4998
LOL! Touchè.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm all for humor and fun sarcasm when a thread gets too serious, but do me a huge favor......think of those you are not as fortunate as you! I know that you really didn't mean to come across as insensitive, so how about we start over.......after all, I think at all levels! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Rex, this is good advice, from a smart lady. Take it from someone with an established history of being chronically misunderstood; effective sarcasm is tough enough to pull off in person, much less in writing. I have found that, if something can be taken the wrong way, it will. Ask my ex.
txtracer's Avatar
what does it take to feel more confident about yourself?

Still looking for it...

This has been a very enlightening thread. Kudos to you for starting it. Kudos to the guys who answered honestly, I would bet that many more did not respond who could have.

As for the thread, I believe that your original question was: "My question to our wonderful gentlemen.......what does it take to feel more confident about yourself?"

Other than jokes, I did not see too much in the way of specific answers to her query. Some guys did admit to some self esteem issues. I admit that I have many of them, too.

To those of you who lack self confidence, is this why you hobby? If so are there any specific providers who make you feel particularly good about yourself and the time that you spend with her?

Maybe we should make a list. In Houston when I first entered the hobby there were a couple of providers (now long gone) who actually advertised that they specialized in guys like us. Unfortunately I was NCNS when I tried to see one of these ladies, so I don't know who accurate her ads were.

If there are special ladies who make you feel oh so good about yourself, what does she/they do that's different than what other ladies do? Or what is different about her manner/method/whatever that sets her apart?

And once you find such a provider, do you see her regularly? Exclusively? Or do you keep playing the field?

For many, especially those suffering a lack of self esteem, I would bet that a large part of the point of seeing ladies is to give pleasure as well as to receive it. Is this one of the hallmarks of those ladies who make you feel better about yourself?

Sorry if I dragged on, but as my handle indicates I am a curious guy and I would love to hear more about this subject.
Int3rested's Avatar
just do it...if it works..there it is..if not, move SA intended...just TNA..research, convo, relax and enjoy the spoils..have fun!