let's forget Elon

Such an intriguing scenario in our lifetimes. On one hand, I deeply respect Musk because I feel like he's a visionary and do'er....unlike most corporate shmucks. On the other hand, I feel like he could be playing us all for a fool...

As for Trump, I respect him, but like Biden, he'll be too old to be effective, in my opinion...
Musk was born in South Africa and not eligible to be POTUS. Originally Posted by saustin

Musk is threatening to shut down his Fremont, CA plant because:
1. Over 250 employees have filed a class action labor suit with CA DOL, US DOL stating that the plant was racially segregated - black employees could not access "whites only" areas of the plant without a white manager's "permission".
2. A black employee was shot dead in the company parking lot and Tesla refused to cooperate with local LE trying to investigate the homicide. Now US DOJ is involved.

Musk is threatening to close his Boca Chica, TX "Spaceport" because:
1. He has exploded not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR Dragon Heavy booster rockets, spewing debris and highly toxic solid booster fuel outside of his property into protected wetlands. He refuses to clean up his mess, saying that his responsibility ends at his property line. I didn't realize how big these rockets are until I saw a diagram. Each is about 1/3 larger than the Saturn V that took US astronauts to the moon. I also found out that the reason why the boosters keep exploding is that he is using a super oxygen enriched solid propellant that is highly volatile. NASA refuses to use the propellant in their rockets. NASA and the EPA refuse to permit future "launches".

2. A tractor trailer pulled into the only state owned access road to Boca Chica, failed to yield proper right of way to oncoming traffic, and stuck an oncoming passenger vehicle filled with a family, killing all of the family - father, mother, children. Because Acting Imposter Governor Abbott has his tongue so deep up Musk's ass, no criminal investigation into the crash was pursued, and no criminal charges for vehicular manslaughter were filed.

Musk is actively negotiating with Russia to build a "Gigafactory" in Russia and his "Gigafactory" in China is operating at 110 - 120 % over capacity. (Easy to do with slave labor.) Manufacture of his toy Teslas incorporates highly sophisticated chips that can be retro engineered and put into "smart" precision guided munitions (rockets and bombs). Just what Putin needs to bomb Ukraine into submission. But in all fairness, if Putin is stupid enough to use the chips that Musk uses in his "auto pilot" software, his rockets will land in China, not Ukraine...

Musk and "Pharma Bro" are cut of the same cloth. Musk only cares about power. He would make a perfect President.
winn dixie's Avatar
musk is a punk ass bitch. He cares for one thing only. musk!!!!!
Why would someone who made so much money developing electric cars want to support a political group that is against all forms of alternative energy? The republicans continue to find the dumbest people on earth to represent their party and somehow this attracts Elon.
Why would someone who made so much money developing electric cars want to support a political group that is against all forms of alternative energy? The republicans continue to find the dumbest people on earth to represent their party and somehow this attracts Elon. Originally Posted by rich3171

That Musk is the richest man on earth. Truth of the matter is, he's using Twitter to inflate / deflate Tesla's stock values prior to making big sell-offs. In the SEC circles, it's known as "pump and dump" and is illegal. He's under 2 - 3 SEC investigations for illegal stock trading practices.

He's playing a shell game with all of his Giga factories. Nobody can say what his real net worth is, because nobody knows how much debt load he's carrying across all of his factories in all parts of the world.

Musk likes dumb people who buy his kit cars, put them on "AutoPilot" and then sit in the back seat and stream on social media.

The Taliban Party likes dumb people because they believe in Jewish Space lasers and will attack the Capitol on demand.

Both exist because there are dumb people with lots of time and money. No contradictions there. Musk doesn't give a shit about the environment, that's why he keeps blowing up rockets in south TX and polluting the local waterways with highly toxic rocket fuel.
Agent220's Avatar
It's fine not to like Elon, but to not give him credit for probably being one of the smartest people alive is crazy. I'm an engineer and it fascinates me how he can have a deep-level impromptu conversation about various topics like rocket science, computer programing/machine learning, neurology, applied physics, electrical engineering, and the list goes on. The radical left is just butt-hurt that he, like many once prominent liberals, has taken the red pill and walked away from a party of hate and division. Just like Bill Maher, Dave Chappel, Rogan, Kanye, etc. Originally Posted by aFelationado

Not quite true...

Chappelle still roasts racism and etc...he has an unique way of looking at issues that have a lot of logic. Like Maher, they aren't on the big cancel especially for things a person did a decade or so ago.

Rogan isn't liberal...anything libertarian simply because of the forbidden subject.
Art Vanderlay's Avatar
Duh.... That is a problem with the uninformed voter... this forum is probably not a good place to give or get political advice..... Just saying
Musk was not born in the USA