Is ECCIE Political Section bias in Moderation? Otherwise, where is everyone?

lustylad's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
. Originally Posted by lustylad
does he know that guaca is batshit?
matchingmole's Avatar
does he know that guaca is batshit? Originally Posted by dil-bat guanostorm

No it isn't... thanks for not clarifying.................... .........
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I see no bias here. Follow the rules because this forum is being looked at by a mod/admin who can point you. How many warnings do people need to inform them that this forum has eyes on it now?

If I start a thread that someone doesn't like and calls me a "dumb fuck", I'm not hitting the RTM button on you because I don't care, but someone else may hit it on you or it just may be seen by a mod or admin who checks in from time to time and you'll get points.

The moral of the story is to play nice (if that's possible). It's not that complicated people.

Look at the people who were banned. Did any of them not deserve it because of their bullshit? To me, the answer is "no" because they all earned their vacation just like I've earned mine in the past.

Well, technically, I didn't really "earn" my ban because that point happy blouse is no longer a mod and I should not have been banned in the 1st place. LOL
matchingmole's Avatar
. Originally Posted by lustylad

Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic?
Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic? Originally Posted by matchingmole
Is this like ALL the ridiculous memes which you post over and over which have nothing to do with the thread topic...self-awareness is alien to you.
I guess you can dish it out, but you can't take it
matchingmole's Avatar
Is this like ALL the ridiculous memes which you post over and over which have nothing to do with the thread topic...self-awareness is alien to you.
I guess you can dish it out, but you can't take it Originally Posted by bb1961
Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic?
Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic? Originally Posted by matchingmole
How many memes do you post on threads that have NOTHING to do with the thread topic???
Like I said self-awarness is something you don't have
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How many memes do you post on threads that have NOTHING to do with the thread topic???
Like I said self-awarness is something you don't have Originally Posted by bb1961
moles' self-awareness is not his strong point.

he's pretty good at fapping nonsensically.
matchingmole's Avatar
moles' self-awareness is not his strong point.

he's pretty good at fapping nonsensically. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I guess Dilbert and a few others didn't understand post #2 in this thread. I'll put it in a more translatable way for the people to easily understand - change the stupid childish shit you got away with in the past when nobody was watching, or you will eventually get banned now.
lustylad's Avatar
Look at subject title and please explain how your comment is relevant to said topic? Originally Posted by matchingmole
Seriously? 3 times in a row?

Seriously? 3 times in a row?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Just watch him...he posts more memes about nothing to do with the thread topic...just one of his problems with self-awareness and his grasp on reality!!
That is synonymous with the delusion of the left.
He thinks Americans are doing fine!!

Originally Posted by matchingmole
The American people are fine under Biden:

“The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2022 is -1.0 percent on June 30, down from 0.3 percent on June 27,” the Atlanta Fed reported. Those numbers are dismal; a true reflection of Biden’s presidency.

Let’s state the obvious. We are officially in a recession. And this recession is 100 percent the fault of the Democrats in control of their puppet president Joe Biden.

After all the lies about inflation, Team Demento finally admitted what was obvious to all Americans: inflation is massive. And much more than was being reported.

As recently as a few days ago, Biden told Americans to get used to inflation. He has no fix for what he created, and we no longer buy the idea that inflation is Trump’s fault, Putin’s fault, Wuflu’s fault, and so on. So now we need to just “get used to it”?

Believe it or not, Biden denies that we are “headed towards inflation”; the watered-down language used by Leftists whose asses are on the line for supporting Biden. We aren’t headed towards inflation; we are smack dab in the middle of the worst inflation in decades.

In fact, the Federal Bank of Atlanta released a major red flag on inflation last week. The Fed announced that the U.S. economy just entered a general slow down of the economy or a recession.

The recession is official! Let’s see if somebody can explain it to Biden as if he’s a three-year-old.
For the second time in years, the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) growth was negative. In the second quarter of 2022, the GDP fell to -1% based on available data for the current measured quarter according to the Atlanta Fed.

Anybody buying groceries, filling up their car, or dining out occasionally feels the impact of Bidenomics, and more specifically Bidenflation. And it’s worse than the reported 8.6 percent.

As for calculation, the Atlanta Fed uses the GDPNow model as an unofficial forecast to estimate the U.S.’s GDP growth. GDPNow is based on a similar methodology used by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. But no matter how you measure, the GDP is deflated, while inflation is understated.

“The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2022 is -1.0 percent on June 30, down from 0.3 percent on June 27,” the Atlanta Fed reported. Those numbers are dismal; a true reflection of Biden’s presidency.

The midterms will showcase a real “Let’s go Brandon!” for Biden and the Democrats.
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  • 07-17-2022, 08:59 AM
Many years ago, it used to be most people were liberal on some issues, conservative on others. Now too many of us either cling to our "tribes" on all issues, or are stereotyped and perceived that way.

You know it's bad when people who might be inclined to agree with you won't do so, because they think you're on the "other side" and they don't want to give you the emotional satisfaction of expressing agreement with your viewpoint.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
This coming from a poster who has a quote of me agreeing with him in his every post.

You're as bad as any in that of what you just denounced.