What would J.D. do?

JD Vance wants to advance his political career so badly he’s been practically frenching Trump under the mistletoe. But that doesn’t mean that he would throw the constitution under the bus the way Levi appears willing to do.

The man served in Iraq. It may not have been in direct combat but it was still in a country where insurgents were actively engaged. He took an oath to defend the constitution. You have to respect that oath until he shows otherwise. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Who doesn't?
TechPapi's Avatar
The purpose of this thread is to post your opinion on JD Vance’s hypothetical response to the 2020 electoral count. It’s not to re-litigate the issue. As I said in post #6, I would have to give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

I think I've already indicated JD Vance would dress up in his tranny outfit he still has from college, give cheeto a quick blowie, then sashay down to the joint session to ignore his constitutional responsibilities and overthrow a legitimate election outcome.

Just like any "righteous christian", imiright?

Note: I have no idea what you see in that two-faced cunt that would cause you give him the benefit of the doubt.
Oh I can't wait for this one. If you can, please tell us...what is a "righteous Christian?" Since you say Pence doesn't qualify, any examples we can learn from?

Originally Posted by TechPapi
I guess it's Mike Pence. He took down the guy the Democrats love to hate.
86 million voting patriotic Americans took down Trump. Mike Pence did his job.
86 million voting patriotic Americans took down Trump. Mike Pence did his job. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
.Which means nothing as the Electoral College is what matters.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^^ Well, pretty sure Biden won that too considering the fact that all 62 lawsuits filed were unsuccessful. Oh, and Mike Pence agreed as well.

This scenario about JD Vance is just having some fun because he will obviously never have that decision to make.
TechPapi's Avatar
.Which means nothing as the Electoral College is what matters. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Off topic. No one mentioned the electoral college. It was about what would JD Vance do. We all get that MAGAs love the fact a vote in Idaho counts more than a vote in California.
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2024, 11:37 AM
86 million voting patriotic Americans took down Trump. Mike Pence did his job. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Please stop exaggerating Blackman. It's not fair to count the 6 million illegal immigrants who cast their votes for Biden. Biden may have won the popular vote, but it was a squeaker.

I think I've already indicated JD Vance would dress up in his tranny outfit he still has from college, give cheeto a quick blowie, then sashay down to the joint session to ignore his constitutional responsibilities and overthrow a legitimate election outcome.[/I] Originally Posted by TechPapi
That's rather far fetched Papi. J.D. Vance is a social conservative.
Like I said “used to be a decent poster”
86 million voting patriotic Americans took down Trump. Mike Pence did his job. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, and the guy is still on his feet coming at ya. The guy the 86 million voted for was tossed to curb like Monday's garbage, lol.
TechPapi's Avatar
Yeah, and the guy is still on his feet coming at ya. The guy the 86 million voted for was tossed to curb like Monday's garbage, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Yep. Just like the cheeto is about to be, along with all the cultish fucktards.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Please stop exaggerating Blackman. It's not fair to count the 6 million illegal immigrants who cast their votes for Biden. Biden may have won the popular vote, but it was a squeaker. Originally Posted by Tiny
I’m surprised that Tiny is pushing this completely debunked narrative. Illegal immigrants are not voting in federal elections.

Noncitizens Are Not Voting in Federal or State Elections — Here’s Why

And no I don’t think JD Vance is crazy enough to follow along with Trump and blow up the system by overturning a valid election.
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2024, 03:30 PM
This right here!! This is exactly what happened. If anyone would go actually research this, dig around, they would find that the courts were refusing to hear the cases, not even willing to look at evidence. Ergo, they did not go to court basically.

Think about this: There were a lot of people who signed legal affidavits about what they saw happening. An affidavit is a legal document to the court and if you are found to be lying on it, you can and will go to jail for perjury. Not a single person who submitted affidavits was even investigated...much less charged with perjury. Why not?

Also, I listened to JD Vance's book on long road trip. It was nothing like the media was pointing out. Nothing antigay in there at all. The couch thing is non-existent. He is actually complimentary when talking about some democrats (not supporting them but being polite and professional), and was basically a story of what he dealt with growing up and how awkward it was for him getting to the point he was at when he wrote the book. Still not a big fan of his, but I have more respect for him. Originally Posted by bigwill832
Fair enough. But if there were massive fraud, don't you think it would have come out by now? Republicans and law enforcement aren't going to stop investigating legitimate fraud just because the time for protesting an election is over. There are very few people who commit murders and escape justice. How would a criminal organization alter vote counts by hundreds of thousands or millions in multiple states and get away with it?

And that's good to know about Vance. I figured, like Trump, he's not as socially illiberal as Democrats paint him to be. Just from listening to him he sounds like a reasonable man. I'm coming around to what TxDot says, that he probably would have done what Pence did.
Yep. Just like the cheeto is about to be, along with all the cultish fucktards. Originally Posted by TechPapi
If Trump loses it was by the opposition. Biden was dumped by his own party.
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2024, 04:19 PM
Like I said “used to be a decent poster” Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I’m surprised that Tiny is pushing this completely debunked narrative. Illegal immigrants are not voting in federal elections.

Noncitizens Are Not Voting in Federal or State Elections — Here’s Why

And no I don’t think JD Vance is crazy enough to follow along with Trump and blow up the system by overturning a valid election. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
For Democrats, you're two smart cookies. And apparently that flew straight over your heads.

How many illegals actually voted for Biden? Maybe ten? One hundred? Absolute tops ten thousand? He won the popular vote by 7 million votes. How many tens of thousands of hard core Democrats were out there running clandestine operations to drum up 7 million fake votes? How did they get them? From 7 million dead people? Seven million nursing home residents? And what kind of idiots would risk jail terms for Joe Biden? How did they possibly escape law enforcement?

But you say it was the electoral college. Biden didn't have to steal the popular vote, he "just" needed a few hundred thousand fake votes in the right states. Well, 2016 was a huge fluke. Never in the history of our republic since elections were decided entirely by majorities within the states has a candidate lost the popular vote by over 1% and won the presidency, except in 2016. Biden won in 2020 by 4.4%. In the tightest state, Georgia, there's not a snowball's chance in hell Trump would have won with a "fair" election. The state was controlled by Republicans for goodness sake. They wanted Trump to win.

Trump lost in part because we were at the tail end of the worst downturn since the Great Depression. It wasn't his fault, there's no way he could have prevented the pandemic, but people vote their pocket books. Also he idiotically told Republicans not to vote by mail.

I don't see how some of my good friends here, who I usually agree with, don't see that.

And yes TxDot, thinking about it, you're probably right. J. D. Vance probably wouldn't have blown up the system.