Romney campaign edited Obama "redistribution" audio

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 05:04 PM
Wow. You at Happy Hour or something? Have another drink.... Originally Posted by timpage

rasslin' the bottle away from IB aint that easy ...
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm glad you posted this. That means the version I heard was not cut. Cool.
He was sure sucking up to the Latinos today,must have pissed his lawn service off..
joe bloe's Avatar
rightwing redistribution rhetoric seems to go to the alley when you mention tax cuts, and they are all for that..

if tax cuts arent redistribution of wealth, tell me what is ? Originally Posted by CJ7
The government doesn't redistribute wealth when it lets you keep your own money. Being allowed to keep your own money is the opposite of wealth redistribution.

When the government takes the money you earned, and gives it to someone else, that's redistribution of wealth.

Glad I could clear that up for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help.
budman33's Avatar
he had a great spray on orange tan for the latinos. Black face for his next stump speech?

joe bloe's Avatar
he had a great spray on orange tan for the latinos. Black face for his next stump speech?

Originally Posted by budman33
He's going for the pumpkin look. Halloween is just around the corner.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe he's one of the aliens we're fighting in the Pacific?
For those curious of what the "fact checkers" had to say"

"The edit of the last line out of the clip earned Romney and the Republican National Committee a "four pinocchios" rating by fact checkers at the Washington Post."

Just "four pinocchios?" Romney should hold out for five!
LovingKayla's Avatar
he had a great spray on orange tan for the latinos. Black face for his next stump speech?

Originally Posted by budman33

Hahahahaha that's pretty funny. Man he should upgrade to the versa. No orange. Fake and bake is even better. I'd expect better from him.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
In all the audio that I have heard it had the complete statement but I have not seen a Romney ad so I dont know what htey put in it.

It really does not matter because it still states that Obama is for redistribution at certain levels and he has stated many many times what that level is; anybody making mire than 250K. NOt only that he has stated that at some point you have made enough, and from what he has said, it seems like up to 250k is enough to him.

You cant hide the fact that he is for redistribution plain and simple.
The speech I heard he was speaking on the redistribution of tax money,but wtf...
I was very out off by how Orange Ommpa Loompa Romney looked at the University of Miami, That's like if Obama put bleached his skin to appeal to white people.

It's like Obama saying "If I was white, I'd have this shit in the bag already."
It's like Obama saying "If I was white, I'd have this shit in the bag already." Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

If Odumbo was all white, he'd be working a garbage truck in Chicago. Anyone know what union local that would be? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

TexTushHog's Avatar
Apparently the Republican Party believes in redistribution. Their policies have driven on of the greatest upward redistributions of wealth in history between 1981 and 2012. It's just when you try to undo a bit of that upward redistribution that they get pissed off. Class warfare has been going on in this country for over thirty years. When the victims finally wake up and start to fight back a bit, the perpetrators start hollering, "Class warfare!!! Class warfare!!!" I think it's high time that the some Democrat says, "You know, you're damned right, class warfare exists. But today, for the first time in thirty-one years, the victims are fighting back!"
Apparently the Republican Party believes in redistribution. Their policies have driven on of the greatest upward redistributions of wealth in history between 1981 and 2012. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

The policies that have contributed far more than any others over the last forty years to wealth disparity in favor of the very well off involve ultra-accommodative monetary policy by the Fed, including but not limited to the recent iterations of QE. Are you claiming that those were partisan measures pushed primarily by Republicans?

If not, would you care to try to tell us what other policy or policies implemented by either party between 1981 and 2012 resulted in increased income or wealth disparity that comparatively benefited the wealthy?

(I don't think anyone needs to hold his/her breath waiting for an answer.)