It's time to do it: Quiting smoking. What's worked for you guys?

After a 4 way by-pass I came home and threw them out. Haven"t had one in over 10 years Originally Posted by modude51
That's a pretty motivating reason right there. Hoping to avoid it. First day going suspicously well. Thanks for all the help and good thoughts guys!
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
I used Chantix to quit and had to stop taking the pills after ten days. I didn't have a problem with nightmares like a lot of people do, but I did have very serious depression. I laid on the couch an entire weekend and didn't couldn't muster up enough give-a-shit to eat or even watch television. It completely sucked.

The upside though, I haven't had a cigarette in four years, two months, and 26 days, and the hellish experience of quitting has me scared to smoke again. I've heard that the side effects aren't common, so it might work for you, but I'd rather set my hair on fire and put it out with an ice pick than take Chantix again.
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
Good luck Strimpboi. Hang in there!
The best way to quit is to just do it. Throw them away and just don't buy anymore. Try to limit your exposure to people that smoke, at least for the first couple weeks. It will be hard the first two weeks because your body will be going through withdrawal. After that it is purely mind of matter. Just don't smoke, chew, snort or rub into your belly anything that has nicotine or tobacco in or on it.

After a month you will notice that food has more flavor and you can smell a smoker. You will also be able to smell yourself when you sweat. That takes a little longer to clean out your body but it will happen time. You will always be hooked on them and that means you just never smoke again.

I have not smoked for 30 years now and I know if I lit up just once I would buy a carton on the way home. You have to just keep reminding yourself that you quit for a reason and you don't want to start again.

Good luck! If you really want to quit you can,
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Read Quitters Inc. by Stephen King.
shamrock55's Avatar
I just bought Alan Carr's book too because I had a friend who quit with it. You'll have to keep us updated on how it works.
I just bought Alan Carr's book too because I had a friend who quit with it. You'll have to keep us updated on how it works. Originally Posted by shamrock55
It's going incredibly well. First few days I felt kind of silly saying "Stop, that's silly, I'm a non smoker" (out loud when possible), but it REALLY helps to curb the craving. I'm also using another tip and use the stopwatch function on my phone to time cravings. What feels like hours really is only 2-6 minutes. So now I can know that this strange feeling will be gone soon.