Two Cents: time related


I'm playing the devil's advocate here.... what do you consider "first"???

For example, what happens if I saw a man at 10pm, but you have a 12am appointment? Technically, you are the "first" for that DAY.

I mean, I think everyone has good points. I really do think that its an individually based response... ie, knowing WHO I'm talking to (gfe, pse, newbie, etc.)

I was talking with another hobbyist, and he said that he LOVES my signature: foreplay in the shower. This way we both KNOW the other is clean AND we get to explore each others bodies at the same time.
j_mack4u's Avatar
Not long ago my wife did two of her bfs before coming home to me, it was kind of exciting having sloppy thirds ;-) As a client I would think it's a rude question and one I would never ask.
extant51's Avatar
Since the everything is sex and money, I would suppose that after a man has paid for sex, he probably is doing mental calculations to see how much a provider can make on an average day. Could lead to a man wondering if he should get in the trade, if only what he had was marketable.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Frankly it's Non of his business. Just as it's non of our business how many providers they see in a day. YES; Some guys do hobby more than once a day with various providers.

IF a guy has to ASK * how many?* Then the hobby's not for him.

Granted a few is one too many in my eyes. But that's my personal opinion.
However if a provider is up to par on her personal hygiene; before & after she see's a gent. Then the *how many?* shouldn't be an issue.

Don't ask. Don't tell. It's nobody's business but your own!!
OMGoodness...that's a hard one!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Since the everything is sex and money, I would suppose that after a man has paid for sex, he probably is doing mental calculations to see how much a provider can make on an average day. Could lead to a man wondering if he should get in the trade, if only what he had was marketable. Originally Posted by extant51
{shaking head in disbelief}

First of all, you happened to overlook the most important part of the deal here bub...there happens to be a human element involved. So it's not all sex and money.

I guess you've got to throw manners into the mix as well since this is also being forgotten...

There are numerous others but if that's how you view the deal, then it's going to take far longer to explain than I'm willing to commit to this..

a) It's none of his business and b) it's a personal and embarrassing question to ask a woman. Whatever her reply, she's going to be judged.

Why in the hell would you...never mind.

Jeez. Unbeeeeeeveable.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I guess that is the polite way of asking without sounding like an idiot or a I know and knowing is half the battle.
It is no one's business but your own.

If you wish to be first (because sloppy n(th) is gross to you), then ask for such an appointment. Do realize that you have to cater to her schedule. Don't become upset if she cannot meet your scheduling demands. Everyone has a real life outside of the hobby.
ammonite's Avatar
I agree with JJ, if it bothers you (the client), ask to be the first appt of the morning. How many she sees in a day is irrelevant then, and also none of your (the clients) business.
While I totally agree it's none of the guy's business, I also suspect the question originates out of curiosity and nothing evil or sinister.

I think a response along the lines, "I never talk about my clients, including you", might be an appropriate response. That way the client will know you value his privacy as much as everyone else's.
Willen's Avatar
I echo Barney's advice. Almost everyone agrees it's an inappropriate question, so the issue for providers is how to deflect it without hurting their business. Of course the discretion argument is going to be less compelling if you've just complimented the guy on his size by saying, "Wow, that's twice as big as Willen's."

But let's turn the matter around and focus on the hobbyist. If it really matters to you that you're boldly going where no man has gone before (on that day), then do what you can to schedule early. If it REALLY matters to you, then offer to compensate the provider accordingly. And let me float one other notion. Tell the provider in advance it's important to you. She can make that part of the fantasy. I'm trying to be realistic here, not cynical, but fellas you have to rely on her word anyway. In the end what matters is how much fun you two (or three or whatever) are going to have in the session.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
I agree that Brit can get right to the heart of the matter and everyone has a different perspective on what the heart is....That is actually a to each his own kind of question to think for me....the answer is....a shower and good toothbrushing takes care of it...I could care less how many before or after.....
swwaustin's Avatar
I think a response along the lines, "I never talk about my clients, including you", might be an appropriate response. That way the client will know you value his privacy as much as everyone else's. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
I think that would be a perfect response. As long as everybody is clean and sparkling and she makes me feel like while I may not be the first, I am the one she has been waiting on, I could care less. King of the hour, mmhmmm.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
There must be something exciting about the though of it, cause all this talk about Pepper getting fucked, and thinking about our last hot session, made me have to abuse myself...'s bound to be my turn again!
I would just joke and say your the lucky number 250 lol
Then it gets you both laughing about the situation and doesnt create conflict