Smoking and Kissing

I grew up in a smoking household, and I must admit there are pictures of me at the age of 3 sitting on my daddys lap, shareing cigars with him.
I have been a non smoker...and a smoker...and again a non smoker....
You see, I am very lucky with the fact that I am not addicted to it. I don't have that chemical reaction in the brain that causes you to crave it. I have always been a 'social smoker' off and on. Currently, I am a non smoker.

Today people do have a very extreme attitude against smokers. I just do not understand it. Yes, pass rules that smoking is not permitted in public, inclosed places without being vented.....but beyound that, leave it alone! Allow some people that enjoyment. It is really none of your business.
I DO NOT mind a smoker, not one bit! I have not yet 'tasted an ashtray'! most smokers are very considerate and do brush and rinse well. God Bless them!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I really don't like smoking at all but since I feel that it's one of the last prejudices, along with being fat, that many people hold towards others, I never say no to a smoker.

But it often filters to other parts of the body and my old lover summed it up very well when he said, oral sex with a female smoker was just different. Even if he couldn't tell that she smoked, when he went down on her, he could tell.

I've also noticed during oral sex with a smoker, it's not the same ... alright. Not trying to gross people out but there you have it.

I have a favorite client who smokes and he likes to have a cigarette before he walks in the door. Sometimes it's bad. Most of the time, it's tolerable. But he's so wonderful in most all ways, I try to ignore it.

In the grand scheme of things, for me, it's not that big of a deal.


In the grand scheme of things, for me, it's not that big of a deal.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Exactly, smoking holds no appeal for me, but I feel it is not my place to judge another persons habits.Also, I am much more interested in how people think, and treat each other over what they smell like.

Ok, me and my smelly, poop eating dog are off to bed now
I mean no disrespect Elizabeth, but are you effing kidding me? I would much rather go down on a smoker than go down on someone who eats sushi 3 days a week lmfao! Talk about an after taste.

If the smell or taste was that noticeable she would have had to be living on nothing but cigarettes and water for christ sake.

Everything you eat, drink, or stick up there for that matter has an effect on the way it tastes and smells. I dated a girl who smoked a pack a day and she had one of the best tasting kitties ever!

On the flip side I have dated non-smokers who smelled like a dumpster...end of relationship!

Certain drugs like (drug references deleted. ew) etc. give off a foul odor that is released through the sweat glands and yes even below, HOWEVER if a person is clean and knows how to take a shower and wash properly(as in right before) there should not be a smell regardless of what they do.

Maybe the smoker your ex speaks of didn't wash her hands after she wiped and the cigarette smell was still on them. Who knows but that is about the most ludicrous statement I have ever heard. As for him not knowing she smoked until he ate her out...BULLSHIT!

She just took her clothes off and let him go to town within 2 seconds of meeting him? Ok. Even if all he did was buy her a drink or two and she was that much of a ho she jumped on it, I am quite sure she smoked at least one cigarette in that time lmao.

I have been with hundreds of women and could not tell who smoked or who didn't by their freaking kitten. I could however smell it sometimes right after on their hands or their clothes. I have been with women who were health nuts, smelled great, took the panties off and had to step back it was so bad.

Good hygiene is good hygiene period. Eating pineapple can also supposedly make you taste sweeter..uh huh that's why so many girls swallow right? You would have to drink a gallon of the crap every day and even then it's not that much of a noticeable difference.

Most women don't cum in large amounts like we do. It is usually the same exact taste that we are tasting the whole time. Only once I had a girl taste great until she came, and it was freaking nasty as hell. Guess what? She was not a smoker lmao.
I should note that I'm also perfume/cologne intolerant, so maybe I just have an oversensitive sniffer. Almost all of it gives me a headache. At least that I don't usually taste when I kiss someone.

I DO like the smell of pipe smoke, but the taste is still not a pleasant one.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
First, welcome to ECCIE. Nice first post.

Second, don't reference drugs on this site. I'm not a moderator in this forum but since I'm around, I deleted it.

Third, don't call bullshit with me. I'm sure that my body count exceeds yours. My only point was that my lover told me that and I believe him. It was a long time ago but he was experienced, caring and that was a personal joy of his. It wasn't a criticism on his part, just an observation.

I also know that completely clean men who have taken great pains to groom themselves have had smells that have come from within.

But in spite of the fact that I personally found your response distasteful, your argument wasn't really a good one. You mentioned eating sushi three times a week then there would be an odor. You know? Never mind.

Get used to the board and enjoy it. ALL people have a way of carrying smells differently. We can agree to disagree.

I have pubic hair and as a result, tend to have more of an earthy if not musky scent. Sometimes it's more prevalent than others. But this forum usually doesn't get too down and dirty with the sex talk.

However, 'Another Realm" does. While you're learning a little bit about ECCIE, feel free to visit other forums and see the tones and responses.

Have a good weekend.
gimme_that's Avatar
When I first started hobbying I tried to only seek providers who didnt smoke, and that drastically limited the choices I had. Since I was trying to book overnights, before seeing ladies with rep and reviews via sites like this, seeing a lady who smoked while doing outcalls at hotels was risky. I got cashed and dashed once and decided to just get hotels with a balconies after that.

Since most of the hotels I choose have no smoking policies its somewhat harder to book a room with a balcony so she can light up. And booking a smoking room only brings more of a stinch especially the comforter on the bed that never gets washed. Im sure some ladies wont post they smoke to not filter themselves from potential clients. I always ask though.

Rarely will I find ladies who do overnights and dont smoke in between sessions but the ones who did turned out to be ATFs for me. So maybe its a hidden intangible for me. In all other cases when they smoked the donation stayed in the room while she took an elevator and lit up.
Perhaps in reference to Alex question, if I plan on seeing someone (SB or courtesan) and learn they smoke, I will reconsider seeing them. It just doesn't work for me. I smoke 30+ years ago, and know it is one of the hardest habits to give up so while I am sympathetic, I can choose how to spend my dollars.

On the other hand I have a client who unabashed smokes. It is affecting the marketing of his product. We have gotten a lot of feedback saying such. He is not quitting, I have read him the riot act. So I'll keep marketing, but he ain't quitting either. Sigh.
atlcomedy's Avatar
. And booking a smoking room only brings more of a stinch . Originally Posted by gimme_that
I can only speak to my personal experiences but at business class hotels (Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, etc.) and above I've never had a problem with a smoking room.

More than once I've heard, "Mr ATL, we can upgrade you to a suite but all we have left is a smoking suite. Is that a problem?"

NOPE! No problem.

I think most smoking rooms are actually low mileage & if someone is a smoker the fact that they are in a non-smoking room doesn't stop them.
My most humble apologies Liz, but I thought this was an adult board. If you are not prepared to deal with a rebutal of your cliams, don't make reference to them.

If you are that naive I have some ocean front property to sell you also. For a group that is supposed to be so much better and more intelligent than the rest of the poor escorts out there, some of you make about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine lmao.

Like I said, WASH it and it won't have a damn odor lol. The sushi reference was to make you realize how stupid your argument was, so thanks for making reference to it. Try eating nothing but garlic cloves all week and nothing else, and tell me what it smells like before you wash it.

The majority of what you live on will seep through, so again if the smoker does nothing BUT smoke, yea I guess he/she would have an overbearing smell.

Just because I don't agree with you and call bullshit, is no need for you to go on a tirade about me being disrespectful...your ex is simply full of crap. Even the way you phrased his so called claims made zero sense.

How could he just jump into bed with someone and not know they smoked until then? The smell on their clothes, hair, etc. would be something they can't wash like their private parts, hence that's how he knew. But again, you keep believing stupidity lol.

This is the first time in all my years I have ever heard this from anyone...guy or girl and I have friends who smoke and ones who don't. I am quite sure this would have been locker room talk long ago if it held any water.

I am not a new poster but since I happen to know how things work around here, I chose to use an alias.

Everytime one of you makes a bogus statement and someone calls you on it, it always plays out like this.

Carry on.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

You have mail.

discreetgent's Avatar
I am not a new poster but since I happen to know how things work around here, I chose to use an alias. Originally Posted by wtf222
I didn't know this board allowed multiple identities.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Got to love drive by mods... So St. Chris, exactly how many mods do you have? I noticed Elisabeth is only a "mod" not a "super mod" -- what does she have to do to get promoted?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Got to love drive by mods... So St. Chris, exactly how many mods do you have? I noticed Elisabeth is only a "mod" not a "super mod" -- what does she have to do to get promoted? Originally Posted by atlcomedy

I'm hardly a drive by poster in this forum. It's just a personal preference to have John take care of issues when they come up because this is his forum. Guess that I can raise my delicate hand and make a change or two if need be, and I did last night, but it's not my preference.

Besides this forum and 'another realm' is where I visit to enjoy myself. And here is where I just like to sit back and enjoy the banter. What happened above is an anomaly. Well, just sortof!

Perhaps in reference to Alex question, if I plan on seeing someone (SB or courtesan) and learn they smoke, I will reconsider seeing them. It just doesn't work for me. I smoke 30+ years ago, and know it is one of the hardest habits to give up so while I am sympathetic, I can choose how to spend my dollars.
Originally Posted by SR Only
You are right about that. As a client you have every right to pick , and choose who you want to see. I am looking at it more from the escorts POV.We are in a business where we relate to people under some very unusual, and close situations.In some ways it is probably similar to other occupations such as nurses, massage therapists, personal trainers, etc.When you work that close to other people you make an attempt to train your senses to be a little more open to different odors.

I would not tolerate a client who did not respect me enough to make the effort to arrive well groomed, and smelling nice, because that is within his power to control .Smoking on the other hand is not.While the conditions may be less than perfect for me, I would prefer to have a stinky, but happy client who feels free to smoke. Over a miserable, ( lusting for a cigarette the entire time we are together) but smoke free one.