NYTimes trashes Clinton Foundation - maybe Hillary won't be President after all...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 05:43 PM
All during 2015, every attack ad against the Hidebeast will end with, "what does it matter".

But the reality is, to about 52 percent of the voters, it doesn't. Originally Posted by Jackie S
that's only because the rightwingers have slung so much shit for so long about trivial bullshit, the voting public doesn't give a shit any more
LexusLover's Avatar
...., the voting public doesn't give a shit any more Originally Posted by CJ7
The CJ Poll on "give-a-shits"!
Actually, I think it will be reduced to 30 second sound bites quite easily.

First by Democratic primary opponents and then by the GOP if she makes it that far.

The 30 second sound bites don't have to be complete explanations - or accurate for that matter. They just have to get across a central message - the Clintons are crooks who are up to their old shenanigans. This time they are scamming donors and avoiding taxes.

Then the Clintons can waste untold hours defending themselves and rebutting the accusations. Death by a thousand cuts. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Hillary Clinton will eat a "scandal" like this for breakfast.
This is the basis for the liberal "success" .. the "average voter" is too dumb to understand, and they can be "explained in a way that is understandable to the average voter" ... and anyway in 3 years none of those "average voters" will give a shit about these scandals.

And some on here have the audacity to accuse me of being condescending and arrogant.

All the information one needs on the FoundationGate scandal is contained in Hellarious's closet in ...

......... shoe boxes! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And the basis for conservative success is to generate lies and bullshit in order to try to win elections. You stupid motherfuckers don't even try to put on a pretense of having an agenda or doing anything positive for America or Americans. It's all attack-dog slime-ball shit like this. ExNyer's response to my first post is classic and illustrative....."It doesn't matter if it's true".....just repeat it enough without regard for accuracy and maybe the sheep will buy it and vote for us. What a wonderful formula to govern by.
And the basis for conservative success is to generate lies and bullshit in order to try to win elections. You stupid motherfuckers don't even try to put on a pretense of having an agenda or doing anything positive for America or Americans. It's all attack-dog slime-ball shit like this. ExNyer's response to my first post is classic and illustrative....."It doesn't matter if it's true".....just repeat it enough without regard for accuracy and maybe the sheep will buy it and vote for us. What a wonderful formula to govern by. Originally Posted by timpage
I didn't say it would be "lies and bullshit" or that "it doesn't matter if it's true", I said it didn't have to be a complete explanation to be in a 30 second sound byte (because too complicated) or accurate (for the same reason).

I also didn't say it was a formula to govern by. I said it would be used in the campaign to damage her.

I also said it would be used by Democrats in the primaries, not just the GOP.

Other than that, your analysis of what I said was spot-on Professor Barleycorn.
Hillary Clinton will eat a "scandal" like this for breakfast. Originally Posted by timpage
We'll see. There was a lot of "Clinton fatigue" by 2000.

I think it will reappear rather quickly in the run up to 2016.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
And the basis for conservative success is to generate lies and bullshit in order to try to win elections. You stupid motherfuckers don't even try to put on a pretense of having an agenda or doing anything positive for America or Americans. It's all attack-dog slime-ball shit like this. ExNyer's response to my first post is classic and illustrative....."It doesn't matter if it's true".....just repeat it enough without regard for accuracy and maybe the sheep will buy it and vote for us. What a wonderful formula to govern by. Originally Posted by timpage

For a second there, I thought you were talking about Obama and the shit he has been shoveling to the uninformed masses for the last 5 years. My bad.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 08:27 PM
The CJ Poll on "give-a-shits"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

you're pretty handy at partial quotes ... much like you are at partial truths.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Democrats are just dumb enough to support her.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
My only worry about Hillary getting elected is some fucker shooting her. Not because I care about her, but because I couldn't take all the lies in the resulting canonization of her. Endless books, articles, and memorials to her "greatness". It will so nauseate me I will puke everyday for a year, while Bill silently rejoices.
Please people, let her live!! Secret Service, please protect her!!

BTW, did you know she was one of the "Top 100 young lawyers in America" back in 1925?" You would find out so many trumped up praises about her "achievements" you will puke, also.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
shit like this is nothing new ...

http://mediamatters.org/mobile/blog/...ciation/146602 Originally Posted by CJ7
What's new is that the NYT is behind the story.
shit like this is nothing new ...

http://mediamatters.org/mobile/blog/...ciation/146602 Originally Posted by CJ7
That's the problem it's nothing new, and it shouldn't even exist. We have poor leadership in this country because the wrong people are being elected. We have grown accustomed to elected officials incompetence on all levels of Government. It's high time the American people called these idiots out on their ineptness. I don't know about anyone here but I don't appreciate the disrespect they've given us.
LexusLover's Avatar
you're pretty handy at partial quotes ... much like you are at partial truths. Originally Posted by CJ7
You're pretty handy at reading the minds of voters ... much like you are at everything else!

That is typically a liberal's trait .. reading others' minds and speaking for them....

... not to mention explaining what their incompetent "leaders" were trying to say.

But I thought you were a conservative all this time.
bojulay's Avatar
What''s continually amazing is that the Clintons are more
bullet proof than your average superhero.

They even have more tensile strength than Obama it would seem.

What happens when scandal becomes part of your mystique.

Those darn rapscallions. What will they think of next?
LexusLover's Avatar
What''s continually amazing is that the Clintons are more
bullet proof than your average superhero. Originally Posted by bojulay
Apparently, stealing is acceptable. It's the blow jobs that slay them.

So, Hillary had better stay off her knees. Or at least swallow thoroughly.