Second provider that wouldn't open the door (Laney)

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Because this is a discussion board and this is one of the more interesting topics I've read lately (not saying much), I'm going to offer my thoughts. I might have done exactly what Larry did. If I were to get to a house of someone I've never met with music blaring and knock on the door and no one answers, I'm leaving. I'm not going to open a door and walk into anyone's house, especially someone I've never met. However, I might have texted from the front door or from my car to ask her to come to the door if she had been responding quickly to texts -- unless I had a bad feeling and was just ready to leave.

Larry posted about his experience, Laney responded. That's what this board is for. I don't think Larry has said anything to be an ass. Laney has responded politely.

I am curious though -- Laney, if what Larry described is true and he texted when he was two minutes away, why didn't you look out for him and open the door? Who was in the car in your driveway? Was there a guy inside when he was knocking on your door who said something? Did you or someone else say come inside? Or is Larry wrong about all of this? Larry, why didn't you text from the door or your car to ask her to open the door.

The whole thing sounds like something I wouldn't want to deal with. Laney has a stellar reputation and its seems that most people who know her have great things to say about her. Larry's experience was almost a shitshow. Laney hasn't really addressed any of the points Larry made. Pyramider called Larry as ass for some unknown reason unless it was just to take sides. This has the making of a spirited discussion. Where is the guy with the sniper picture under his name when we need him?

I'll happily answer your questions...
I texted at 1525 "I'm 2 minute away"
Got a response at 1524 "Excellent"
I texted at 1525 "Ok here"
No response
I went up to the door and knocked, waited, knocked, waited...knocked louder again because of the loud ass music playing...Walked back to my car...I didn't text from the door because I had left my phone in the car on purpose, only cash and keys in my pockets...
Got back to my car and had a txt saying "U can knock any time"
"U sure. I don't see you"

I'm literally standing on the porch, right infront of the door, knocking... Repeatedly...I'm hard to miss, car parked right infront of the house...All of this took me several minutes, I texted her at 1534 when I got back to my car and did a u turn at the end of the street..."I came up to the door and knocked several times, I'm sorry I'm not going to come into a house just on my own"..
Her responses "You're full of it"....
And..."I was sitting right in the living room now it's possible because of the music was on that I didn't hear you very well but you couldn't have knocked very loudly or maybe you never intended to come at all and you just wanted to waste my whole afternoon wow"....After these texts, I drove out of the neighborhood and left....Later that day I did txt her back to describe her car and house so she would know I was actually there and I also apologized to her and told her it wasn't my intention to waste her afternoon....I received no response back from her after my last txt...left a review later that night...