Hunting Trump supporters!!!!!

Seems the people who made this were upset because people were seeing the Trump supporters being hunted as the heroes. Not what they were expecting. Every time the left pulls a stupid stunt like this it just increases Trump's support and ratings.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
Trump supporters running from liberals like a bunch of scardy cats? This should be merged with the thread about Trump supporters scared to wear their MAGA hats in public. Trump scardy cats.......booooo. They sure talk a lot of shit on hooker boards and at the Nationalist Rallies. One on one they seem to melt like snoflakes in the Texas sun. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scardy cats
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 04:11 PM
DPST's calling "Cowardice" - yet make it clear they love to hunt unarmed Conservtives - From the Movie they want to make it a Reality show!!!
Will be a top seller in kalifornia!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DPST's calling "Cowardice" - yet make it clear they love to hunt unarmed Conservtives - From the Movie they want to make it a Reality show!!!
Will be a top seller in kalifornia! Originally Posted by oeb11
Thank you for the cogent and Constructive comment, oeb11.

Arya afraid to walk the streets wearing your MAGA hat?

Speaking of hunting supporters ...

  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 04:55 PM
From those that would run in terror while our Military defends their Right to Free speech.
DPST's already posted Iran would beat America - go Join the Ayatollah's - get four wives, and ride a white horse into paradise for 72 virgins!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
From those that would run in terror while our Military defends their Right to Free speech.
DPST's already posted Iran would beat America - go Join the Ayatollah's - get four wives, and ride a white horse into paradise for 72 virgins!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Sorry, oeb11. You have gone totally around the bend.

I pray for your health and safety.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 05:05 PM
Like TM gave out "olive branches"!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

The Last Supper....funny how you walk away from the last part. Ron Pearlman plays a Rush Limbaugh type character whom they get to their murderous dinner table. He talks rings around their liberal, knee jerk politics then Courtney Vance asks if he went back in time to 1922 Munich and met Hitler in a bar...would he kill him? Pearlman said, NO, that's not his job. All the libs were excited that they were going to kill Rush Limbaugh because he loved Hitler. One of them asked, Cameron Diaz I think, what would you do? "I'd talk to the man. Try to convince him to see the error of his logic. Killing him just might make things worse."
The startled liberals retreated to have a private discussion. When they came back, Pearlman toasted them with their own wine and they all died. Always brings a tear to my eye.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
themystic's Avatar
Is there a confirmed body count of DTDS or is this just pre release hype?
There ain't as many Trump supporters in the real world as there are in their mama's basements pounding their keyboards.

Deal with it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We'll see come 2020.
And on that day you will
That meltdown of yours will be epic
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It could be because Rush Limbaugh isn’t known for being much of a movie critic. I caught part of his program this morning and he was describing the movie in that manner. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You call that a Al Bores An inconvenient truth??
Pretty hard to try and explain nonsense and convince anyone but a child that a fairy tale is reality...Hummm simple minds!!
Being baffled as to why the LSM isn't covering this...because they're all fair and balance.
Another masterpiece from Dinesh D’souza? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Like your masterpieces on here Mr. Gaffe

Thank you thug supporting poster!!
Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.
Trump supporters running from liberals like a bunch of scardy cats? This should be merged with the thread about Trump supporters scared to wear their MAGA hats in public. Originally Posted by themystic
Bring it on...just know who you're dealing with when you plan an assault!! It could be your last
You ain't seen SCARDY CAT!!