e.com Issues Strike Again !

Cpalmson's Avatar
They have also changed the reviews for providers. No longer is there a description of what a provider offers (i.e. French, Fetish, MSOG, etc). Everything that was on the right side of the review is now gone. Also, I just had a review rejected because it was too explicit. It had the same type of info I have put in other Escort reviews, but this one was rejected.

As for the verification, it sounds like they are doing what BP and CL were forced to do when they made a deal with the state Attorney Generals. If you remember, BP and CL "promised" that they would only accept ads from those who had a verifiable credit card on file.

These advents are a damn shame because Escorts is probably the best resource for my part of the country. Unfortunately ECCIE hasn't penetrated (pun intended ) my geographic region.
  • MissO
  • 11-11-2010, 07:54 PM
i assume this means to steer clear of advertising on other sites owned by the parent company, like femdom.com?
i have my profile in hiding until this passes over
Cpalmson's Avatar
i have my profile in hiding until this passes over Originally Posted by Memory757
Funny you mentioned this. When I use to do a search of my area on E.com, I would come back with 11 or 12 pages worth of results. Out of curiosity, I did my normal search and came back with only 5 1/2 pages of results. Nearly 40% of the once profiled providers are gone.
I am thinking this is because of the email that i posted earlier that my friend received. The only ones who are still up are the ones of us that used our credit cards so they actually know who we are and have us verified. This is actually a goodthing for the clients but may not be such a good thing for us providers.
Funny you mentioned this. When I use to do a search of my area on E.com, I would come back with 11 or 12 pages worth of results. Out of curiosity, I did my normal search and came back with only 5 1/2 pages of results. Nearly 40% of the once profiled providers are gone. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
we know that everyone isnt hiding their profile im thinking it is because of the email. Escorts removed it because they werent verified by their credit card.
I never bought a VIP or anything there so yes they removed all my stuff. Reviews and all.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Oh another thing I just noticed about E.Com, they no longer have provider websites available. The only info they have for contact is e-mail; E.com message, and phone number. This sucks b/c there is no way to see if an escort has an independent website. I've about had it with E.com-- which is a sad thing given it was a very useful site.
There used to be 100 providers in my midwestern town, now there are just 3. I have no idea how to even find the ones I had my eyes on before? This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Which edyots in LE are responsible for this? As hobyists, how do we complain?
Oh another thing I just noticed about E.Com, they no longer have provider websites available. The only info they have for contact is e-mail; E.com message, and phone number. This sucks b/c there is no way to see if an escort has an independent website. I've about had it with E.com-- which is a sad thing given it was a very useful site. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Weird..My e. com page still lists my website on it... I'm going to be so irritated if my stuff gets deleted, I have 60+ reviews on there damnit!
Aren't they in the process of changing the name from e.com to le.com???
Valerie you might want to start copying your reviews there. If you are not a paid member already they will take it all down. Or they did mine.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Just noticed they were back. Maybe it was a temporary thing.
It is annoying with all the BS but most ad sites want ID now I know EROS has had it for along time .I am sure in a few months every board will be needing it too its just another way to try and get rid of us online !
Valerie you might want to start copying your reviews there. If you are not a paid member already they will take it all down. Or they did mine. Originally Posted by naughtynatale
Im in the process of it..Thanks!....