Anybody watching the latest Impeachment Show.??

  • oeb11
  • 12-04-2019, 08:58 PM
DPST's love to project their own arrogance and profound insecurity - Hence the name-calling and scatology.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I think all of you red neck clowns should forget watching the proceedings. It’s way above the level of your comprehension and IQ.
But thanks for reminding us how ignorant and uneducated some of you half wits really are.
No wonder you voted for Trump. You fit right in with his misogyny and arrogance. They’re all laughing at him over the pond in London. He’s out of his depth there too. Those leaders can’t believe how a dumbass like him can end up in the WH, then end up being impeached.
Well I could tell them, but they already know.
It’s glaringly obvious.
Cheerio Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
+1 planet.

DPST's love to project their own arrogance and profound insecurity - Hence the name-calling and scatology. Originally Posted by oeb11

oeb11 proves the case.
Pelosi is asking Nadler....”What idiot decided to bring these three stooges to testify”?

Jonathan Turley single handily threw the Democrat’s “academic scholars” off the cliff.

I loved it when the Republicans showed the video of that lard ass Nadler defending a Bill Clinton.

These people have no shame.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Funny part is the hand picked scholars cant agree -ridiculous at best treason at worst ,,,,,

Jonathan Turley single handily threw the Democrat’s “academic scholars” off the cliff.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
turley did a good job exposing the half-bakedness of the three amigos arguments

I think he didn't go far enough however in his criticisms

the thrust of his position is that the record is incomplete

the more complete argument is that there was no impeachable offense

the fall back position of the dims, is "abuse of power"

can a president abuse his power by exercising his constitutional authority?

maladministration was rejected as an impeachable offense by the founders

the dims want to sneak it in the back door it seems
rexdutchman's Avatar
And Still no answer
We are in the weeds , 3 questions the LSM has forgot about ?
1) IF there was a Quid pro quo was that illegal ?
2) Why are all the "witnesses " (3 hand opinions) disgruntled employees or fired ?
3) Hunters dealings ?
That's the whole base of the investigation
Funny how simple question are to difficult for the Distortion of fact fairy tales
And abuse of power really talk about distortion of facts ,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-05-2019, 08:39 AM
Again - the house DPST's are desperately insearch of a "Crime" to hang on the pre-determined Impeachment.
Their desperation and futility is clearly shown with hper-partisan "law professors" whose pre-determined opinions and lies were shown up in hearings.

Let them vote to impeach - time to end the Schiff/nadler show and move to a neutral, non-partisan hearing environment where the right to confront accusers and avoid Star Chamber proceedings will rule.

The Senate!