Go save a new "Crown" pimp tat/brand girl

hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 07-28-2011, 11:49 AM
Dannie,,,I SO love your style.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Yes you are correct in that there are many more pimped girls on here that most would never know hand over every dime they earn to their "man" who he has convinced loves them and all he cares about is another gold tooth or bigger spinners for his ride.

BUT think of it this way.

As clients, many want the illusion of passion that comes from an ability of the provider to pretend she really is there for US for that time. That illusion is shattered when she takes off her blouse and WHAM, there is that nasty crown tit tat from king.

Some guys can ignore the pimp factor if they are not slapped in the face with it. THAT is the point of posting INFORMATION about the obvious pimp brands.

We can't get into a discussion of pimp babies on this board but it is a sore subject to many tax paying clients because pimps will NEVER be able to provide support for their spawn and as a tax payer, it annoys me that when the earner is no longer the fresh meat in his stable, she is most likely resorting to living on the public teat of welfare and WIC and HUD vouchers.
Guest091314's Avatar
There is no "saving" a pimped girl. Only when she finally realizes that she has a brain will she then know she does not need him.

I will always offer help for new indys but i have learned my lesson from these types of girls.
I give all my money to my SO AND she treats me like shit. She always tells me she loves me directly before and after verbally beating the shit out of me.

Does this mean I'm pimped? Please, ladies, I'm ready to be rescued!
I give all my money to my SO AND she treats me like shit. She always tells me she loves me directly before and after verbally beating the shit out of me.

Does this mean I'm pimped? Please, ladies, I'm ready to be rescued! Originally Posted by TheBizz
I've got a spot for you, baby. I'll make you a star! I want it by choice, not by force! If I have to beat your ass, I don't need you on my team. As long as you know your place and play your role right, we can take over the world! You gonna eat so much scrimps, you'll have iodine poisoning.
She "LUUURRRVVEESS" him he "TAKES CURRRRRRR" of her. Originally Posted by DecemberLove

lol lol lol LMAO!!!!! It's not funny, but it IS!
Off topic, but Dannie, everytime I see your avatar I just want to bury my head in it and hide until all the bad people go away.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
And thats exactly my point. Society has their own view on what the "Pimp & hoe" biz is about.....but if you have never been affiliated with it...how do you know? How do you know that every lady that is with a pimp is beat? How do you know that lady wants to be saved? How do you know she is not happy? Your only going by other people's judgements. I'm not siding with anything. I'll give an example of a few ladies I know that had the same pimp. These ladies were spoiled to the core!!! Vacations every other month, fancy cars....I mean all out spoiled. Houses...in their name!!! Cars in their name. Til this day I see their pics on my pages living the lavish life. But then again, I've known ladies to be with pimps and get beat, live in hotel rooms, go without eating. Its crazy. But point being, you can't judge something your not even affiliated with and know nothing about. I'm just an open minded person. I've been around all types of ladies, indy & ladies w pimps. Stop watching movies!!! If your so curious about that side of the biz, yal are pointed out specific ladies that have pimps, why don't you call them and ask. All I'm saying is its too hard to find out who has pimps and who doesn't. Screen tha lady, read her reviews. Stop making judgements on something more than half of you have no clue about.....your just going by what society has labeled it to be...or what movie you watched.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
...And on a side note: irregardless is not a word. It is simply, "regardless". (and WTH is a 'siffer'???) Originally Posted by Dannie
I'll take a shot and guess "cypher" as in "Jethro can cypher good" per granny or possibly sift/sifter?

TheDuck's Avatar
I thought she butchered the work "sniff" somehow....and on a side note, whatever Dannie says, I agree! Dannie thinks like a Duck!!
  • Oppa
  • 07-28-2011, 03:02 PM
I'll start with full disclosure by saying that first and primarily I am an AMP guy.....

As for whether a girl has a pimp or not, that doesn't matter to me. As some have said, we are all working in some way to feed someone else....parents, kids, wives/girlfiends, in my case....my lifestyle and hobbies lol.

I also don't mind tats IF tastefully done. Frankly a pimp "branding" is no different than some girls having some dude's name tattooed on their back, ass, or leg.

What I DO have a problem with is what Dannie described as "ghetto shit." WALDT, but for me "ghetto fabulous" is a HUGE turnoff. If I'm going to consider being with a provider, I want someone with class, elegance, and some amount of taste. The way I look at it, if I ever decide to go back to Anglo/Afro/Latina, there are plenty of ladies here who provide a wonderful alternative to the ghetto scene.

If it is so acceptable to have a pimp, then why are there so many ads with some variation of "100% indy" & zero ads with "100% pimped?" Why all the lying, claiming to be independent?

Rhetorical questions, I know.
rex4998's Avatar
Only when she finally realizes that she has a brain
LOL, good one
StJames's Avatar
I am just going to say that not all girls with a tattoo above thier breast is run by a pimp. I have always been 100% indy and have a tattoo above my breast (it does show in all my photos and had it done when I first turned 18)

However, the crown tat like you guys are talking about is a bad sign if you are looking to stay away from girls that are pimped. Originally Posted by Red_Headed_Julie
I don't think he means all girls with a tittat, that's just one of the "managers" favorite places to put the thing.

If it is so acceptable to have a pimp, then why are there so many ads with some variation of "100% indy" & zero ads with "100% pimped?" Why all the lying, claiming to be independent?

Rhetorical questions, I know. Originally Posted by SlapAndTickle
Having a pimp is not "acceptable" as far as that goes in public, and the ads say "100% indy" because of some of the guys on here that abhor pimped out girls and they want to attract every one they can to them. It is just a common practice in this hobby that you will find pimping girls, and it will never change, there is alot of money in it. The real question is do you want to see a girl who looks all bruised up? mal-nourished as the pimp is denying her food? If that were the case, the pimps would not make any money on her as no one would want to see her BCD. If he takes half or more of her money, who cares? if she is that stupid, then so be it. Except for the guys that want to "rescue" her from the life of persecution, as long as they give great "service" and the pimp himself stays away from you, no one cares about girls being pimped.