waverunner234's Avatar
but my goodness get a brain. We have more coal than the world has petroleum reserves, use this resource. Originally Posted by durango95
Time for you to use your brain

How can we use coal when oil owns the Government
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Does anyone realize why unemployment is high?

Maybe it is not Obama and his plans
History has shown it is not too high taxes
The republicans have NO SOLUTIONS EITHER, they only jell at Obama for political reasons

What about job loss is NOT temporary, NOT a result of current policies

Job loss is about world economy, jobs move to India, China, Philippines
Job loss is about the electronic highway

Solutions need to be sought in a way that no one has tried yet

Shorter work week, high taxation of overtime
More vacation days, holidays
Share the problem, more people at work for less hours

The financial consequences? I'll be honest, no clue yet but its time to start thinking about it. And bury all the political shit.
These are the real problems, needing real solutions

Blaming current and past and future presidents or presidential hopefuls is totally useless

The first candidate who HAS THE GUTS to think AND act in this more constructive way will have my vote, regardless of political background
(except for Bachmann and Perry of course, but I don't think they are smart enough to come up with this kind of thinking)

Food for thought? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Good post.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
the thread is how to increase employment and it reverts to anti-free enterprise, spread the wealth, how bad the oil business is, the bad corporations, evil ceos, a call for government to punish people, and a denigration of what you say are "beneath you" available jobs. its as if you view all wealth creation to be some common trough to be divided by vote of a rabble of some slight 50.0001 percent democratic vote. who will create this wealth to be divided? no wonder theres no confidence with the current people in charge. what a relentless level of envious sloth!

lets say you wished to hire someone, would you hire someone with those attitudes? you, a person, a single person, who sweated and took a chance and started a business and missed paychecks so he could pay his suppliers and make sure the one employee he started with never missed a check, and now things are better and one of you dudes with this mentality and swagger comes with a "look down your nose with a sniff" attitude for a position and a hardly beneath the surface wonder of why the hell do you make so much, its not fair, sneer. you are going to hire him?

just how far from capitalism are you Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yessss, massah!
Looks like we have another voter for Ron Paul, the only candidate with a solution - freedom! Of course government jobs may be lost, but so what? the free market will thrive and the IRS will be gone!
Yessss, massah! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
what makes a slave? isn't it when you control him and take the product of his work?

sounds like you want to be the slave master and i want freedom

seems as though perhaps you wouldn't wish to hire, as an owner, the person you want to be as an employee, huh?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
what makes a slave? isn't it when you control him and take the product of his work?

sounds like you want to be the slave master and i want freedom

seems as though perhaps you wouldn't wish to hire, as an owner, the person you want to be as an employee, huh? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional).
Why is unemployment so high? The cost of doing business in this country, primarily government costs: Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, various regulations, long term liability, healthcare, etc.

Ship the job off to China or India where you don't have to worry about supporting a nonproductive segment of the society and toss your waste into the local river with impunity.

My managers like to send out emails citing incidents in China where a plant mgr was caught putting known inferior components or substances in products, caught, then summarily executed. They think its funny...while they ask us to cut corners to make project deadlines.

BTW, unemployment would be higher if those wars were shut down.
LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional). Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
So what else are you referring? I can take it, just say.

My post was yes including you but others too, not exclusively addressed to you.

Btw what motives are you giving me?

Good job questioning motive and patriotism. That's what people do to attack others when they have no leg to stand on.

And so how and to what am I a traitor? I'm not down with the struggle against the man? I need to over pay taxes because paying tax is patriotic? I'm a traitor to my " class"? I've read about that in these posts about how regular people are stupid because they are conservative. Who the he'll are you to know one thing abt me and dare to call me a traitor?

The posts that had me respond quite frankly were shocking in the
Thought processes that would allow them, shocking and disappointing.

And yeah people can read and see for themselves, but I'd imagine w
They have better things to do
cptjohnstone's Avatar
never.. talking to randycandy is like
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2011, 10:13 PM
BTW, unemployment would be higher if those wars were shut down. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Thats a great reason to continue!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2011, 10:21 PM
LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional). Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You nailed him Randy.

He says he can take it but don't fall for that lie, he ran crying like a little baby when I kept calling him on his BS.

He says he wants the truth but he can't handle the truth!

Forget about him, he is a typical liberal wrapped in Tea Party gear. He wants the government to cut spending only on things he does not need nor want. It is balls to the walls with government spending that he likes.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2011, 10:23 PM
never.. talking to randycandy is like Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Shit think about us, we already know wtf you cats are going to say tomorrow....
Shit think about us, we already know wtf you cats are going to say tomorrow.... Originally Posted by WTF
And us you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fighting useless wars is a jobs program? AYFKM?
CPT Savajo's Avatar
The U.S. Postal Service is getting wiped out by the internet and smart phones. It's becoming more obsolete as time goes on. Plus we have online banking, who needs the postal service anymore, really? Sure they can keep delievering the junk mail and all the food ads which ends up in the garbage can anyways. The end result is a waste of paper.

Netflix and the Redbox have wiped out most of the movie rental chains. Plus people can order movies right off of their cable box. If people could streamline new movies that just came out straight into their TV's no one would go to the movie theatres. That would wipe out every theatre in the economy, where the end result would be job loss and vacant strip malls, as if that already isn't happening across America. With rising inflation/rising prices and higher costs for energy people are going into the save mode just to buy basic living items. Just look at how much it cost for shaving razors, ridiculous! Speaking about saving, now the city only picks up the trash one day a week. The decided to go with a bigger trash bin for the people. They used to pick up twice a week but the city is going into the save mode as well. Their cutting back on wage hours and gas.

Downloading music via the internet and itunes have basically closed the doors on every music store across America. Who needs to go out and buy a CD, music stores can't compete with that. This results in more job loss and vacant commercial real estate. Were just witnessing the deindustrialization of America, major manufacturing has already left the country, the countries eroding while the banking system is imploding. How much more fiat currency can the system take! America has transitioned from a leading manufacturer to a nation which provides services. The jobs need to come back but whose going to convince an oligarch to bring the jobs back when you have slave labor?

To get this country back on track this country needs to elect Ron Paul as President, change the laws on small business, let the "to big to fails, fail," let the zombie banks fail, get rid of social security, end the Federal Reserve, go back to the gold standard where paper money is actually money, and kick the financial oligarchs out of Washington.