NBC: Could Dems face a civil war over abortion?

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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 12:54 PM
Can you back up what you are saying? Got anything at all to support your statement that abortion is more of an issue than it seems to be? I understand what you are trying to get at but there is no proof that what you are saying is true. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Some folks on here have all kind of trouble figuring out the difference between a belief and verifiable information.

No, not with what you would be looking for. I just know the anti abortion folks across from where I'm at is increasing.
And I have just never,ever seen that here in the People's Republic of Austin. What can I say - I'm like Trump - it's a feeling I have.
You poor little thing - google is your friend

Some folks on here have all kind of trouble figuring out the difference between a belief and verifiable information. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 01:25 PM
You poor little thing - google is your friend Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well facts sure aren't your posts of choice. You sou d rather liberal with all these feelings of yours.
Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeese. Do tell grasshopper.

Well facts sure aren't your posts of choice. Originally Posted by WTF
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Yet the God damn states want to give very little power to local government and local government wants to give even less to individuals... so it seems the Federal government in this instance is keeping states from taking away what should be individual choice.

Think about that... Originally Posted by WTF
I do "think about that" unless you think I make my values and beliefs up as I go along....

The "state" is more "local" than DC....generally the population of a state tend to agree on certain things that affect them locally...being from a oil producing state (where most tax revenue from the state for indigent care, medical care, welfare, etc comes from the oil industry much the same way coal is for West Virginia) the state government may seem fit to give tax incentives to oil companies...where the moonbat Green New Deal crowd in DC would want to cut them off at the knees, and make our state "suffer" for not playing ball the way they want us to a thousand miles away.
I do like poles. People from Poland are fantastic individuals. Oh, you mean "polls".

You do realize that the Supreme Court vote on Roe v. Wade was 7-2. One of the dissenters was Byron White who was appointed by Kennedy so I assume he was on the liberal side. William Rehnquist, a Conservative leaning judge, was the other dissenter.

30% is not a very high number when compared to the other issues important to voters:

Health care 80%
The economy 78%
Immigration 78%
Treatment of women 74%

https://news.gallup.com/poll/244367/...migration.aspx Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
No I meant POLES where it hurts...it went over your head!!
So you think 30% is a large number 19% more and you're still on the losing side...I have trouble understanding your "logic"...if you have any.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No I meant POLES where it hurts...it went over your head!!
So you think 30% is a large number 19% more and you're still on the losing side...I have trouble understanding your "logic"...if you have any. Originally Posted by bb1961

Poles where it hurts? Commie poles? Sorry if I did not get your rather strange sense of humor, if that is what it was.

30%? That number was in the first website you cited. No I don't think it is a large number which is why I say voters'views on abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. My logic is 80%, the percentage of voters that consider health care a major issue in 2020, is quite a bit larger than that 30% that consider abortion to be a major issue in 2020.

Hopefully you now understand my "logic".
bambino's Avatar
Poles where it hurts? Commie poles? Sorry if I did not get your rather strange sense of humor, if that is what it was.

30%? That number was in the first website you cited. No I don't think it is a large number which is why I say voters'views on abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. My logic is 80%, the percentage of voters that consider health care a major issue in 2020, is quite a bit larger than that 30% that consider abortion to be a major issue in 2020.

Hopefully you now understand my "logic". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree. HC is a major issue because the ACA is a disaster. The economy and immigration are the others. Anything else is bullshit.
Abortion is soooo weird. The lefties, WTF? They want to keep a "right" that kills millions of them yearly. I'm conflicted. On one hand, it keeps the libs (it was initially designed to 'control' the black population) thinned out. On the other hand, it's a barbaric practice of hacking out a human life from a female womb.

The non-elite left and others lack the intellectual capacity to see the obvious irony.
have all kind of trouble figuring out the difference between a belief and verifiable information. Originally Posted by WTF
I know exactly what you're talking about...perfect example the LSM.
Poles where it hurts? Commie poles? Sorry if I did not get your rather strange sense of humor, if that is what it was.

30%? That number was in the first website you cited. No I don't think it is a large number which is why I say voters'views on abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. My logic is 80%, the percentage of voters that consider health care a major issue in 2020, is quite a bit larger than that 30% that consider abortion to be a major issue in 2020.

Hopefully you now understand my "logic". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
No I don't understand your"logic"...no more than you under the difference in you enjoying a pole and polls being taking.

You seem to think healthcare is abortion...IT"S NOT although the left would like to sanitize it as so...like "reproductive rights"...I don't hear the term pro-abortion as much as I hear pro-life...wonder why...

Why is it that the left wants NO ONE being pro-life in their party...in the Republican party this isn't the case...so much for being the party of "inclusion".
As far as healthcare...once people get something that is either free or subsidized by others it is almost impossible to pull it back hence the 80% and the left knew this with Obummercare AKA the UNaca.

Speed do tell when are people suppose take responsibility for their own life and not rely on others to subsidize such a large expenditure...we both understand this "logic"...right SPEED.

This NIGHTMARE had such bipartisan because it was such a good plan...the templet of the left...the more people rely on the Gumment the better...are you one of those speed??
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No I don't understand your"logic"...no more than you under the difference in you enjoying a pole and polls being taking.

You seem to think healthcare is abortion...IT"S NOT although the left would like to sanitize it as so...like "reproductive rights"...I don't hear the term pro-abortion as much as I hear pro-life...wonder why...

Why is it that the left wants NO ONE being pro-life in their party...in the Republican party this isn't the case...so much for being the party of "inclusion".
As far as healthcare...once people get something that is either free or subsidized by others it is almost impossible to pull it back hence the 80% and the left knew this with Obummercare AKA the UNaca.

Speed do tell when are people suppose take responsibility for their own life and not rely on others to subsidize such a large expenditure...we both understand this "logic"...right SPEED.

This NIGHTMARE had such bipartisan because it was such a good plan...the templet of the left...the more people rely on the Gumment the better...are you one of those speed?? Originally Posted by bb1961
I have several friends who were laid off and received unemployment. I have a family member who lost her job and had a teenage son and went on unemployment and received food stamps until she was able to find a new job. They took responsibility for their lives but needed a helping hand for a while and were subsidized by you and me.

I am one of the 80% who thinks health care in this country is lacking. I go to the doctor once a year most years for my annual physical. I have never received medicaid. I have always paid for my health insurance. And I do not mind part of my taxes going to those less fortunate than I am in order to see that they receive at least a minimum of health care.

Is abortion health care? I never thought about it but since most employer-based health insurance has coverage for abortion care I guess the answer is "yes".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No I don't understand your"logic"...no more than you under the difference in you enjoying a pole and polls being taking.
Originally Posted by bb1961
BTW. if your use of the word "pole" is a vague innuendo as to my sexual preferences, I have 2 words for you:

Candice Owen says the same thing.

Abortion is soooo weird. The lefties, WTF? They want to keep a "right" that kills millions of them yearly. I'm conflicted. On one hand, it keeps the libs (it was initially designed to 'control' the black population) thinned out. On the other hand, it's a barbaric practice of hacking out a human life from a female womb.

The non-elite left and others lack the intellectual capacity to see the obvious irony. Originally Posted by Muscleup