Sexy Charlotte and Her Friends Blocking me

Exktf's Avatar
  • Exktf
  • 03-09-2022, 12:33 PM
OP, your obviously not a newbie in this hobby, so you know that providing provider references is key to seeing just about anyone. Oh2 being down doesn’t justify not being able to provide references. You don’t have 1 or 2 providers numbers or emails saved anywhere that can vouch for you? Come on! Go to tryst, here or some other site and search by name, phone number, email etc your bound to find someone you’ve seen that could give you a reference. Why not search one of your 16 reviews, see if anyone is still around and ask them for a reference? Has been multiple years, but who knows?

If I lose all my contacts, phone gets destroyed, email gets hacked, etc etc I still can remember one or two people I’ve seen in the last year, and find them on some other platform.

Being a Premium member here doesn’t mean anything more than you have some additional access, it doesn’t mean your safe to see. Being a new p411 member with 0 ok’s doesn’t mean anything either, your not special because you pay for access. Even having OKs over there isn’t the end all be all either, providers still may want to talk to ladies you’ve seen or have you give references.

You don’t want to provide real world info, I get that, I generally don’t either.

It also looks like you tried the same non screening tactic with at least one other provider, I’d classify that as behaving poorly, when they ask for it. (Providers do talk to each other)

All in all, you know how this game works, you tried to bypass it with a loophole , at least twice, and got called on it.
OP, your obviously not a newbie in this hobby, so you know that providing provider references is key to seeing just about anyone. Oh2 being down doesn’t justify not being able to provide references. You don’t have 1 or 2 providers numbers or emails saved anywhere that can vouch for you? Come on! Go to tryst, here or some other site and search by name, phone number, email etc your bound to find someone you’ve seen that could give you a reference. Why not search one of your 16 reviews, see if anyone is still around and ask them for a reference? Has been multiple years, but who knows?

If I lose all my contacts, phone gets destroyed, email gets hacked, etc etc I still can remember one or two people I’ve seen in the last year, and find them on some other platform.

Being a Premium member here doesn’t mean anything more than you have some additional access, it doesn’t mean your safe to see. Being a new p411 member with 0 ok’s doesn’t mean anything either, your not special because you pay for access. Even having OKs over there isn’t the end all be all either, providers still may want to talk to ladies you’ve seen or have you give references.

You don’t want to provide real world info, I get that, I generally don’t either.

It also looks like you tried the same non screening tactic with at least one other provider, I’d classify that as behaving poorly, when they ask for it. (Providers do talk to each other)

All in all, you know how this game works, you tried to bypass it with a loophole , at least twice, and got called on it. Originally Posted by Exktf

I moved out of state a few years ago. I only have seen a couple providers in Houston last year and contacted them via OH2. And I don't save their numbers. I tried to access OH2 and wasn't able to do so. I wasn't able find contact info from providers I seen last year. Yes, I was trying to find that are willing to see me with 1 reference (which I have 1 in Houston) or just looking my track record. I don't see how this is a loophole, as some providers have more easy going screening process. When that wasn't the case, I quickly disengaged, as I said to her I will hit her up once OH2 is back up or get I a p411 account. At this point, I don't see any reason to keep going to with fiasco...
What happened between "Great. Let me know!" and the blacklisting? If nothing else happened, or no other revelations occurred, I don't see what OP did wrong, and don't see why the blacklist effort occurred. I have P411 so I don't have to explicitly give references either, and get others involved in a potentially liable situation, given the current legal climate. If a lady asked me for things like my LinkedIn, a business card, and a legal ID, it would make me take pause, too...not only from a discretion standpoint, but also from an identity theft standpoint (whether any malice was intended or not).
casa-nova's Avatar
If it don't come easy, you better let it go.
'Cos when it don't come easy, there's no natural flow.
Don't make it hard on your heart, you might be better off alone,
If it don't come easy, you better let it go, yeah.
Passion2015's Avatar
Exactly Casa,

This hobby should be easy for the $$$ that are asked.

All this asking for personal information is ridiculous. Hobbyist are not looking for a job.

If a provider needs that much information it’s called being nervous and paranoid and maybe this isn’t the hobby they should be in.

Think about this for a minute.

You go to a bar and start talking to a guy or lady while having drinks and the next thing you know your either at her place or his place or even a hotel.
Now how much true information do either one of you have about each other?

Then after the sexual experience you either see each other again or you don’t.

I mean really, all this extra verification needed is it really necessary?

The date is either going to go well or not go well.

Hobbyist are on these sites to pay providers to have sex with them without the extra effort and drama
Exktf's Avatar
  • Exktf
  • 03-09-2022, 03:25 PM

You go to a bar and start talking to a guy or lady while having drinks and the next thing you know your either at her place or his place or even a hotel.
Now how much true information do either one of you have about each other?

Then after the sexual experience you either see each other again or you don’t.

I mean really, all this extra verification needed is it really necessary?

The date is either going to go well or not go well.
Originally Posted by Passion2015
Pretty good analogy actually. I see the “having drinks” as “gathering intelligence so I feel safe to invite this unknown person, into my intimate space”, probably not how you meant it.

Where I believe you have it wrong is in regards to $. The amount actually plays little or no part in the feeling of safety. Anyone can throw around $. Good intentions or bad. The date has a better chance to go well if everyone is comfortable from the get go.

I usually don’t see providers without hearing about them first, reviews or first hand knowledge from a trustworthy source, where I know what I’m walking into.

You don’t want to provide real world information, provide references from trustworthy sources.

Seems simple.
BigBamboo's Avatar
When someone has posted 16 reviews here but claims not to be able to provide references, in my opinion is the definition of dishonesty, therefore I have chosen to block you.

In regards to my friends I value and love each of them. I respect them completely and whatever conclusion they may have come to about your behavior.

Like I said in our last text. It does not look like we are a good match good luck on finding your perfect date.

❤️ Charlotte Originally Posted by Sexy Charlotte
Was it really necessary to publish in public the text messages of your and OP’s correspondence? I would think discretion to be the better judgement on your part but I guess not. Makes it very easy to say I WILL NOT look to you for companionship in the future whether you care or not. You will likely reply that you do not but surely you do if you reply. And likely others here would think twice about seeing you, as you’ve displayed your lack of professionalism.
winn dixie's Avatar
Very concerning when a provider so readily posts private communications! What else will they do with your RW info if you just say the wrong thing?
Mongo1971's Avatar
I have never said "Maybe another time" to a provider EVER and gotten more than 1 standard follow up message like

Much less have I ever had to repeat, "Just visiting, perhaps another time" a 2nd time and had a provider continue texting with advice on what I should or shouldn't do. Usually, the 1st polite exit of the convo is accepted and the provider has much better & more profitable things to do than to continue bantering w/me.

We all have different comfort levels and choices we make in this realm to manage our risk how we feel best. When those are not a match, what more needs to be said than 'Have a nice day/Best of luck?'

Glad we got to see the full exchange. That's useful info. Thx OP.
@Dragonpunch, your thread caught my attention and I went ahead and reached out to Charlotte to see if I could with meet her. To be honest, based on my experience, I'm not sure where you hit your bump in the road. I found her to be charming, friendly and beautiful and we spent an amazing hour together that I hope to repeat again soon ;-)

I too had never seen her before, and I keep a pretty low profile in the hobby, but I found her screening process to be very straightforward and easy, all you need to do is provide a couple of reputable references and/or maybe some personal information like a public LinkedIn profile. If you are afraid she might take that information and pull a Stormy Daniels and try to ruin your run for president like Trump, maybe you should think twice about your participation in the hobby at all. As for me, while I'd rather my neighbors didn't know this is where I get my kicks, I have every confidence that if I DID decide to run for public office, after our time together yesterday, where I'd like to think she got just as much satisfaction out of it as I did, I'm pretty sure I'd get HER vote!

Just feel like I needed to post (and honestly there is nothing in it for me) because she really is an amazing lady who will treat you like the lover you always wanted, so gentlemen don't be afraid to reach out to her, I guarantee you won't regret it. The ladies need to be safe, so play nice and follow their rules and you will definitely have a good time!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I came into this post a little late so the screenshots were already removed.
Not all providers are willing to give references. I’ve waited days for ladies to get back to me and some don’t answer at all. And not all of us want our phone numbers given out.
That being said, if our phone number is private and we want a pm, the site being down could be a big issue giving our references. Any guy giving out my number as a reference will no longer be seen by me. But give a link to my profile and I have no problems vouching for guys I’ve seen through pm.
decoyoctopus88's Avatar
First, good luck getting a reference for anyone in a timely manner. Asking for a reference has always been a colossal waste of time. Second, asking/giving real world info in this hobby at this current legal climate has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard.

Hell, it was stupid before all this legal crap changed the hobby scene for the worst. P411 membership proving to quite useful to streamline this process.
@Dragonpunch, your thread caught my attention and I went ahead and reached out to Charlotte to see if I could with meet her. To be honest, based on my experience, I'm not sure where you hit your bump in the road. I found her to be charming, friendly and beautiful and we spent an amazing hour together that I hope to repeat again soon ;-)

I too had never seen her before, and I keep a pretty low profile in the hobby, but I found her screening process to be very straightforward and easy, all you need to do is provide a couple of reputable references and/or maybe some personal information like a public LinkedIn profile. If you are afraid she might take that information and pull a Stormy Daniels and try to ruin your run for president like Trump, maybe you should think twice about your participation in the hobby at all. As for me, while I'd rather my neighbors didn't know this is where I get my kicks, I have every confidence that if I DID decide to run for public office, after our time together yesterday, where I'd like to think she got just as much satisfaction out of it as I did, I'm pretty sure I'd get HER vote!

Just feel like I needed to post (and honestly there is nothing in it for me) because she really is an amazing lady who will treat you like the lover you always wanted, so gentlemen don't be afraid to reach out to her, I guarantee you won't regret it. The ladies need to be safe, so play nice and follow their rules and you will definitely have a good time! Originally Posted by Tonytthree
LMAO. Would definitely fit in as a politician.

If anyone thinks they can trust anyone on a site like this, please hmu, i have a very old bridge in lake havasu i'm selling cheap.
Whispers's Avatar
Jumping through anyone's hoops in an attempt to spend hundreds of dollars to enjoy someone's company for an hour or two has never made any sense to me. Especially the idea of providing my real world information to anyone looking to get money from me to engage in an illegal activity with them. Over the years I gained a reputation here among people that did not know me of being rude, crude and misogynistic as I was judged primarily on what I had to say here. It never stopped me from seeing anyone I desired or writing hundreds of reviews.

A few years ago this board had to make changes that eroded it's usefulness in finding the whore du jour but for anyone that spends a little time researching what it takes and where to look it was never more than the fast easy hook up place that also offered entertainment from the interaction of different board members. There has never been a shortage of young pretty ladies that will take a man's money and lay down with them for as long as I can remember and my hobby days go back to the mid 70s.

Don't get emotionally involved in the process of getting laid. When someone expects more from you than you want to provide just move on.
Whispers's Avatar
If anyone thinks they can trust anyone on a site like this, please hmu, i have a very old bridge in lake havasu i'm selling cheap. Originally Posted by ATF Hobby

I have befriended many people over the years on this and similar boards and came to know them, have dinner's, drinks and even do business with them outside of the hobby repeatedly.

So tell me more about this bridge you need to unload. I know a few trolls in need of a new home and have spent a little time under bridges myself according to some.