Plandemic 2020

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is a video everyone should watch. Put away everything you ever thought about infectious diseases including Covid-19. The following video features an interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD Biomedical Research Scientist with Forty Years experience studying Viruses and other infectious diseases and author of a book titled "Plaque Of Corruption" in her book she details the corruption of the "CDC" and "WHO" and how Dr. Anthony Fauci sabotaged her research to cover up the real causes of Cancer and her work on the AIDS/HIV Virus of the 80's.
In this Video she also goes into Fauci's corrupt role in the covid-19 Pandemic Originally Posted by Levianon17

heres a video that wasn't taken down.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Let's concentrate on MAGA! PDJT 2020... fuckem!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
heres a video that wasn't taken down. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

looks like it was taken down due to copyright claim on this video.

heres a links to this video.
snopes on judy mikovits Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I am sure there will be a lot of attempts to discredit her story. But she isn't the only Doctor or research Scientist saying these things about vaccination programs. I think she's pretty sincere and putting out factual information.
looks like it was taken down due to copyright claim on this video.

heres a links to this video. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've seen all her videos so far. They are definitely worth watching.
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2020, 08:46 AM
snopes on judy mikovits Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

DF - thank You - a nice article that debunks one pf tje Anti-vaxxer claims that vaccines transmit deadly viruses.

They will drum up new fake stuff.

I do have some concerns about a wuhan virus vaccine - the pressure is on to rush a vaccine to the american and world public. for a disease that more and more acts very much as an Influenza A virus acts. which also has its case mortality - but w do not shut down the economy and force people into homes, nor remove children from homes for incarceration/isolation as Democrats try to do. and sometimes succeed.

Vaccines must be carefully tested for efficacy and safety - and coronvirus is mutable and one tough virus to develop a vaccine - which is why we have no common cold vaccine.

Very unlikely to have major complications with a killed virus vaccine - there are occasional cases of polio from live virus polio vaccines - usually mild. And there is a national Vaccine Fund to cover such complications.

Should Americans be forced to receive a wuhan virus vaccine - Not until clearly safe and effective - and in the same class as vaccinations for schoolchildren.

We have forgotten about diseases and their death tolls - such as typhoid, polio, measles - that vaccines prevented - and the complications of vaccines are far less than the cost of the diseases - as populations with dminished her imunity are discoverinig - particularly in the anti-vaxxer northeast. and northwest.

We are about to learn a immunity lesson again - the hard way.
And - that is just part of the DPST religiosity of the anti-vaxxers - they are not reasonable with facts - they have their narrative - and it "Trumps" All.

unfortunately - I also think public health has taken a bloody nose with public opinion for nothing with Wuhan virus - and further isolation and "Testing" mantra the Democrats are pushing will have no impact on a virus that is "Out of teh box" - it is not controllable - and contact racing and testing onlyh works in very early epidemics - as in 2019 in wuhan - had the Chinese not been crippled by ideology and "FACE"!

Best to open up the economy - the vast majority of people only get at worst a very mild infection with Wuhan virus - and all isolation and support voluntarily for those people at risk of severe disease courses.

But the DPST's won't give up their population control measures - they do like their control - just watch the mayor of Chicago and her exercise in useless leadership!
"The cure must not be Worse than the disease"!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the thing about the vaccine is that it affects people differently...

there needs to be some sort of test to make sure this vaccine is right for certain groups of people so they don't get adverse reactions to it.

I do think there well may be many subgroups of humans of a certain type (I'm guessing many as 50 subspecies)

don't know what test it would be, but it would be similar to the blood type test that we have so we know what blood to use in transfusions.
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2020, 08:36 PM
DF "the vaccine" - there are many different vaccines - if you are referring to a vaccine for the Wuhan virus - there is not one for release and use in America at this time.

No evidence exists that different "subspecies" - you may be referring to "races" are affected differently by a given vaccine. And there may be minor differences in local reaction a vaccine - but the immune result of a vaccine is predictable in the vast majoirty of people. The immune response is predictable.

The immune system is pretty much the same in all folks. Severe complications of vaccines are exceedingly rare.
Blood tranwsfusion type matching is a completely different issue - revolving around blood type, rh factor, and other compatibility facotrs. not to mention studies for certain viruses in and antibodies in the blood of donors to avoid transfusion diseases.

I am NOT advocating mandatory Wuhan virus application - I think the virus is not a severe disease to warrant a vaccine in most cases - it should be voluntary and elective - and targeted at high risk folks - very much like the Influenza A vaccine on a yarly basis.

Thanks for raising some questions - i hope this is helpful!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
DF "the vaccine" - there are many different vaccines - if you are referring to a vaccine for the Wuhan virus - there is not one for release and use in America at this time.

No evidence exists that different "subspecies" - you may be referring to "races" are affected differently by a given vaccine. And there may be minor differences in local reaction a vaccine - but the immune result of a vaccine is predictable in the vast majoirty of people. The immune response is predictable.

The immune system is pretty much the same in all folks. Severe complications of vaccines are exceedingly rare.
Blood tranwsfusion type matching is a completely different issue - revolving around blood type, rh factor, and other compatibility facotrs. not to mention studies for certain viruses in and antibodies in the blood of donors to avoid transfusion diseases.

I am NOT advocating mandatory Wuhan virus application - I think the virus is not a severe disease to warrant a vaccine in most cases - it should be voluntary and elective - and targeted at high risk folks - very much like the Influenza A vaccine on a yarly basis.

Thanks for raising some questions - i hope this is helpful! Originally Posted by oeb11

Except that i'm not talking about transfusions here.

with respect to subspecies... what do you think a pgymy is???
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2020, 07:07 AM
Quote - don't know what test it would be, but it would be similar to the blood type test that we have so we know what blood to use in transfusions.

If u have any science that suggests that "Pygmies" respond differently to vaccines than other groups - I would like the reference to i may read the article.

Thank You, DF

I am not attacking U personally at all - this is about a scientific response to questions U raised, good Sir!l
mad469s's Avatar
looks like it was taken down due to copyright claim on this video.

heres a links to this video. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm