Not the Type of Attention I'm Looking For

Why not do the same with drug users? when they bust some user who has 1/4 oz weed or some low amount of crack or coke why not spend thousands on billboards saying "I am a drug user"

if they want to cut down on the human trafficking, shut down the places where the girls ARE working at.

going after the johns one at a time won't stop the flow of enslaved women..

you do not with the war on drugs arresting 1 user at a time.. you win by shutting down grow houses, store houses, distributors etc.. price goes up and less of it, makes it harder to get on the streets..
Lucky01's Avatar
Have any hobbyist ever been busted or know anyone who have been busted for seeing providers? The reason I ask is because there are alot of hot providers on backpage and I want to go in and TOFTT to see if they are bait and switch. So far its been 60-40.....60% fake and 40% legit. Any and all info is greatly appreciated.
Wakeup's Avatar
I love it...much more effective than my Wakeup ECCIE banner I had...
Did I misunderstand what they said? Is this faith based organization going to set up reverse stings? or LE? by the way if they are doing this I would imagine you guys will be sticking to the gals you know.. because if they start doing this you may want to avoid the new girl ads on BP and other areas. If your not familiar with the lady I would be very very careful.

Also.. is there really this much sex slavery going on? Every channel I turn now has some kind of news about human trafficking/sex slavery and cnbc and msnbc are constantly running these shows. It makes you think there is just all these women and girls being forced into the prostitution business. Is this just overblown hype? Or is any of this real?
There is one some what positive side to all this. All the "verified" providers will see business take an uptick since TOFFT might include "GPTAPOBB" or "Get Photo Take And Put On BillBoard"

They can never get rid of the DEMAND that men want to have have sex.... its in everyone's DNA.

They say that men that see ladies are predators.. I think its the ones that operate the spa's (men or women) or the ones that pimp.. Originally Posted by Spirit13
I saw that too. I don't see it as a negative at all, though I do agree they're doing too much. I'm for whatever makes the fellas use their big heads to get their little heads serviced. I'm also for whatever makes ladies understand that screening is important.

The billboards are being sponsored by a non-profit organization. Before they start collecting mugshots, I suggest staying off the list.
I think its sad that parents drive by those boards and have to explain to their children what its about. I personally don't believe bilnoards should have any sexual content on them! Definately a waste of Tax payers $$$
Wow, first I have seen this particular thread, and story. I guess the guys are going to have to start requiring two verifiable references like the ladies.
Wow, first I have seen this particular thread, and story. I guess the guys are going to have to start requiring two verifiable references like the ladies. Originally Posted by GentlemanTexan
Yeh, and wait untill a couple of Judges, prominent Lawyers, Pastors, Police Detectives, News Anchors, etc get busted.

Just who does this stupid butch think is out buying pussy?
EmilyofHouston's Avatar
They are trying to stop men from paying for under age girls and girls who are forced into it... good for them.
  • Darth
  • 04-19-2012, 08:43 PM
The problem with this whole damn thing is that WE all know where the girls are being trafficked...AMPS, BP Pimps, Mexican ladies that don't speak English "working" for agencies...The problem is that these shady lowlifes are lumped in with the legitimate providers and actual conscientious Hobbyists. If they would legalize prostitution and take the stigma away from the profession, those inside the profession would feel free to clean up their own communities, so to speak, and the terribly negative outcomes could be minimized, at least...
Doubt that. They obviously don't know how many men hobby! What are they gonna do catch them all...this is stupid. They should be going after people who are actually doing illegal things like drug dealing, rapists, murders, child abuse...and etc. But yet again they want to go after this industry. Why? Because they have nothing else better to do...or because the women are scared their husbands will cheat...whatever the reason is it's stupid because this industry isn't going anywhere. It's like trying to stop drug trafficking. They should focus more on that since that's something that causes more deaths in the US than escorting. More people overdose then being killed in this hobby. Yea there are a lot of deaths involving prostitutes but I think drug trafficking is worse and many die over that. Now if they wanted to go after PIMPS who traffic underage girls who don't have a choice then by all means do that, but as far as outing out the men in this...that's just plain fucking stupid if you ask me. They need to find something better to do with their time!!!