Clinton...ahh the memories!

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  • CJ7
  • 09-06-2012, 04:45 PM
I've been watching Bill Clinton speak for years and one thing I have noticed is that when he lies he puts his hand to his chest.

Bill Clinton didn't believe a word he said last night.

roltlmao! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

where do you put your head when you talk ? up your butt?
I watched the clip. I'm curious about the job stat he talked about. 24 million for the Republicans and 42 million for the Democrats since 1961. I'm curious about two things:

1. Why the arbitrary date of 1961. My guess is it would have upset his stats.

2. What does population growth have to do with his states. In 1960 the population was 179 million with the Baby Boom almost over and all the Baby Boomers were under 18 so a huge portion of the population wasn't in the work force. In 2010 the population was almost 309 million with all X Gen and a signifigant percentage of the Baby Boom still in the work force.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do you really believe that?

I've often wondered how global political calculus works behind the scenes..

It must be like playing three dimensional chess with a partial blind-fold.

You don't know what the other side is holding nor how far they may be willing to go.

Still, I believe that President Obama is up to the task now that he has learned just how entrenched his opposition is and realized that reason which is his strongest weapon might not be the way to negotiate with such opponents.

. . . The ideologues are really his opponents, he's an intellectual and a solution-oriented leader looking for a way to make things work even when faced with such irrational and rabid adversity.

Obama didn't get that message. He is a idealogue, Clinton was not. Clinton was willing to work with the new direction Congress was taking, Obama is not. The people in 1994, and in 2010, voted the way they did to stop the President from going in the direction he was going. Clinton understood that. Obama does not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Clinton should have grown a pair and FINISHED this BS.
Clinton should have grown a pair and FINISHED this BS. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Finished it how? Be specific....and realistic....while bearing in mind the way Bush "finished" Iraq and the way we are "finishing" Afghanistan.

Somalia...another fucking mess left by a Republican president for a Democratic President to try to clean up. And when it goes south, as it inevitably's the democrat's fault. Think before you post!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
where do you put your head when you talk ? up your butt?

l Originally Posted by CJ7

Hay CJ7! Can you hear me now?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-06-2012, 07:38 PM
Hay CJ7! Can you hear me now? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

HEY lamaboy, hay is for cattle.

Finished it how? Be specific....and realistic....while bearing in mind the way Bush "finished" Iraq and the way we are "finishing" Afghanistan.

Somalia...another fucking mess left by a Republican president for a Democratic President to try to clean up. And when it goes south, as it inevitably's the democrat's fault. Think before you post! Originally Posted by timpage
Take that dick out if your mouth before you post. I know what the fuck happened. I knew back than and I know today. I watched the video 2 times before I posted. I still have the same opinion. Clinton did not handle this WELL. He fucked up.

We are LUCKY he was not President during 9/11...fucker
I B Hankering's Avatar
Finished it how? Be specific....and realistic....while bearing in mind the way Bush "finished" Iraq and the way we are "finishing" Afghanistan.

Somalia...another fucking mess left by a Republican president for a Democratic President to try to clean up. And when it goes south, as it inevitably's the democrat's fault. Think before you post! Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah, Slick Willie handle Mogadishu just fine. It'll forever exist as a proud moment in U.S. history. You also forgot to mention how LBJ left Vietnam for Nixon to clean up or how Truman left Korea for Ike to finish. You also forgot to mention how Slick Willie let bin Laden get away; thus, enabling him to perpetrate 9/11 and be the casus belli in Afghanistan.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sorry Olivia, not buyin it. The attack on the World Trade Center was one thing and the prosecution of the blind Sheik was another. The missile attack you speak of was in August of 1998 and the attack on the Cole was October of 2000. I didn't know Clinton could see the future. So why didn't he do something about Bin Laden before 9/11?
The bombing of Sudan killed innocent people and destroyed a pharmaceutical factory. British intelligence warned us and even Tennant of the CIA was dubious.
No Davidian was ever charged with raping young girls, move on. No Davidian was ever charged with with owning illegal weapons. The confidential informant recanted, move on. Being a religious nut is not a capital offense except under Clinton.

I forgot about Mogadishu and Black Hawk down. Bush sent us in to feed the people and Clinton wanted to nation build giving power to war lords hoping one of them would be a George Washington. He refused to give the general armor to support our troops. Don't want to make anyone mad.
Elian could have stayed with an executive order but why take him at gun point against people with no weapons?

I guess I forgot to mention perjury and suborning perjury. I remember the speech where Clinton said that maybe we could balance the budget in seven years, maybe nine years and then the GOP took over Congress. The budget was balanced in two years and you give credit to that guy? Can we overlook Elizabeth Gracen's flight to avoid Clinton. She gave up a series and her citizenship to get away.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I just remembered the Rose Law firm billing records in the West Wing, Craig Livingstone with the missing FBI files on possible opponents of Hillary, Travelgate when innocent people were crucified by the Clintons in a power grab, the selling of the Lincoln Bedroom and Markie Post jumping up and down on the bed like a spoiled brat.
I'd jumped with her had some great tits..
I B Hankering's Avatar
I just remembered the Rose Law firm billing records in the West Wing, Craig Livingstone with the missing FBI files on possible opponents of Hillary, Travelgate when innocent people were crucified by the Clintons in a power grab, the selling of the Lincoln Bedroom and Markie Post jumping up and down on the bed like a spoiled brat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now who wouldn't want to jump up and down in a bed with Markie Post? Seeing her was the main reason I had for watching "Night Court"!

Sorry Olivia, not buyin it. The attack on the World Trade Center was one thing and the prosecution of the blind Sheik was another. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Blind Sheik was prosecuted because of World Trade.

The missile attack you speak of was in August of 1998 and the attack on the Cole was October of 2000. I didn't know Clinton could see the future. So why didn't he do something about Bin Laden before 9/11? The bombing of Sudan killed innocent people and destroyed a pharmaceutical factory. British intelligence warned us and even Tennant of the CIA was dubious. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I was I'm going from memory so my bad on the Sudan bombing. I just looked it up. The bombing was in response to the embassy bombings.

No Davidian was ever charged with raping young girls, move on. No Davidian was ever charged with with owning illegal weapons. The confidential informant recanted, move on. Being a religious nut is not a capital offense except under Clinton. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You can tell that story walking. Karaish was DEAD, and there were several people left alive to give testimony that was the case. They were stockpiling weapons and most of the evidence got burned up when Karash burned the place to the ground. I'm not saying Waco or Ruby Ridge was handled correctly, but the perpetrators, at least in the case of Waco, are not "Freedom Fighters". They were terrorists and rapists. You can't have anything but a Kangaroo Court when most of the players are dead, brain washed as well as traumatized and all the evidence is up in flams,

I forgot about Mogadishu and Black Hawk down. Bush sent us in to feed the people and Clinton wanted to nation build giving power to war lords hoping one of them would be a George Washington. He refused to give the general armor to support our troops. Don't want to make anyone mad. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He wasn't nation building - BUSH was nation building. The entire world was screaming for the US to do something. I will say the it was handled rather badly and we left in discrase.

Elian could have stayed with an executive order but why take him at gun point against people with no weapons? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think the kid should have stayed too, but that's what happened. That's what happened and it happened legally.

I guess I forgot to mention perjury and suborning perjury. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I mentioned it though maybe not in this thread. The whole it depends on your definition of is is was just infuriating. He just should have told Starr it's none of your business, but he didn't.

I remember the speech where Clinton said that maybe we could balance the budget in seven years, maybe nine years and then the GOP took over Congress. The budget was balanced in two years and you give credit to that guy? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
His administration; his kill.

Can we overlook Elizabeth Gracen's flight to avoid Clinton. She gave up a series and her citizenship to get away. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I had to look that up. He said / she said.

Look, I'm not saying Clinton was the greatest president of all time; I never voted for him. I'm not saying he is a great guy. I'm saying he was a good president, and I don't care who he fucks.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
...the facts get in your way --- AGAIN!!! (I know, I know, no real news here)

First, with regards to Bubba Bill's Job Facts, he actually cut the repubs some slack by 2points:

Aaaaaannnndddddd, for those who said no one was watching Clinton:

Crawl back into your holes, T-holes.