Stupid democrats on parade...

JCM800's Avatar
That pissed her off and she became more pissed off when I said that I had to go listen to Rush. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD's a Rush fan?

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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2014, 03:04 PM
sarah palin isn't stupid Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
She was smart enough to quit politics as soon as the rational voters found out how stupid she is. That don't mean she is politically smart. Shelia has no such shame....but does much less damage because her cult of personality is so much smaller. Oh and Biden is not getting the nomination.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
so tell me how her thoughts and actions effect your personal life ? ... do you live in inner city Houston ?

you're an idiot Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes. As we all know, members of Congress only act on polices that affect only their home district. That is why Obamacare is only required in the districts where the member of Congress voted in favor of it. [sarcasm off]

You are unbelievable, CBJ7. Acute Obamatron overload coupled with Kool-Aid poisoning.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Definition of vapid (adj)

Bing Dictionary
  • vapˇid
  • [ váppid ]

  1. dull: lacking interest or liveliness
  2. insipid: lacking strength, taste, or flavor
flghtr65's Avatar

While we're on the subject of stupid dimocrats, please nominate Biden for 2016.
I plan to do all I can to help you on that. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Go right ahead. You will have wasted your time, if the repubtards put Ted Cruz at the top of their ticket.