California shooter motivation; because he couldnt get laid

Actually the parents turned him in the police interviewed him and gave a pass. Said he was normal.
Jagermonster's Avatar
I plan on reading Rodgers literary works this morning while "working" at my desk. I will report back later.
He was....

Rodger, like most of the other mass killers, was a devoted liberal. He followed the Young Turks on YouTube, a far-left group led by a goof named Cenk Uygur who once was an MSNBC host.

Fucker was probably a libtard. Originally Posted by seedman55
And his father Peter Rodger made part of his living selling photos ("art shots) of women's asses !
He was....

Rodger, like most of the other mass killers, was a devoted liberal. He followed Cliven Bundy. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Ol' Clive Bundy was "a devoted liberal?" Who woulda thunck it?
Jagermonster's Avatar
Can we get off this right vs left crap? Apparently this dude had assburgers. I guess that makes a little sense, though certainly no justification to vent your anger on innocent people. Hope you don't take that comment the wrong way, munchoncock.
Elliot Rodger, Santa Barbara mass shooting suspect, "My Twisted World" manifesto

Jagermonster's Avatar
I've spent the better part of the day reading it. So far I like it better than "Richard McBeef" the literary work of Virgina Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui.
I won't read his SHIT. I know this guy thinks he "deserves" the love of a woman... Fucking nut job.
I won't read his SHIT. I know this guy thinks he "deserves" the love of a woman... Fucking nut job. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fuck you can't read anyway it is why 99% of your posts are video's.
Jagermonster's Avatar
Everyone deserves love and hugs!
Fuck you can't read anyway it is why 99% of your posts are video's. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Monkey Mike see, Monkey Mike do... Does Monkey Mike kiss his Monkey Mom with that shitty monkey mouth?

roaringfork's Avatar
Yet another tragically preventable turn of events: "Son, that sign probably don't really mean 'massage'."

Roaringfork himself might have cast an envious eye in the direction of a few sorority cunts at this kid's time of life; but in the age of the Internet, there's just no excuse.
This is what Elliot "deserves"...