Advertising: do or do not?

I think a ad basically just boosts business for that day... in my opinion by the end of the day or the next day it is pushed to the 2nd or 3rd page so it does not get as many views.
missi hart's Avatar
i tend to agree with marley's impression, though i do think that for the more popular and/or established providers, folks are more likely to go back a few pages to see if a newer ad has been posted. it would at least verify said provider was available for that time period and would also indicate if there might be any specials going on---this could bring in some folks who might be on the fringe of wanting a session.

i don't think doing a weekly ad would be too much, and like i've stated, i think it could be beneficial---moreso for bringing in new people, rather than regulars. someone mentioned the appeal of new photos in an ad, and that is true.
Whispers's Avatar
This topic has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time; I have asked both women and men their thoughts on the subject and garnered varied responses. While personally I have gone my entire hobby experience thus far without it, I can't help but wonder how a small marketing campaign might change my perspective, or opinion. Originally Posted by klovve
I think some notoriety is what you need.....

We should have a fling..... I'm recently single and have not had a rebound relationship yet.....

We hook up and party in all the strip clubs turning out young sweet things night after night for a month...... Then I catch you in a threesome with 2 other chicks and you don't let me join in and we have a massive public break up......

We paint the boards with endless rants......

All the wusses want to see the gal that trashes me..... You'll be set for life...

What time is dinner?
I think more buis comes from referrals (for me personally) maybe that is because i do not have any reviews yet. But when i post a ad, i get nothing... but i get apts from other girls who refer guys to me...
sixxbach's Avatar

What time is dinner? Originally Posted by Whispers

Someone say dinner???!!!!!!!


darling, you and I both know I am comfortable blasting you in an open forum - we don't need all of the theatrics Is this how you market your harem of strippers? (Yes, I said harem) Interesting approach; can you document the success and throw it on a graph for me? Thank you

As for dinner....I expect you to be properly shaven and your paws clean if you intend on joining me for a feast. Oh, an check the dancers at the door
Whispers's Avatar

darling, you and I both know I am comfortable blasting you in an open forum - we don't need all of the theatrics Is this how you market your harem of strippers? (Yes, I said harem) Interesting approach; can you document the success and throw it on a graph for me? Thank you

As for dinner....I expect you to be properly shaven and your paws clean if you intend on joining me for a feast. Oh, an check the dancers at the door Originally Posted by klovve

But Honey... Darlin... Dear........ That young lady with the long dark hair that you lusted after at the last Luncheon?

We can start with her! I'll bring her a long....

Just made a res at the Pet Clinic for a bath, Dip and to get my nails done.... Much cheaper than any of those Spa places...

See ya soon!

Oh.... Harem?

Those are just a few friends.... they mean nothing to me..... you should know that....
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I think you will do just fine, no matter which route you decide to go!

Just in my experience, I used to place ads every week/weekend, I built up a nice clientel base then stopped posting.
Dec was the last time I placed an ad for Austin. (maybe 1 weekend ad just for giggles).

The problem I seem to run into lately is that no one really knows if I'm still around except for my regulars. I don't accumulate reviews anymore since all my suitors are repeats. And even some of them never check my signature line to see if I'm out on tour or at home base.

So I decided that once I'm done with touring, I will go back to placing ads, even if every once in a while. (No you don't have to be stuck placing ads every week just because you place 1 this time...)
But placing ads does help those that
1. Don't rely on current reviews as most of us established ladies don't receive reviews from every guy we see.
2. Don't keep up with signature lines (if the lady has her schedule posted there)
3. Hasn't met with you before but has heard great things.

Everyone finds their niche, but do what works for you.

To answer the side question, Are there more request the day the ad is placed.
Hmmmm, that depends.
I know that the one time I placed my weekend ad, I was swarmed with request. But before when I placed them all the time, not so much.

You will do awesome either way!

Genesis Nicole
With my own experience, I have found that providing proper information about the location, time and availability of a date is always beneficial. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, ........

I have always been a fan of dates scheduled in advance - I like to do my own research (when meeting a new friend) and prepare, both myself and my loft, for the oncoming adventure. I have never really experienced the "same-day request" request (unless of course it is from a HBF) so I can't really comment on whether that style of dating is preferable or not.
Originally Posted by klovve
Bingo! very important for the lurkers and researchers.... Even if you have been around awhile, there are new guys joining each week.

I think a ad basically just boosts business for that day... in my opinion by the end of the day or the next day it is pushed to the 2nd or 3rd page so it does not get as many views. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
I luv ya Marley, but I disagree. But then again, Im not a provider either. It may help for that day. But I think the guys that are researching, lurkers ect.. may actually see you from an Ad placed a week or so ago. Plus, the girl maybe running specials and many of us love SPECIALS! $$ Anything that gets you noticed drives business.

Just in my experience, I used to place ads every week/weekend, I built up a nice clientel base then stopped posting.
Dec was the last time I placed an ad for Austin. (maybe 1 weekend ad just for giggles).

The problem I seem to run into lately is that no one really knows if I'm still around except for my regulars. I don't accumulate reviews anymore since all my suitors are repeats. And even some of them never check my signature line to see if I'm out on tour or at home base.

Genesis Nicole Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
So true! Of course over time the known providers have generated a base clientel that can keep them occupied. But, as stated above, there are new guys joining every day and they don't know that you exist! In fact, this post right here in the COED, may have prompted a few guys to say.... "Wow, who is that!!" ... they check out your showcase, reviews and do some homework and maybe a phone call or two and you just caught a new fish! All from ONE COED post.

I personally don't believe Ad's are the main thing that drives your business, BUT! especially for the new girls they give you a vehicle to be introduced and for the veteran ladies, it let's us know you still exist! You don't have to post an Ad every week, but twice a month or when you are running a special ect. I would like to see more ladies posting in the COED! If you think about it, it is a way to show your personality and get noticed! I know,,,, I know the drama. It's easier than it looks. Just don't get baited into anything and be yourself and don't take it personally. For every guy that doesn't like you for some reason, there is a couple more that are salvating to meet you! Even the negative post generate business! Not to bring up more drama..... But the Tatoo thread on Jules Jaguar from Dallas, she handled the birage and actually bragged how much business she got from the attention! 10 pages of bashing and white knighting and she went home probably with a fat wallet!

What I believe drives any girls business is reviews and word of mouth. Me personally very rarely will see a gal until I've read a couple of reviews or get a vouche from a reliable hobbyist.

I see Genesis's point and will add that more of the old school guys need to do more reviews! Just because you have seen a lady 2 years ago and did a review. You have continued to see this gal but haven't written a review on her in awhile.... write one!. There are a whole lot of new guys that would love to read more current information on the lady. So guys, post more reviews on your ATF. Heck, the lady may have changed. Two years ago she may have been a size 4 for with blonde hair and didn't offer greek. Now, that same lady maybe a size 10, with brown hair and greek is her fav!.

I am guilty of this as well. I just wrote my first review in two years. I plan on writing more in the future.

1.) Ladies post Ad's, not every week, but enough to keep you noticed and us informed of specials ect... And please stop with all the #$**&@)_$_$))(*@_~~~)#*%)#(__@ $@@@@ crap.... It's just mind boggling on the eyes!! I hate those ADs! And please limit the animation. One smiley or kiss is enough but 20!! is a little over board. Post more PICs instead!

2.) Ladies, post more in the COED! Don't get sucked into the drama, just have fun and don't take things personally.

3.) Guys! especially us old-timers.... Post more reviews! That's what it's all about!.

My 2 cents

Interesting topic - lovve it! Truthfully, Kelli, I have been in this business for two years and have been extremely successful because online presence through advertisements equals money. I think that a lady such as yourself will never have to worry about advertising twice a week as some do, since your service, attitude and good looks have given you repeat clientele. Hell, I have met you and LOVVE YOU!!!! You were amazing in bed, too!!

In San Antonio, I am overwhelmed. I have turned down several appointments because I can not handle them due to the volume of interest from new and repeat clients and have been able to pick and choose my clients. I have increased my rates and it has still given me more than enough business. I do not travel to Austin because of my obligations regarding to school and non-hobby career here in San Antonio and the ridiculous amount of interest I have in SA. If I do come to Austin, I am only seeing repeat friends who are reliable and am super-secretive about my visits. I am warning you, if you advertise....expect a massive amount of pms, texts, e-mails, phone name will have it. You don't have to be desperate for can pick and choose your men who you feel compliment you!!!

Kelli, your question was very fair and probably one of the more interesting, thought-provoking topics in a while. Love you girl! COME TO SAN ANTONIO! I will market and promote a doubles campaign in SA for the two of us.



This topic has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time; I have asked both women and men their thoughts on the subject and garnered varied responses. While personally I have gone my entire hobby experience thus far without it, I can't help but wonder how a small marketing campaign might change my perspective, or opinion.

With my own experience, I have found that providing proper information about the location, time and availability of a date is always beneficial. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I wonder if populating an ad once a week increases market demand simply for that day only. Or, does it create interest for the subsequent week. I have always been a fan of dates scheduled in advance - I like to do my own research (when meeting a new friend) and prepare, both myself and my loft, for the oncoming adventure. I have never really experienced the "same-day request" request (unless of course it is from a HBF) so I can't really comment on whether that style of dating is preferable or not.

So my question is this: ladies, lovers, what are your thoughts on the topic? Please forgive me if I sound ill-educated on the subject, but I have never run an advertisement and I would love some unbiased feedback on the matter. I also think this is a great thread for others that may have similar questions. Originally Posted by klovve
sixxbach's Avatar
You don't have to be desperate for can pick and choose your men who you feel compliment you!!!
Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

I don't recall klovve ever saying she was desperate for business. I think she asking a simple question. This sounds like something you should have sent to her via PM....


I don't recall klovve ever saying she was desperate for business. I think she asking a simple question. This sounds like something you should have sent to her via PM....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
If you read my post in its entirety, you would know that I have complimented her on already being successful and not needing the business. I met her twice and love her. Quit twisting my words, Sixx. You always have a smart-ass comment to make. Always negative, never positive. Get a life, bro.

P.S. Officially adding you to my ignore list because your "following me" creeps me out.
sixxbach's Avatar
If you read my post in its entirety, you would know that I have complimented her on already being successful and not needing the business. I met her twice and love her. Quit twisting my words, Sixx. You always have a smart-ass comment to make. Always negative, never positive. Get a life, bro.

P.S. Officially adding you to my ignore list because your "following me" creeps me out. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

I have a life honey. Quit being the ego maniac that everyone knows you are. Many feel the same way including your fellow providers who just won't say

Always negative? Hmmmm you even said yourself Kelli likes me unless you lied about that. I do have providers that like me as a client believe it or not. I guess with your ego though, it's hard to believe since I am not one to kiss your ass.

Heck a provider said I was a sweetheart today in the austin forum because she needed help with a photog and referred her to someone. That's positive

And don't flatter yourself. You know damn well nothing is creeping you out. Oh yea, maybe I should be creeped out with your legions of WK's and their loyalty to you. Don't you have some celery to chew on??

Ben There's Avatar
Direct Response Marketing 101: test, test , test, and test some more. Measure the results, adjust ad, and repeat.

On this website, the posted ads are free, so testing costs you nothing (except prevent you from running another test for a week). However, the Weekend Lineup gives you a second free test.

Test different ads and measure the response. Repeat as necessary.

I usually get the big bucks for a consultation of this type.
budman33's Avatar
poor Sixx, stop self alerting yourself. cya tomorrow for lunch