No honesty amongst hobbyists

bambino's Avatar
Obviously I do Bambino as I posted it lol. I get messages and messages and try to reply to help others out but when it's time to pony up on their end its crickets.
This site is to help others with reviews and knowledge. Originally Posted by Cantigetausername
I’ve shared tons of HoFO over the years. I never expected anything in return. I didn’t care.
This was sharing info about one of my secret stash girls who doesn't really post and hasnt in years. The products in Pittsburgh is so terribly bad I figured I would try to help people out. But I did post before that you must leave reviews or at least message me that you met up before I messaged her info. It's a personal thing for me as once I passed out her number I don't see her anymore because she went from just me exclusive to I'm not even sure how many these days. I just didn't have time to keep seeing her or at least for the next few months so I gave her up.
mulletman66's Avatar
This was sharing info about one of my secret stash girls who doesn't really post and hasnt in years. The products in Pittsburgh is so terribly bad I figured I would try to help people out. But I did post before that you must leave reviews or at least message me that you met up before I messaged her info. It's a personal thing for me as once I passed out her number I don't see her anymore because she went from just me exclusive to I'm not even sure how many these days. I just didn't have time to keep seeing her or at least for the next few months so I gave her up. Originally Posted by Cantigetausername
like i said yesterday. if you share her info with me via PM I promise to do a review if we meet up. I cant always get away and i am pretty far south in washington co near fayette county so getting to certain parts of town have to be planned and i need a reason to be in the general area so i can explain why i am gone for so long.
I have shared info on a hot find publically a decade ago and asked that nobody start throwing rediculous money at her…..a few idiots who thought they were in love w her and she’d love them threw loads of cash to look good I suppose and it ruined my fun w her so I swore off sharing any great finds publically thou have exchanged w a few guys who had similar circumstances for different flavors ect…thou even that’s been a few years back.

I don’t mind reviews and I leave as many bad as good and tell it how I thought it was, and if I’d ever send a friend there lol
snoopy75's Avatar
I’m with mulletman. You can see we have plenty of reviews and we’re not shy!

Please share the info with me via DM and I’ll get a review up quickly.
mulletman66's Avatar
I’m with mulletman. You can see we have plenty of reviews and we’re not shy!

Please share the info with me via DM and I’ll get a review up quickly. Originally Posted by snoopy75
I asked 2 times but as of yet I have not received any private messages regarding this intel.
Send me her info and I will review her.
I don't always check this thread, send me a PM and my phone will ding and I'll reply with her info.
mulletman66's Avatar
you have exceeded your mail storage so no PMs will go through. It says you need to delete some mail.
Try again. Already had 43 ppl message
PM me
Try again. Already had 43 ppl message Originally Posted by Cantigetausername
43 people??? Maybe there’s a supply issue? Lol

I don’t care what anyone says, when any guy has something extremely good, very few share. Otherwise you’re sharing with 43 other swinging dicks.
I have one utr Hoodrat that eats ass like Thanksgiving turkey and a SA college girl. You gotta do your own legwork or you end up 43rd in line.
The only good intel I’ve ever gotten here is who to completely avoid.
  • Mplay
  • 07-10-2024, 09:59 PM
43 people??? Maybe there’s a supply issue? Lol

I don’t care what anyone says, when any guy has something extremely good, very few share. Otherwise you’re sharing with 43 other swinging dicks.
I have one utr Hoodrat that eats ass like Thanksgiving turkey and a SA college girl. You gotta do your own legwork or you end up 43rd in line.
The only good intel I’ve ever gotten here is who to completely avoid. Originally Posted by Charley3
Mainly why I look at reviews. To see if I’ll get robbed or she at least looks somewhat like her pictures. Anything else is ymmv.
Mainly why I look at reviews. To see if I’ll get robbed or she at least looks somewhat like her pictures. Anything else is ymmv. Originally Posted by Mplay
Yep….and the entertainment.
I don't want to throw OP under the bus, but like, I legit took his intel and texted her 3-4 times and she never replied, so I can't write a review or provide any feedback/intel for someone that I haven't seen (recently).

That said, I have seen the aforementioned girl he speaks of, but it was ages ago - like 8-9 years ago. It should also be noted that I texted her as soon as I saw OP's post, so I was maybe number 10 in the list of 43 LOL

Also, it may not be that dudes withhold information because they're selfish, it may be because the girl doesn't want to be labeled a whore. I know I have a few regulars that would either stop seeing me or would be hella pissed if I just started dolling out their number to randos.