This is a fairy tale hard to believe.

My final (only) word on the entire matter:

- Jackie
If you have any questions to ask, ask them. Don't ASSume that everything you read is true.

I read the police report and along with my attorney, we come to the same conclusion....its heresay and wouldn't stand up in court. Whoever the gentlemen is who had called and started this domino effect, I'd love to meet him and then kick his ass for causing all these problems. Its nice to know that anyone can call the cops, tell them a story, even though its not true, it becomes truth because someone says it is.

One would think that my reputation, my time on the boards and the fact that I've never been accused by anyone for causing harm would speak for itself.

But, if some of you want to jump to conclusions and take the world of a lady who has been the board for a whole 6 months over someone like me, go for it. I know the truth, my clients know the truth and my friends know the truth.

Oh and Lindsay, the posts that you say don't know why they keep disappearing.....the MODs informed me that real life names were posted. You might want to check with the MODs and/or owner to find out why those posts were taken down. Originally Posted by MsElena
For the record, I believe you were an innocent bystander, caught up unknowingly. I got your back girl. I would never believe this about you.

Love ya,
I don't even know what to say..This is crazy..
If you have any questions to ask, ask them. Don't ASSume that everything you read is true.

I read the police report and along with my attorney, we come to the same conclusion....its heresay and wouldn't stand up in court. Whoever the gentlemen is who had called and started this domino effect, I'd love to meet him and then kick his ass for causing all these problems. Its nice to know that anyone can call the cops, tell them a story, even though its not true, it becomes truth because someone says it is.

One would think that my reputation, my time on the boards and the fact that I've never been accused by anyone for causing harm would speak for itself.

But, if some of you want to jump to conclusions and take the world of a lady who has been the board for a whole 6 months over someone like me, go for it. I know the truth, my clients know the truth and my friends know the truth.

Oh and Lindsay, the posts that you say don't know why they keep disappearing.....the MODs informed me that real life names were posted. You might want to check with the MODs and/or owner to find out why those posts were taken down. Originally Posted by MsElena
Unless ms Elena and Jackie is your real names then I must be missing something cause I haven't saw any real names except what was in the police reports. But all I did ask how could one be so spiteful to do this to another provider..
I think we should all look out for ourselfs and stop adding to the drama...
growler's Avatar
You don't asy. It worked for Clinton, maybe it will work for you. You're right everyone will draw their own conclusions. As for me I tend to side with the lady that you felt the need to out in the first place,for what your good name. Did you ever stop to think of her's?
Unless ms Elena and Jackie is your real names then I must be missing something cause I haven't saw any real names except what was in the police reports. But all I did ask how could one be so spiteful to do this to another provider.. Originally Posted by OLindsay
As for the names, you'll have to ask the MODs.

Its something I couldn't do, can't do and hope it wouldn't happen to me.
You don't asy. It worked for Clinton, maybe it will work for you. You're right everyone will draw their own conclusions. As for me I tend to side with the lady that you felt the need to out in the first place,for what your good name. Did you ever stop to think of her's? Originally Posted by growler

I didn't out anyone. In order for me to clear my name, the whole story needed to be told. It was no big surprise who was busted and if I had outed someone, don't you think the board owner would've pointed me and cleaned up my post?

You have a grudge against me Growler and that's OK. I hold no ill feelings towards you and wish you the best.
I posted this in Nebraska but I'll say it here too and then be done with this crap - if ANY of this shit was true, if this was the real deal, the cops would NEVER have written that report the way they did . . . my name is misspelled and they would have never revealed me (or my supposed husband, whom I do not have) as a source of cooperation - if I had flipped to the dark side there would be departments from coast to coast wanting to get at me and what I know, etc. and they would have guarded that fact with every ounce of their might - the fact is, I don't think the cops in Nebraska even believed it was a person who called them that could have been associated with me - if I or anyone else near me had flipped they would never put that in a report. Ever. And why did they not call and talk to me or my supposed "husband" on my line? It is published in every post I make . . . This is bullshit, and contrived by someone not just wanting to get at the person they arrested . . . Four hours from the initial call to LE and then the arrest??? They didn't vet ANY of the "facts" they were "told" - if they did a simple computer search they would have seen I'm not even married!!! This is FOLLY!! Fact is, from what they were TOLD, they couldn't have even found my real name to run such a search!

Bullshit I'm telling you - bullshit!

Now ya'll get real.

- Jackie
I have to admit, my immediate gut reaction was to buy everything in the police report hook, line, and sinker. My apologies to both of you for that, even for a minute.

Jackie, and Elena, I don't believe at all that you would have been involved in setting up another provider. I apologize for doubting. After reading the report and applying some rusty critical thinking skills, the report creates far more questions than it answers, and makes almost no sense on several levels. Most importantly, if your intent was to set up another provider, it makes absolutely no logical sense why you would give your own names to LE in order to do it. That just doesn't pass the smell test.

I do believe whoever made the call has enough knowledge of our community to be dangerous, but I suspect it is someone who managed to kill several birds with one stone - the bust of one provider, and casting a shadow of doubt over two providers who have impeccable reputations for discretion. It is worrisome that some anonymous person would do that, and its scary to contemplate that they might try the same trick again.

Again, my apologies to both of you. We may not see eye to eye, and its fair to say we aren't on each others Christmas card lists, but no, I do not believe either of you would set up another provider.
Thank you Stacy . . . I know I said I was done, but I will take a moment and thank you for your post applying logic and intellect where many people are suspending basic common sense. You're right, it doesn't make a lot of sense on a lot of levels!


- Jackie
I have to admit, my immediate gut reaction was to buy everything in the police report hook, line, and sinker. My apologies to both of you for that, even for a minute.

Jackie, and Elena, I don't believe at all that you would have been involved in setting up another provider. I apologize for doubting. After reading the report and applying some rusty critical thinking skills, the report creates far more questions than it answers, and makes almost no sense on several levels. Most importantly, if your intent was to set up another provider, it makes absolutely no logical sense why you would give your own names to LE in order to do it. That just doesn't pass the smell test.

I do believe whoever made the call has enough knowledge of our community to be dangerous, but I suspect it is someone who managed to kill several birds with one stone - the bust of one provider, and casting a shadow of doubt over two providers who have impeccable reputations for discretion. It is worrisome that some anonymous person would do that, and its scary to contemplate that they might try the same trick again.

Again, my apologies to both of you. We may not see eye to eye, and its fair to say we aren't on each others Christmas card lists, but no, I do not believe either of you would set up another provider. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh


As you said, we've had our differences, but we do see eye to eye on numerous levels of the business.

Thank you for your words.

It does hurt me more than people know that others would think that I'm capable of this.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Jackie, Ms Elena, my best to both of you. This situation would be laughable, other than you two women were used so vilely.

Jackie I am very sorry to hear you have health issues. To put it bluntly, it's awful to have to deal with illness of any type, and to have what appears to be a chronic condition is the worst. I do hope your doctors are wrong, and you get back to 100%.

I had such high hopes of getting to see you nude in person. Another bucket list item goes away before I get to live it out. LOL Like that shit really matters. Get well and live long, be happy. Those are the important things. I wish them for you and Ms Elena. I will send you both all the good energy I can.
ElumEno's Avatar
I am going to re-post here what I just posted in the Nebraska forum...

Me and MsElena have not seen eye to eye to say the least on a few things, but I have to go with my gut feelings on this...

And my gut is screaming... NO WAY, NO HOW would she ever knowingly do something like what she being accused off.

I too have read the 'Report' and evidently my reading comprehension skills are greater then some on this board.
It reads to me like this guy had an axe to grind and what better why then to discredit their reputations.

The only TRUE thing that has came out of this whole mess is that everyone needs to revisit their screening methods.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Ok, re-read everything and it still sounds like total bullshit. Why is this story continuing? Why is everybody freaking out about this? I still don't see ANYTHING to be concerned about here. I don't know Jackie or Elena. Hell, based off of their personalities on this board I don't even like either that much. :-) However, nothing I have read nor anything in any word they have written on this board would ever make me think they could be involved in this.