Reviews done weeks/months after a session

blowmypop23's Avatar
the reviews compound, I think, so if you do 2 one day after another, that adds up to 12 weeks.. so no need to sit on a review.. I almost always write a review within 3-4 hours, it's fun to regurgitate the action fast.. only once, when out of town, did I go about 24 hours until writing.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's how I remember it, not sure if it's changed in the last few years but I remember at one point have 3 years of pa built up.
  • qwer0
  • 09-24-2015, 11:00 PM
I usually can remember the first encounter in some detail without trouble. But if I see the same provider multiple times, then the extra times kinda start to blur together into something like an overall perception I have of that provider.

Most of my reviews are on the first time I meet someone.
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-26-2015, 12:31 AM
Here is my MO:
I do not review every session anymore, even if I am blown away by it. I usually write up a personal, more in depths with saucy details in my encrypted hobby vault, so I can remember it when I will be OLDER and maybe with Alzheimer's .... I share it with my tag team friend here, on eccie, and later, if I find it objectively interesting to write a review, I sanitize it a little of all the crazy stuff, fix the spelling as much as possible, try to improve the style to be classy and using nicer, less explicit language, and, if I still like it, I post it the following week usually. The reviews I like to write usually have some kind of unexpected turn , or some funny aspect.Nice but predictable ones do not get posted...only if I think would also add value to the provider or the AMP shop, since they are quite nice to repeat customers.

I did not have bad sessions in a very long time , but I would post those for sure , since these are the ones that help me do good homework and have a good hit rate ...
Mojojo's Avatar
Unless you're daaaaman you don't forget a good or lame fuck. :laughing:
Goose2u's Avatar
I have a hard time writing a bad review I don't think I've ever really had a bad session some have been better than others I usually chalk it up to well we didn't click.