My SO "Smokes"

inspector farquar's Avatar
Have you considered asking that she grow the fuck up or does the fact you refer to her as "my baby" preclude such course of action?
tia travels's Avatar
If she can't give it up for a week, that's pretty bad. If you suggest to her not to, and she can't, and she gets caught---I don't feel for her at all.

Even if you aren't partaking, I'm sure you might be found guilty by association.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-21-2015, 06:23 PM
So much hate on a girl just cus she likes to blaze.
So much hate on a girl just cus she likes to blaze. Originally Posted by Trey
So much judgment from so many people breaking the law.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
The e cigs are a very good idea I have traveled with the spare parts and its worked out beautifully!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Put her on some whackerdoodles, she can then contemplate the verification process of providing here
Thanx for all replies - both the helpful and the asinine.
albundy's Avatar
I don't know how things are now. But about 13 years ago, me and the SO went to Jamaica. Once you leave the resort, it felt like you couldn't walk ten feet without someone asking if you wanted to buy some of that stuff Cheech And Chong love so much. They even had the stuff for sale in soap and all kinds of other products. Also, Cuban cigars are legal there. Just go there and enjoy some of Ricky Williams's favorite stuff and some Cubans. Have fun.

Now, if you try to bring back some FORBIDDEN TOPIC or some Cubans, well you're just an idiot and expect to get ass-raped. Just smoke it all you want out there and come home. It's legal there, at least it was. I assume it still is.
Come to Colorado If she can't quit for a week or two, she is an addict, and you may want to consider that. Addicts generally put themselves in stupid situations, or convince others to do idiotic stuff for them....such as attempting to buy things they shouldn't in foreign countries. Bringing it on board ship can be a felony. In Nicaragua, the sentence for even a scrap is 2 years in prison...not US prison, hard prison.
Many other Caribbean countries are equally as harsh. I've lived in Central America and the Caribbean, and seen people that thought they wouldn't get caught pay a very high price. Even buying it can be risky, a friend got beaten and robbed in Belize trying to buy. So if she can't stop smoking, I suggest you take a closer look at her, and decide if an addict is worth risking things for. If so, go right ahead. I mean shit, it's a cruise/vacation? She needs to numb that out? wtf lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
The OP should let the SO smoke up all she wants, then when she gets popped in a foreign land it will make for an entertaining Locked Up Abroad. Originally Posted by pyramider
OK, no thats a bit harsh, but it got me thinking . . .

this could be an opportunity for the OP to swap-out the SO for another, or for a taste of the single life.
Still Looking's Avatar
Funny to read people talking about something you shouldn't talk about.
Give sex worker a vaporizer ot tabacco patch.Sex worker wont b*tch a trip and paid and vaporizer/tabacco patch..Enjoy trip