IMO Jade Rose represents a serious danger to male members of this community.

Still Looking's Avatar
The attendance of any member, mod or not, are no one's business. Posting on the board someone's attendance is considered outing unless that member chooses to announce their attendance themselves.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Totally understood that's why I asked Whispers to PM me!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-18-2015, 06:02 AM
Better smoked but hard to keep lit.

Originally Posted by RandB fan
Here are the 3 cats in question prior to smoking...

And a wonderful guide to the delights of feline dining excellence by our very own "Ranting Fandle", CITH.

On November 15th, for the 2nd time I RTMd unwanted PMs from Jade Rose to staff... Then I posted it in CoEd and others acknowledged publicly and privately a similar problem with this young "lady".....

This time I am putting it out here as an alert as well..

I believe that Jade Rose is looking for something and/or someone and has a serious issue with professional boundaries. I believe her to represent a danger to members of this community.

......After being unable to "politely" get Jade Rose to move on in her search for companionship I PM'd her and copied Austin MODs on the 23rd of October telling her to cease all attempts to PM, email call or text me......

At the time I requested this to stop the nature of her PMs had reached a tone that reeked of desperation and pleading that was uncomfortable.

When she responded I RTM'd it to staff. One would think that staff would send a message to her that enough was enough at that time. Certainly if a woman were to make the same request a guy would get a warning and direction to stop sending unwanted PMs

On the 16th of November the unwanted private messaging began once again.

It was RTM'd once again. I received no feedback from Staff as to any action being taken but it stopped again for a while. I would have thought at this point, having ignored the instructions of staff, that she would have earned a point or two. But we never know those things do we?……

At that time I didn't know for sure if she had personally fixated on others the way she seemed to on me but in posting the story in CoEd a couple of others shared similar problems with her.......

Jade was reported as having been contacting other ladies pretending to be screening a guy in order to try to get his phone number under the pretense..... Who does that?......

Last night, December 16th, I received another PM from this attention starved young lady.

I just RTM'd that PM to staff along with posting this here as an alert.

Prior to receiving the PM I attended a party with my GF that Jade also attended. After she arrived for some reason, probably a lack of space vs the number of people, she made her way over to a position next to me and after listening in on the conversation I was in introduced herself and then tried to inject herself into the conversation we were having which became rather awkward as I tried to ignore her.

Ignoring her didn’t work. I was offered a drink.... then shots…. I had a shot glass pushed into my hand and it was insisted we should drink together....…….

Although I tried to ignore her and declined her offers of “shots” or a drink (since when do “ladies” pass around a bottle to swig from) I finally decided to state in person to her that I had zero desire to engage in any conversation with her of any kind.

I returned to the conversation with my companion and after a short period of time she found other things to entertain herself with. Shortly after we excused ourselves and went to a different part of the room but the lady with me was bothered by the experience so we left and went to eat.

Once again……. JadeRose.....

I have Zero interest in knowing you as a person...

I have Zero interest in knowing you in your profession.....

I have Zero interest in seeing you as anything more than the butt end of a joke which is what you've proven to be for the last few months.......

You have ignored requests to stop PMing me. I would imagine staff would have warned you which would mean that you have ignored them as well......

I believe you represent a danger to the guy that accepts one of your invitations to lunch or dinner or drinks....... You are in search of something here that you should be finding elsewhere. You are her to fuck and suck and get paid. Noone wants more than that from you. Many of us want nothing from you.

Most of us are married or involved with people on a personal level and unwanted attention from a hooker/prostitute/provider/whore of any kind is incredibly unprofessional.

Approaching me at a party after having told you repeatedly with MODs copied that I wanted ZERO interaction from you in any manner outside of CoEd where you tend to be the butt end of a lot of jokes was a bit much.

You have STALKER written all over your actions. Your behavior is highly unprofessional.

It's obvious you want attention.... you crave it here on the boards from guys you will never be wanted by....... and although told in person and your advances rejected you still continue.

Others need to be aware of this behavior. I have never shown the remotest interest in this meeting with this hooker/prostitute/provider/whore that calls herself Jade Rose yet I have been PMd repetitively, given her phone number, asked out to lunch, dinner, brunch, asked to meet with hwr to see how "special she is" etc.....

I can't imagine how dangerous it would be for a client that you fixate on some day.

I am sure that many will find this amusing. I do not.

However…… Reverse the names here and honestly assess how people would/should react if one of the ladies here were posting the same story with a guys name.

Maybe she is just lonely and wants a friend. I don’t know. I think it's far more than that.

I do know it has been reported to staff on October 23rd, November 15th and again tonight, December 17th.

MY SO may have a cat I dislike but I don't want to come home some night to find her tied up and the cat in a pot full of boiling water on the stove.

After 15+ years in these communities and meeting hundreds of professional ladies I have come to the conclusion that Jade Rose is capable of exactly that kind of behavior if unchecked. Originally Posted by Whispers
You took your RW "GF" to a party where you knew "whores"(your word) and mongers would be in attendance?

"...meeting hundreds of professional ladies..."

Dang dude,which is it?

"I received no feedback from Staff as to any action being taken..."
Zero fucks given?
The attendance of any member, mod or not, are no one's business. Posting on the board someone's attendance is considered outing unless that member chooses to announce their attendance themselves.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Please clarify for me sir,

Your post suggests that as a moderator you believe whispers outed her by saying he saw her at a party they both attended. If he can't say if you were there or not how is he allowed to say she was there unless she gave him permission to post she was there? Furthermore I do not understand how this is outing, at no time did whispers ever say where the party was or any real world specifics.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Looking at OP's post I guess I should have written an alert on the OP with his insistent PM's to me. He was PM'ing me like he was in love with me and wanted a session with me and I wanted nothing to do with him.

By the way, have you sent that PM to SL yet?

Knowing Whizpy's reputation I would gamble on more misinformation is the most likely scenario.

Do people actually confuse SO and escort?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
It's a good thing most hobbyist don't go into coed.
  • Noid
  • 12-18-2015, 08:35 AM
Outing but not banned. Can you say "pocket mod"?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Please clarify for me sir,

Your post suggests that as a moderator you believe whispers outed her by saying he saw her at a party they both attended. If he can't say if you were there or not how is he allowed to say she was there unless she gave him permission to post she was there? Originally Posted by Stock Trader
I think we can all believe that. The proof is right there in the OP.

"#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously."
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
<b>So, then OP should be banned for outing her per his post. <b>

I attended a party with my GF that Jade also attended. Originally Posted by Whispers
The attendance of any member, mod or not, are no one's business. Posting on the board someone's attendance is considered outing unless that member chooses to announce their attendance themselves. sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Skip_8's Avatar
The alert is not regarding where she approached me. It wasn't in public. It was at a private party made up of members of this community.

That is just a part of the story.

Her total behavior IMO ads up to being that of an obsessive stalker and her unwillingness to take no for an answer as well as use the concept of screening to try to get personal information from other ladies is definitely a behavior that can be considered dangerous. Originally Posted by Whispers
I got two unsolicited PMs a while back based on a comment I made that she found not to like while at the same time attempting to attract business.

I have not had any more interactions with the lady but I have not known whispers to be a person to fabricate a story like this just for shits and giggles.

Until proven otherwise, I believe Whispers and have to thank him for alerting the community at large.
I think both have outed each other.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I think both have outed each other. Originally Posted by Stock Trader
Yes, but only one was voluntary.
I got two unsolicited PMs a while back based on a comment I made that she found not to like while at the same time attempting to attract business.

I have not had any more interactions with the lady but I have not known whispers to be a person to fabricate a story like this just for shits and giggles.

Until proven otherwise, I believe Whispers and have to thank him for alerting the community at large. Originally Posted by Skip_8
I don't know where this "attempting" to attract business thing keeps coming from, but I did address this in his previous post about me and I thought I had apologized to you for such. It's true I do have a weakness for bullshit and have learned a lot since being on this site regarding it and the tolerance for it. I did message a few people a while back when they would make certain comments, I would want insight into why they felt that way about certain things and I would comment on rudeness towards me sometimes. Mainly because I truly did not understand how the men could treat women on this board, and have the opinions that they did regarding how our business works. Etc... that was what initially I had questioned Whispers about and he gave me his opinion on why he felt such. I just could not understand it. He was actually cordial and friendly at first, then took a really nasty attitude all of a sudden and began saying some really nasty things and making pointed insults towards me, a person he did not even know.

For this reason, it is partly my fault for speaking out and having an intolerant attitude towards men of such attitudes. I've learned it is not my place to question such ignorance and mean -spirited attitudes because it becomes EXTREMELY misconstrued and flipped around to something that it's not. Simply because of the nature of the people on this board. I do have a mouth and have not always kept it quiet regarding intolerance. Understand, this was merely out of wanting to understand or "fix" the unbelievable prejudices and bullying on this board. Not to seek friendship or validate myself- I have no qualms with who I am, and I WILL be honest about my idiosyncrasies too.

I have not directly PMed anyone recently regarding such issues in a good while, because I learned a few months back that questioning certain things will backfire and you will be labeled as something you are entirely not. As far as any comments I made towards you, I apologize. I have learned when to keep my mouth shut with certain men on this board and to not violate boundaries.

Let me tell you what this is... Whispers taking a very small piece of truth from a while back and fabricating extra untrue details and time lines to give an appearance of stalking/danger regarding me. Anyone who knows how this man has operated on this board for a long time now knows exactly what this is. He has a long history of being a master manipulator, outing women, intimidating, and telling blatant lies. You obviously have no idea of peoples true opinion of you. Mainly because very rarely do people speak out... bur your behavior is noted by many. I can take responsibility for a certain behavior I used to engage in previously, but to twist and misconstrue something to the point of outright lies and accuse me of actually being dangerous is just extreme. Your other constant shots at me with two others on this board really adds a lot of discredit to your "alert". If you were genuinely concerned, you would let this go now that you have shared with the community. Why do i feel like thats not going to happen?

As I said before, many people already know me and the kind of person and provider I am (flaws and all) which is why this really doesn't concern me as far as people questioning my intentions or behavior. It still troubles me at the extent these men are willing to go to to disrupt the community and cause discord so severely. I have said my piece and if there has been anything regarding my behavior that has been troublesome I do apologize. Beyond that, your blatant lies are still just that.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
So, the OP starts this thread to paint a picture of a person who is constantly PMing him and won't stop but your post says she did stop. Whizpy PM'd me to the point of annoyance so that makes him a stalker by his definition then.

It is more likely that the OP's post has half truths. Maybe a PM or two was sent. Not likely the scenario that the OP is depicting. Everyone knows the OP's reputation. If anyone likes I can provide links or post them.

And Skip - there has never been a post where you did not agree with OP or SL Marco.

I got two unsolicited PMs a while back based on a comment I made that she found not to like while at the same time attempting to attract business.

I have not had any more interactions with the lady but I have not known whispers to be a person to fabricate a story like this just for shits and giggles.

Until proven otherwise, I believe Whispers and have to thank him for alerting the community at large. Originally Posted by Skip_8
Outing but not banned. Can you say "pocket mod"? Originally Posted by Noid
BTW, I have completely given up effort with the RTM button. Apparently none of the direct insults, offhand outing, cyber-stalking/bumping of old threads regarding me by the same people, name-calling etc by the three of them qualify for have broken guidelines just yet. Pretty weird. I'd sure hate to see what actuallu breaking the guidelines would look like. Meh, I've said my piece and this is no longer entertaining in any way.