STD's and an idea

TheBizzer's Avatar
You are very worried about STDs. The best way to avoid getting an STD from a provider is to stop seeing providers. Why do guys keep trying to get someone else (usually Gina) for their health? It's your health, take responsibility. Originally Posted by BigEddie

Perhaps you should read the whole thread. My intent was not to deflect personal responsibility, but to open discussion on possible methods to help limit risk. Some good points have been made (thanks THH and matador), which I appreciate.

Seeing as my initial post was merely tossing out an idea and in no way could be construed as a complaint, I have trouble understanding your need lecture me about responsibility.
I think TTH nails it. If you read between the lines on the provider comments on this and the other thread, I think many rightly recognize that any testing would not be perfect and foresee the use of testing as a means for guys to leverage for bbfs.

I also think the costs and logistics would make this idea impractical. How do I know the person who showed up for the test is actually the person he or she claimed to be? How do I know the person showing me his or her test results is the person actually tested? Seems like you'd need to require actual photo id at each step of the process, which we know most providers and hobbyists would be reluctant to show the other. But, I will say that this is a very intriguing idea if anyone could ever make it work.
Torito's Avatar
OP feels this one has run it's course and I agree.
