TriWeakly, Did I Read This Correctly? Hopefully All of Ya'll Will Get Banned Over This.

px......what's wrong with my avatar? Does it insult you for some reason?
You jealous? or what?
Are you a little girl?
Is it bad to see an Asian lady eating a banana?

Your problem is you get butthurt when others call you out or show you that you have made a stupid post.
We all make stupid post sometimes but most here don't get butthurt about it.
So when you get pissed you try to turn the rules into something for children. Any little thing people say about you is an insult. This way you can make a list and run to the mods and say "see!this is a list of all the bad things people say about me. You need to ban them all"

Shine and dipstick sc are your main friends on here. That's why you are always sucking up to them.

MY advice to you is to grow a set.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 07:54 AM
^^tbone your avatar is fine. i prefer ebony spinners, but an asian who can take a whole banana down her throat without gagging is just fine by me..

as to Asians, i aint into Chinese gals, but i've dated some Vietnamese chicks who were hot af, and a gal from the Phillipines who was sexuality personified. hell i've dated almost every race...except Caucasians. (I'm Caucasian of course.)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
tb2 the fallacy of your argument is thinking that I have or more importantly desire online friends. Nope Nada Naah. The circle I roll with in real life they're animals and they dont play. So I come here purely for fun. It's my outlet. That's why I dont take any of you guys seriously. Because I know if you ran across me in real life you'd be defferential. I know I know it's easy to say fuck you SC online... I totally understand that. If you need people to like you and you have online friends then no worries I can respect that too if that's your thing.

Peace and One Love
boardman's Avatar

As soon as dummies throw out names staff should ban them for the intention, whether or not it’s true.
Because they don’t we are witnessing multiple outings.
Real names have no place on this board, it’s in the fucking rules. Originally Posted by submarineracer
I don't know how much clearer the rules could be.

I've known staff go far beyond the confines of the board, all while proclaiming they aren't the hobby police, to make a weak case that someone was outed.

Then when someone says here, in plain text, that they were outed the only thing that happens is the name gets masked. Why mask the name if there wasn't an offense? There appears to either be a double standard or a distinct inconsistency in the application of the rules.

It's been my understanding, either directly from the rules or interpretation of those rules by staff that even an unintentional outing was grounds for discipline. For instance. If someone used the common term Bubba to address me or refer to me in a post and I can show that Bubba is what I'm known by IRL then the offending party should be disciplined.

It is also my understanding that implying knowledge of my RW info is an offense. For instance, If someone says, boardman goes by Bubba IRL then it is an offense whether it is true or not.

Furthermore, it has been long proclaimed that outing was a zero tolerance, nuclear offense. That doesn't appear to carry much weight.

Granted, there were some updates to the rules in 2015, zero tolerance being one of them. Proper masking being another. Considerable discussion took place which led to the clarifications. Obviously some, but not all, of the staff has turned over. If I am incorrect in my assessment of the interpretations or if the interpretations have changed with the addition of new staff I think we would all appreciate clarification.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 08:14 AM
tb2 the fallacy of your argument is thinking that I have or more importantly desire online friends. Nope Nada Naah. The circle I roll with in real life they're animals and they dont play. So I come here purely for fun. It's my outlet. That's why I dont take any of you guys seriously. Because I know if you ran across me in real life you'd be defferential. I know I know it's easy to say fuck you SC online... I totally understand that. If you need people to like you and you have online friends then no worries I can respect that too if that's your thing.

Peace and One Love Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
is One Love a Cane's thing, or a Woodstock thing?

funny story. went to 5guys for my bacon cheeseburger. i get all the black and all the red toppings, plus extra fried jalapenos and fried green peppers.

course i had my bag of peppers, in this case reapers. one of the staff asked me if he could have one. I said sure, but eat it slowly, one tiny piece at a time.

minute later, same bloke asks me for another. i was like, goddamit you eat that whole pepper? he said no, my co-worker ate it. i was like, ok shit, here we go..

she left in an ambulance. i slipped out as the paramedics came in. true story..
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 08:36 AM
Much more of a man than you’ll ever be.

My ID has been sent to CryptKicker and Bthree, so anyone else wanting to throw out names, can’t say you weren’t warned. Originally Posted by submarineracer
so if i call you Rocker Rick, is that an outing? or how bout if i just call you Rick. same result?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 08:40 AM
I don't know how much clearer the rules could be.

I've known staff go far beyond the confines of the board, all while proclaiming they aren't the hobby police, to make a weak case that someone was outed.

Then when someone says here, in plain text, that they were outed the only thing that happens is the name gets masked. Why mask the name if there wasn't an offense? There appears to either be a double standard or a distinct inconsistency in the application of the rules.

It's been my understanding, either directly from the rules or interpretation of those rules by staff that even an unintentional outing was grounds for discipline. For instance. If someone used the common term Bubba to address me or refer to me in a post and I can show that Bubba is what I'm known by IRL then the offending party should be disciplined.

It is also my understanding that implying knowledge of my RW info is an offense. For instance, If someone says, boardman goes by Bubba IRL then it is an offense whether it is true or not.

Furthermore, it has been long proclaimed that outing was a zero tolerance, nuclear offense. That doesn't appear to carry much weight.

Granted, there were some updates to the rules in 2015, zero tolerance being one of them. Proper masking being another. Considerable discussion took place which led to the clarifications. Obviously some, but not all, of the staff has turned over. If I am incorrect in my assessment of the interpretations or if the interpretations have changed with the addition of new staff I think we would all appreciate clarification. Originally Posted by boardman
ya but calling out a multi-handle shandle isn't an outing. that's the crux of the matter, whether or not "Rick" is in fact rockerrick. full disclosure: i do not know for sure, but pointing out a multi-handle doesn't violate the rules.
TryWeakly's Avatar
what's funny is, TW would wet his pants before he'd say any of that shit to my face. that's the funny part.

Try, you might wanna pack an extra set of Depends in case you wanna say that shit to my face. i hear the extra absorbent is the shit, no pun intended...

bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

um... what ?

I'll entertain this for a minute.

Obviously you have no idea :

a) ....what the fuck you are implying.
b) ....WHO the fuck you are borderline threatening.

You might want to get out of your mom's basement, balla.

I trust that you and your buttbuddies are smarter than your writings make you look.

Are you that foooking stooopid or what ?

Someone else said it before, butt it would seem that once the attention is focused in your direction you caint take the heat.... and so you deflect and redirect elsewhere? We've seem that pattern before.

Having said that, if you still think you can hold your own by threatening to go toe-to-toe with me, I say bring it player. You will regret it, trust me.

I doubt you would, just like SissyLips didnt a few years ago when I offered the same deal to her when she was hell bent on thinking I was Namo (which Im not) .

Big ballas hiding behind sHandles is your game.

If you caint take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Perhaps you should go play in traffic and leave the grown-ups alone.


Wait for it.... 3.2.1....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
um... what ?

I'll entertain this for a minute.

Obviously you have no idea :

a) ....what the fuck you are implying.
b) ....WHO the fuck you are borderline threatening.

You might want to get out of your mom's basement, balla.

I trust that you and your buttbuddies are smarter than your writings make you look.

Are you that foooking stooopid or what ?

Someone else said it before, butt it would seem that once the attention is focused in your direction you caint take the heat.... and so you deflect and redirect elsewhere? We've seem that pattern before.

Having said that, if you still think you can hold your own by threatening to go toe-to-toe with me, I say bring it player. You will regret it, trust me.

I doubt you would, just like SissyLips didnt a few years ago when I offered the same deal to her when she was hell bent on thinking I was Namo (which Im not) .

Big ballas hiding behind sHandles is your game.

If you caint take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Perhaps you should go play in traffic and leave the grown-ups alone.

WWZD Originally Posted by TryWeakly
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 09:02 AM
um... what ?

I'll entertain this for a minute.

Obviously you have no idea :

a) ....what the fuck you are implying.
b) ....WHO the fuck you are borderline threatening.

You might want to get out of your mom's basement, balla.

I trust that you and your buttbuddies are smarter than your writings make you look.

Are you that foooking stooopid or what ?

Someone else said it before, butt it would seem that once the attention is focused in your direction you caint take the heat.... and so you deflect and redirect elsewhere? We've seem that pattern before.

Having said that, if you still think you can hold your own by threatening to go toe-to-toe with me, I say bring it player. You will regret it, trust me.

I doubt you would, just like SissyLips didnt a few years ago when I offered the same deal to her when she was hell bent on thinking I was Namo (which Im not) .

Big ballas hiding behind sHandles is your game.

If you caint take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Perhaps you should go play in traffic and leave the grown-ups alone.

WWZD Originally Posted by TryWeakly
deal me in, playa. i maintain that before you get the words out-the words you said to me and i quoted-you'll wet your pants- or worse. if not, imma shake your hand and buy ya a drink. if so, imma provide ya with plenty of toilet paper, but no, sorry, i won't shake your soiled hand. remember to use plenty of soap. cleanliness is next to godliness...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
ya tbone. you expect me to be impressed? umm, not so much. pimps deserve the call out, even it's a chick.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Someone who got perma-banned from another local hobby site isn't worth the time of day to post about.

You couldn't follow the rules and shut the fuck up, so you got the ban hammer.

Ergo, you lose control and can't debate in an adult like manner.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 09:16 AM
Someone who got perma-banned from another local hobby site isn't worth the time of day to post about.

You couldn't follow the rules and shut the fuck up, so you got the ban hammer.

Ergo, you lose control and can't debate in an adult like manner. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
i can debate just fine. so ck got his panties all in a bunch when i called out the n-girl pimp, who happens to be female and who controls like 8 different handles, in violation of the rules on both sites. i think the n-girl pimp must have a special connection to ck, who i hear is a grandpa going on great grandpa. and your point is what again, good sir?
boardman's Avatar
ya but calling out a multi-handle shandle isn't an outing. that's the crux of the matter, whether or not "Rick" is in fact rockerrick. full disclosure: i do not know for sure, but pointing out a multi-handle doesn't violate the rules. Originally Posted by pxmcc

As I understand it regarding handles it's only an outing violation if there is an attempt to connect a guested handle to a new handle.

IMHO all these accusations of multiple handles and associating them with each other is treading on thin ice. I mean, hell, you've been accused of being RR. I have no idea and to be honest I don't really care.
boardman's Avatar
i can debate just fine. so ck got his panties all in a bunch when i called out the n-girl pimp, who happens to be female and who controls like 8 different handles, in violation of the rules on both sites. i think the n-girl pimp must have a special connection to ck, who i hear is a .... Originally Posted by pxmcc

And so now you're going to reveal RW information regarding a handle on this and another site.

Tebow H Christ!

  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 09:30 AM
As I understand it regarding handles it's only an outing violation if there is an attempt to connect a guested handle to a new handle.

IMHO all these accusations of multiple handles and associating them with each other is treading on thin ice. I mean, hell, you've been accused of being RR. I have no idea and to be honest I don't really care. Originally Posted by boardman
crazy thing, RR's handle just got "unguested." guess he's dusting it off before trying it on for size. so calling someone by an unguested handle poses no risk of outing.