Leftist DC courts trample Trumps' Constitutional Rights

HDGristle's Avatar
You're not. He has all of the means. Private jet. Money and property abroad.
International connections. On desire... he's made statements on multiple occaisions since 2020 about how it would be much easier if he left the country. Including on the stump.

The question is likelihood. And the bar for that differs in different legal proceedings. And since the law is complicated, folks armed with the legal knowledge they recieved from LA Law and Law and Order spout off without digging into or understanding the details.

Including, mischaracterizing a nitpick as a red herring. People keep avoiding this part.

Smith's office "later acknowledged, however, that it had 'errantly included flight from prosecution as a predicate' in its application" and "the district court did not rely on risk of flight in its ultimate analysis," the appeals ruling noted.

So that they can try to distract and handwave this part

"The district court found probable cause to search the Twitter account for evidence of criminal offenses," the decision noted.

"Moreover, the district court found that there were 'reasonable grounds to believe' that disclosing the warrant to former President Trump 'would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation' by giving him 'an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior .. or notify confederates," the ruling says
Which means they overpapered it a bit, but that the decision was sound even without the flight risk argument.
berryberry's Avatar

I didn't say he would be hiding the subject here is flight risk. Not sure what the current stance of Cuba is with regard to extraditions but there are regions where someone of high celebrity could reside if they chose to leave the US under threat of prison time. Roman Polanski comes to mind.

And yes pretty much exactly that Trump would ditch the Secret Service and board a private plain to somewhere friendly to his wishes. Are you saying he does not have the resources, balls, or network of allies to accomplish that? Again I think it is silly and don't believe him to be a flight risk. I am also not sure I give the idea that he would turn himself in for a 10+ year prison sentence high probability.
Originally Posted by DNinja69
Once again, thinking Trump is a flight risk is a leftist delusion.

As Jonathon Turley duly noted, he is one of the most recognizable men in the world. There is no where he can go to hide. And he has secret service protection everywhere he goes - how exactly is he going to ditch that?

Add to all of that - he is running for President to save our country. You really think he is going to ditch that opportunity. Everyone knows not one of these bullshit political cases against Trump would be going on if he was not running for President against Senile Biden. They are all political witch hunts to try to sideline him from running for President.

And only a fool would think any conviction will stand. Now sure, in DC where the judges are corrupt leftists, the jury pool is 95% leftist idiots, the DOJ is corrupt - he will never get a fair trial. But there are these things called appeals to higher courts - and only the most delusional leftist could believe President Trump would ever serve time for these bullshit charges

So thinking he is a flight risk is a pure leftist delusion
DNinja69's Avatar
Didn't Trump once say he would leave the US if he lost? But that was just big talk. He is good at that no doubt. Hiding is not the issue never has been. It is escaping prosecution.

Trump will face justice. It won't be the same as any of us posting here would face, but it will come. Some of his legal issues are politically driven others are much more serious.
berryberry's Avatar
Didn't Trump once say he would leave the US if he lost? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Man, even though you protest and try to pretend otherwise, you are proving your leftist credentials more and more everyday. Leftists just don't understand humor, especially humor from President Trump

He jokingly made this statement at a rally in noting how much of a disaster Senile Biden is and would be (he was right)

DNinja69's Avatar
Man, even though you protest and try to pretend otherwise, you are proving your leftist credentials more and more everyday. Leftists just don't understand humor, especially humor from President Trump

He jokingly made this statement at a rally in noting how much of a disaster Senile Biden is and would be (he was right)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceDcrEI45Ao&t=14s Originally Posted by berryberry
I voted for Trump. Spare me the leftist bullshit. My comments on fair treatment of the queer community and personal liberty are in support of FREEDOM but please continue to label those as leftist philosphies while also insisting I am full of shit when I say Republicans do not value those same ideals nearly as much as they should.

Let me ask again how exactly did the court violate Trump's rights? You mention 1st, 4th, and Presidential Immunity.
I get the argument for PI that may well determine much of the outcome from the case in Georgia. But it is not a blanket concept like a pardon so his rights are not violated simply by being charged. But let me not put words in your mouth you are welcome to explain the accusation or not. Freedom and all.
berryberry's Avatar
I voted for Trump. Spare me the leftist bullshit. My comments on fair treatment of the queer community and personal liberty are in support of FREEDOM but please continue to label those as leftist philosphies while also insisting I am full of shit when I say Republicans do not value those same ideals nearly as much as they should. Originally Posted by DNinja69
if you say so

Let me ask again how exactly did the court violate Trump's rights? You mention 1st, 4th, and Presidential Immunity. Originally Posted by DNinja69
There really should be no need for an explanation as they are all self explanatory

Everyone has the right to free speech. Smith and the corrupt DOJ are trying to attack Trump's free speech by this witchhunt

Everyone also has the right to unreasonable searches and seizures. Trump's tweets are all public. The fact that the corrupt DOJ demanded access to his account and that he not be notified they have complete access for 6 months is unreasonable

As to presidential immunity - The easiest example is the 5th Amendment to the Constitution forbids double jeopardy. Therefore, Presidents receive immunity for impeachable offenses for which they have been impeached in the House and acquitted in the Senate. Trump was acquitted in the house for the J6 bullshit Smith is charging
HDGristle's Avatar
Good lord. PI doesn't apply here. And double jeopardy doesn't apply after impeachment and/or removal. That process doesn't trigger the Fifth Amendment.

berryberry's Avatar
Jack Smith not only demanded access to Trump's Twitter account, he demanded Twitter be barred from telling anyone about it for at least 6 months.

Notice when these privacy-invading demands are made by countries such as Turkey, no one has any trouble decrying it as "authoritarian" and "unjust"
HDGristle's Avatar
That's one hell of a false equivalency lacking miles and miles of context
rmg_35's Avatar
All the radical extremist maga crowd just twist facts and produce utter lies and bullshit. tRump is in no way being denied his first amendment rights.
berryberry's Avatar
The corruption from the leftists continue

The left-wing district judge in charge of overseeing the Senile Biden administration’s criminal prosecution against former President Donald Trump over his First Amendment right to claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen confirmed to her court on Friday that the Republican’s third presidential campaign is subject to interference by her and federal prosecutors.

Tanya Chutkan, the U.S. District Judge in Washington D.C., not only admitted during proceedings that she finds the pure existence of Trump’s 2024 run a threat to the government’s Jan. 6 case against him but also that she has no issues curbing his speech on the campaign trail.
DNinja69's Avatar
Trump has a right to a speedy trial.
He has a right to have his case heard by a jury of his peers.
And he most certainly has a right to obtain elite level counsel.

Looks like his rights are just fine.
HDGristle's Avatar
The corruption from the leftists continue

The left-wing district judge in charge of overseeing the Senile Biden administration’s criminal prosecution against former President Donald Trump over his First Amendment right to claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen confirmed to her court on Friday that the Republican’s third presidential campaign is subject to interference by her and federal prosecutors.

Tanya Chutkan, the U.S. District Judge in Washington D.C., not only admitted during proceedings that she finds the pure existence of Trump’s 2024 run a threat to the government’s Jan. 6 case against him but also that she has no issues curbing his speech on the campaign trail. Originally Posted by berryberry
These words come from Jordan Boyd, staff writer from The Federalist.


Remember that these days we're usually not arguing with berry, directly. The words on the page are often just cut and paste jobs from his news feeds, snippets lifted wholesale and posted without even crediting the feed let alone the actual author and divorced of the rest of the context of the article.

Her full article is linked above for those interested in the read.