Question for the providers :):)

mrredcat43's Avatar

Bring on my will be worth it to put your stupid ass on blast Originally Posted by Analeese
Holy shit!!! Suiram wanting some freebie pussy looks like. LMAO!!
YES, how a guy carries himself on here, most definitely determines if I will see him or not...If he is not nice on here, then he may not be nice as a client.

Not seen you. Don't know when and if I can. I LOVE you and your attitude. Originally Posted by asiancowboy
Thanks hun... Appreciate the positivity....PM..we can make something happen ....

Have a great night!
suiram77's Avatar
Holy shit!!! Suiram wanting some freebie pussy looks like. LMAO!! Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Wtf did suiram77 say all that shit, oh wow well let's see what going to happen now, L,MAO

At least we know what provider is not the sharpest knife in the draw hahahha.

And you wonder why I don't respect you or see you as any kind of lady SMDH. You just prove to all your clients that if they ever get under your skin and piss you off or deny they met you, that you will exposed content on them. Great job genius, I hope them calls don't slow down kmsl lmao!!!!!!! Man this shit is fun I love when I win
My clients would never treat me the way that you have....

They show me respect and I do the same..

But since you wanted to be a complete dbag....I put YOU ..and only YOU on blast... Don't try me ...I'm sitting on 1point right wanted me to post earn my lovely points... And I'll gladly take them to prove my point...

My calls won't slow down....and you are never winning...if you think this is you really are a loser

I got more screenshots to post if you like....
mrredcat43's Avatar
Man this shit is fun I love when I win Originally Posted by suiram77
What did you win? You denied sending a pm, but there it is, plain as day. Maybe put down that bottle and type in a way that people can understand you. It will be ok, I promise. I hear Hooked on Phonics will help you in writing complete sentences with minimal spelling mistakes.
suiram77's Avatar
My clients would never treat me the way that you have....

They show me respect and I do the same..

But since you wanted to be a complete dbag....I put YOU ..and only YOU on blast... Don't try me ...I'm sitting on 1point right wanted me to post earn my lovely points... And I'll gladly take them to prove my point...

My calls won't slow down....and you are never winning...if you think this is you really are a loser

I got more screenshots to post if you like.... Originally Posted by Analeese
Lmao hahaha that makes you not intelligent at all Lucy, you would be horrible at the game baiting lmao!!! SMDH Blast, Blast, really Blast, exactly what you prove? there is nothing in my life changes Lucy. You fell for the bait like a catfish on a hot summer morning.

Omg kmsl, I can't believe the power I have over you. I'm getting serval PM's from hobbyist and providers saying they can't believe you fell for that. They are laughing at you Lucy, and you are clearly not that bright.
suiram77's Avatar
What did you win? You denied sending a pm, but there it is, plain as day. Maybe put down that bottle and type in a way that people can understand you. It will be ok, I promise. I hear Hooked on Phonics will help you in writing complete sentences with minimal spelling mistakes. Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Thanks for your post buddy, but the winner is here for Damn sure.
That's funny.... Y'all have fun talking about me...

I didn't fall for shit...I wanted to put you on blast...PERIOD...and now that I have..I'm done here...
What the hell is going on in this place!?!?!

Place is getting dumber by the day. Makes my head hurt...

Seriously wondering why I did not permanently disable my account...
My clients would never treat me the way that you have....

They show me respect and I do the same..

But since you wanted to be a complete dbag....I put YOU ..and only YOU on blast... Don't try me ...I'm sitting on 1point right wanted me to post earn my lovely points... And I'll gladly take them to prove my point...

My calls won't slow down....and you are never winning...if you think this is you really are a loser

I got more screenshots to post if you like.... Originally Posted by Analeese

You go girl!
TheEccie214's Avatar
Great to know because, I wouldn't pay you with food stamps, lmao!!! And again, I Don't know what the hell you talking about some pm, I would never pm you. Has it ever occurred to you Lucy, that if I was talking bad to a woman it's probably because I was never planning on seeing her? and she most definitely deserve it. Originally Posted by suiram77
Only a negro would even think of bartering for pussy with food stamps. Gee, that's not stereotypical.
suiram77's Avatar
That's funny.... Y'all have fun talking about me...

I didn't fall for shit...I wanted to put you on blast...PERIOD...and now that I have..I'm done here... Originally Posted by Analeese
Well this so call Blast sure does feel great where I'm stiitting lmao, lol, and you most definitely fell SAWSPB!!!! but I'm sure some of your WK will help you up. Your ass is lying again haha, your ass is not done that's impossible. You talk to much to be done, plus don't you know I possess powers over you hahah. You can leave when I tell you to leave honey, until then keep it coming now boo boo
suiram77's Avatar
Only a negro would even think of bartering for pussy with food stamps. Gee, that's not stereotypical. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Thanks Erica your post means a lot boo take care
suiram77's Avatar
Man it sure does feel great here on Blast island, I guest when you are financially well off everything feels great. Thanks Lucy for my tickets this place is gorgeous boo, hotel is nice, first class was nice, I'm loving this place. I think you said you had tickets to more islands, if so I would love them too, since you are in a very generous mood.

Lmafo kmsl omg rofl
Lmao kmsl omg rofl
Lmao kmsl omg rofl