President Trump Wins WWIII In A Day And A Half

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I know that the Iranian regime were happy that President Trump put the Iran people sights back on the USA and away from the Iranian regime. Now that the protesting in the street is no longer about down with the Iranian regime and back to “Death to America”. I mean no one actually died during the rocket attack anyway so; it’s all good, right? Originally Posted by theotherguy1
I think Soleimani's crack down that left over 1500 dead had more to do with folks getting off the streets
As I posted, there wouldn’t be a World war because no country will follow them into a new war, BECAUSE Iran IS THE laughing stock around the world. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That is a correct statement!!
Yous honestly believes Trump won anything?

His stupids fucking sanctions started all this shits. And now, more sanctions?

At best, he pissed on a fires he caused again. Your Congress went batshits after the fat lying bastard “briefed” them today. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
More of your bullshit ASSUP.
Are we, for certain, any better off than we were before Soleimani was killed? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Might want to ask the American families that lost love ones and ALL personal that he is responsible for killing...
Think before you post SPEED...your HIGH intellect and all...
P.S. The Iraqi citizens that celebrated in the streets after his death know more about that "sweet" guy than you SPEED.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Dare you to pose that question to CPT Freeman's wife. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Neither your response nor Levianon's response answers my question.

No doubt Soleimani was a bastard and the world is a better place without him. But he has been replaced by Esmail Ghaaani. The same as of yet unknown threats alleged by Trump that existed under Soleimani exist under Ghaani. What has CHANGED with the death of Soleimani?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Might want to ask the American families that lost love ones and ALL personal that he is responsible for killing...
Think before you post SPEED...your HIGH intellect and all...
P.S. The Iraqi citizens that celebrated in the streets after his death know more about that "sweet" guy than you SPEED. Originally Posted by bb1961
Again I ask -- what will change now that Soleimani is dead?

Iraqi citizens that celebrated in the streets? Somewhat true according to some sources. On the other hand, Iraq is on the verge of throwing U.S. military forces out of the country which would be a disaster to the region.
Neither your response nor Levianon's response answers my question.

No doubt Soleimani was a bastard and the world is a better place without him. But he has been replaced by Esmail Ghaaani. The same as of yet unknown threats alleged by Trump that existed under Soleimani exist under Ghaani. What has CHANGED with the death of Soleimani? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Over time not a lot changes in the end.

In my eyes this was more of a message being sent and apparently received by the Iranians that we should not be trifled with.

The days of pretend "red lines" are over. You cross that line you will have ramifications. Are we better off with the elimination or removal from power of any "terrorist leader"?

Opinions vary on this from all the way back from the removal of the Shah of Iran, through Saddam/Qadaffi/Bin Laden/Bin Ladens successors, etc, etc, through Soleimani.

In the end as several threads have mentioned, there is little disputed that the guy was a bad guy responsible for murders of countless people including Americans.

And even when you have commentators saying things like it was the right decision but the wrong POTUS, you know much of it is now just political wrangling.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Over time not a lot changes in the end.

In my eyes this was more of a message being sent and apparently received by the Iranians that we should not be trifled with.

The days of pretend "red lines" are over. You cross that line you will have ramifications. Are we better off with the elimination or removal from power of any "terrorist leader"?

Opinions vary on this from all the way back from the removal of the Shah of Iran, through Saddam/Qadaffi/Bin Laden/Bin Ladens successors, etc, etc, through Soleimani.

In the end as several threads have mentioned, there is little disputed that the guy was a bad guy responsible for murders of countless people including Americans.

And even when you have commentators saying things like it was the right decision but the wrong POTUS, you know much of it is now just political wrangling. Originally Posted by eccielover
Thank you for a response that actually addresses my question.

As for "political wrangling" -- supposedly there were several options presented to Trump with the most extreme being killing Soleimani. No one knows at this point in time if the correct plan of action was taken.

As we've seen over MANY decades, the Iranian leaders do not act sensibly in most cases. Yes, we sent a message. The impact of that message is yet to be seen.
Are we, for certain, any better off than we were before Soleimani was killed? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hard to say for certain but the odds are in our favor.

Let's see how many future Generals want to recklessly kill Americans or plot to do such a thing.

(although, to be fair, if they plot to kill liberals, maybe we should just ask them to politely stop being bad and give them a timeout)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Neither your response nor Levianon's response answers my question.

No doubt Soleimani was a bastard and the world is a better place without him. But he has been replaced by Esmail Ghaaani. The same as of yet unknown threats alleged by Trump that existed under Soleimani exist under Ghaani. What has CHANGED with the death of Soleimani?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Whereas before, individuals such as Soleimani have been free to do as they please with no repercussions, Trump left no doubt in anyone's mind that there is a Red Line that will here after be enforced.
Was Soleimani equal to our Chairman of the Joint Chief or what?
Neither your response nor Levianon's response answers my question.

No doubt Soleimani was a bastard and the world is a better place without him. But he has been replaced by Esmail Ghaaani. The same as of yet unknown threats alleged by Trump that existed under Soleimani exist under Ghaani. What has CHANGED with the death of Soleimani? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You answered your own question.

Again I ask -- what will change now that Soleimani is dead?

Iraqi citizens that celebrated in the streets? Somewhat true according to some sources. On the other hand, Iraq is on the verge of throwing U.S. military forces out of the country which would be a disaster to the region. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Now you changed the question. And answered it again. Is a prize involved for the correct answer? If so, the answer is "consequences."

Thank you for a response that actually addresses my question.

As for "political wrangling" -- supposedly there were several options presented to Trump with the most extreme being killing Soleimani. No one knows at this point in time if the correct plan of action was taken.

As we've seen over MANY decades, the Iranian leaders do not act sensibly in most cases. Yes, we sent a message. The impact of that message is yet to be seen. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you know options were presented to President Trump? Or is that what MSNBC told you? Your questions and the answers you give require a lot of mind reading and fortune telling. Personally, I don't believe you are up to the task.

Back to OP. About a week ago the Democratic Socialist Party and their media minions had a large portion of the US population thinking that WWIII had begun because Trump had taken a major player off the battlefield. The past week confirms the "Chicken Littling" made the Dims look like fools.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trump should have told the Dems that Soleimani was a climate change denier.
bambino's Avatar
Are we, for certain, any better off than we were before Soleimani was killed? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That was really poor attempt at Trump bashing. Cmon man.
  • oeb11
  • 01-09-2020, 03:04 PM
DL - truly inspired

Bambino - You are correct!